Afrotropical Asilidae (Diptera) 1. The genus Choerades Walker, 1851 and the descriptions of two new genera, Nannolaphria and Notiolaphria, from southern Africa and Malagasy Republic * Author Loodt, J. G. H. Natal Museum, Pietermaritzburg, South Africa text ANNALS OF THE NATAL MUSEUM 1977 1977-10-31 23 43 55 journal article 28884 ca073709-11d6-43e3-9dc8-86c3998db8db 8359775 Genus Nannolaphria gen. n. Derivation: Gr. Navoc; = dwarf; Aa<ppw = cult term meaning Forager. Type species: Nannolaphria niger sp. n. ])iagnosis: Mystax composed of numerous black setae only. Proboscis not laterally compressed and shorter than antenna. Wing membrane completely covered with fine black microsetae. Stalk of closed marginal cell bent forwards towards anterior margin of wing. Genital bulb sub-spherical, not rotated; claspers and pseudoclaspers poorly developed. Presently monotypic.