Typification of Angiospermae described from the Bonin Islands 2: Archichlamydeae Author Ohi-Toma, Tetsuo Botanical Gardens and Herbarium TI, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 112 - 0001, Japan; Author Watanabe-Toma, Kana Botanical Gardens and Herbarium TI, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 112 - 0001, Japan; & Musashi High School and Junior High School, Tokyo 176 - 8535, Japan. Author Murata, Jin Botanical Gardens and Herbarium TI, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 112 - 0001, Japan; text Phytotaxa 2015 2015-09-18 227 1 35 44 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.227.1.4 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.227.1.4 1179-3163 13635235 Celtis boninensis Koidzumi (1913: 183) C. koidzumii Nakai (1914a: 265) , nom. illeg. superfl. (Art. 52.1 of the ICN ) Type ( lectotype , designated here):— JAPAN . Bonin, without date, K . Kawate s.n. ( TI [00144]!). Additional specimens examined :— JAPAN . Bonin , without date, K . Kawate s.n. ( TI [00145]!) ; Bonin: Ototojima, 1 July 1901 ( Meiji 34th ), N. Kanehara s.n. (TI [00146]!); Ryukyu: Okinawa , without date, J. Matsumura s.n. (TI [00006740]!); Ryukyu: Okinawa , without date, T. Miyagi s.n. (TI [00006741]!); Ryukyu: Amami-oshima, without date, S. Amashima s.n. (TI [00006742]! TI [00006743]!). = Celtis liukiuensis Nakai (1914a: 265) Type ( lectotype , designated here):— JAPAN . Ryukyu: Okinawa , without date, Matsumura s.n. ( TI [00006740]!). Additional specimens examined :— JAPAN . Ryukyu: Okinawa , without date, T . Miyagi s.n. ( TI [00006741]!); Ryukyu: Amami-oshima, without date, S . Amashima s.n. ( TI [00006742]!, TI [00006743]!). Distribution :— Japan (the Bonin Islands and the Ryukyu Islands). Notes :—In the protologue of Celtis boninensis , Koidzumi (1913) indicated “Hab. Bonin. Liukiu, insl. Okinawa ” but cited no specimens. Nakai (1914a) divided the taxon into two different taxa and renamed both of them with descriptions in Japanese: C. koidzumii Nakai for plants in the Bonin Islands and C. liukiuensis Nakai for plants in the Ryukyu (= Liukiu) Islands. In it, however, no specimens were cited for the two names. Masamune (1934) described C. boninensis in the Flora of Yakushima Island, but did not mention the type specimen. In TI, a total of seven sheets with Koidzumi’s handwriting of “ Celtis boninensis Koidz. ,” including three from Bonin and four from Ryukyu, should be regarded as the original material of C. boninensis . Toyoda (1981) recognized the specimen ( K. Kawate s.n. , 1913, without locality) in TI as the type of C. boninensis . Of the original material, we confirmed only two of Kawate’s specimens from Bonin: one with mature leaves (TI [00144]) and the other with young leaves and flowers (TI [00145]). Because these specimens lacked a collecting year, the lectotypification in Toyoda (1981) seems to be a correctable error. We designated the former of Kawate’s two specimens (Bonin, K. Kawate s.n. , without date; TI [00144]) as the lectotype , because the diagnosis in the protologue ( Koidzumi, 1913 ) emphasized leaf morphology. Herein, when Nakai (1914a) published C. koidzumii Nakai , he commented in Japanese that the name is a replacement for “ C. boninensis Koidz. pro parte,” which is equivalent to plants in the Bonin Islands. Of the original material of C. boninensis , three from the Bonin Islands additionally had “ p.p. ” (= pro parte) and “ Celtis koidzumii Nakai ” written on the label in Nakai’s handwriting. The three specimens are also regarded as the original material of C. koidzumii . Thus, C. koidzumii is a superfluous replacement name for C. boninensis (Art. 52.1 of the ICN, McNeill et al. 2012 ). In addition, Nakai (1914a) published C. liukiuensis Nakai for “ C. boninensis Koidz. pro parte,” which is equivalent to plants in the Ryukyu Islands, as a new taxon with a description in Japanese, but he cited no specimens. Later, Hatusima (1971) , Masamune (1954) , and Walker (1976) listed or described C. boninensis Koidzumi in their books on the flora of the Ryukyu Islands, but they did not mention the type specimens. Of the original material of C. boninensis , four sheets from the Ryukyu Islands additionally had “ p.p. ” (= pro parte) and “ Celtis liukiuensis Nakai ” written on the label in Nakai’s handwriting. Thus, the specimens were also the original material of C. liukiuensis , and we designated the specimen with “Regard as Type ” in old Japanese handwriting ( J. Matsumura s.n. ; TI [00006740]!) as the lectotype .