Further contributions to the Aleocharinae (Coleoptera, Staphylinidae) fauna of New Brunswick and Canada including descriptions of 27 new species Author Webster, Reginald P. Author Klimaszewski, Jan Author Bourdon, Caroline Author Sweeney, Jon D. Author Hughes, Cory C. Author Labrecque, Myriam text ZooKeys 2016 573 85 216 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.573.7016 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/zookeys.573.7016 1313-2970-573-85 2AE04FDB4A0440ABB854FF4461C1C634 2AE04FDB4A0440ABB854FF4461C1C634 Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Staphylinidae Pleurotobia brunswickensis Klimaszewski & Webster sp. n. Figs 338-344 Holotype (male). Canada, New Brunswick, York Co., Canterbury near Browns Mtn. Fen, 45.8876°N , 67.6560°W , 3.VIII.2006, R.P. Webster, coll. // Hardwood forest, on slightly dried Pleurotus sp. on sugar maple (LFC). Paratype: Canada, New Brunswick, Sunbury Co., Maugerville, Portobello Creek N.W.A., 45.8992°N , 66.4245°W , 18.VII.2004, R.P. Webster, coll. // Silver maple forest, on fleshy fungi (1 ♀, RWC). Etymology. This species name derives from the Canadian province of New Brunswick where the types were found. Description. Body length 3.9-4.0 mm, narrowly oval, robust, head, pronotum, most of elytra and posterior part of abdomen brownish black, elytra with a yellowish area or spot extending obliquely from each shoulder and a short, narrow longitudinal spot along suture apically, base of abdomen, legs, two basal antennal articles and maxillary palps yellowish (Fig. 338); integument strongly glossy, densely and coarsely punctate, especially on elytra and in tergal impressions; head much narrower than pronotum, eyes large, longer than temples, antennae with articles V-X increasingly broadening toward apex; pronotum sinuate basally and rounded laterally, broadest at middle and then abruptly narrowed apicad; elytra with prominent shoulders, broader than pronotum; abdomen subparallel, three basal tergites with deep impressions, each coarsely punctate. Male. Median lobe of aedeagus with bulbus moderately large, oval, tubus long, strongly produced ventrally, its ventral margin strongly sinuate, subapical section wide and apex thin, narrow and acutely pointed ventrally in lateral view ( Fig. 339); apical margin of tergite VIII broadly, shallowly emarginate between two large lateral teeth, emargination weakly crenulate (Fig. 340); sternite VIII strongly, triangularly produced apically (Fig. 341). Female. Tergite VIII slightly sinuate apically (Fig. 342); sternite VIII obtusely produced apically, apex subangulate (Fig. 343) spermatheca with capsule short, widely club shaped, stem narrow, curved (Fig. 344). This species is externally similar to Pleurotobia bourdonae , but has a narrower, less coarsely punctate and glossier body, and yellowish body color, the apical teeth of male tergite VIII are less prominent, and the median lobe of the aedeagus is differently shaped, with the venter strongly sinuate in lateral view (Figs 332, 339). Distribution. Known only from NB, Canada. Natural history. The holotype was found in a slightly dried Pleurotus mushroom on a sugar maple in an old hardwood forest in early August, the paratype was found in a fleshy fungus in a silver maple forest in July. Comments. See the previous species. Figures 338-344. Pleurotobia brunswickensis Klimaszewski & Webster, sp. n.: 338 habitus in dorsal view 339 median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view 340 male tergite VIII 341 male sternite VIII 342 female tergite VIII 343 female sternite VIII 344 spermatheca. Scale bar of habitus = 1 mm; remaining scale bars = 0.2 mm.