Typification of Angiospermae described from the Bonin Islands 2: Archichlamydeae Author Ohi-Toma, Tetsuo Botanical Gardens and Herbarium TI, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 112 - 0001, Japan; Author Watanabe-Toma, Kana Botanical Gardens and Herbarium TI, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 112 - 0001, Japan; & Musashi High School and Junior High School, Tokyo 176 - 8535, Japan. Author Murata, Jin Botanical Gardens and Herbarium TI, Graduate School of Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo 112 - 0001, Japan; text Phytotaxa 2015 2015-09-18 227 1 35 44 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/phytotaxa.227.1.4 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.227.1.4 1179-3163 13635235 Procris boninensis Tuyama (1935: 371) Type ( lectotype , designated here):— JAPAN . Bonin: Hahajima, Sekimon-yama, 9 April 1934 , T . Tuyama s.n. ( TI [00518]!, isolectotypes TI [00505]!, TI [00506]!, TI [00507]!, TI [00508]!, TI [00509]!). Additional specimens examined :— JAPAN . Bonin : Hahajima , Sekimon-yama , July 1932 , H . Hara s.n. ( syntype , TI [00513]!) ; Bonin : Hahajima , Sekimon-yama , 9 August 1905 , H . Hattori s.n. ( paratypes , TI [00496]!, TI [00497]!, TI [00498]!, TI [00499]!, TI [00500]!) . Distribution :— Japan (endemic to Hahajima in the Bonin Islands). Notes :— Tuyama (1935) simultaneously designated two specimens in TI as types, “ T. Tuyama, Apr. 9. 1934 ” as “typus ” and “ H. Hara, Jul. 1932 ” as “typus ,” which are therefore syntypes (Art. 9.5 of the ICN, McNeill et al. 2012 ). He also cited two additional specimens without designating them as a type, and hence they are paratypes (see Art. 9.6 Note 5 Ex. 6 of the ICN, McNeill et al. 2012 ). Toyoda (1981) did not designate the lectotype since he cited both “ T. Tuyama , 1934, ” and “ H. Hara , 1932, ” as types. In TI, we found six duplicates of the former specimen and one sheet of the latter. In addition, one female specimen with an old “Typus” stamp ( H. Hara T133 , 28 June 1932 ; TI [00517]) was found.Although this specimen was collected by H. Hara in 1932, it is not a type because its collecting month is different from that of Hara’s syntype (TI [00513]). Herein, three sheets (TI [00505], [00506], and [00518]) of duplicates of Tuyama’s syntype were labeled as Procris boninensis Tuyama , but other sheets and Hara’s syntype were labeled as P. laevigata Blume. Of the former three, we designated the specimen with a Japanese name in Tuyama’s handwriting (TI [00518]), which had already been pressed with an old stamp of “Typus,” as the lectotype . In addition, for two paratypes cited in the protologue, we confirmed five duplicates of “ H. Hattori , Aug. 9. 1905 ,” of which one sheet is the same as the photo in the protologue. However, we could not find the other (“ T. Tuyama s.n. , Aug. 5. 1933 ”) in TI or other herbaria.