A review of the Carboniferous and Permian trilobites of Australia Author Vanderlaan, Tegan A. Author Ebach, Malte C. text Zootaxa 2015 3926 1 1 56 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3926.1.1 93974765-12a0-4ee8-bea2-e6448e88d9bd 1175-5326 288002 342DDB94-4739-464B-AF67-4B17C6EE35D7 Linguaphillipsia parvula Engel & Morris 1996 1996 Linguaphillipsia parvula Engel & Morris ; p. 129–130, pl. 2, figs. 9–18, text-fig. 6. Holotype . AMF97019a/b (external/internal moulds of cranidium). Paratype material. From NU L39: AMF97020 (external librigena), AMF97021 (external librigena), AMF97022a/b (external/internal pygidium), AMF97023 (external pygidium and librigena), AMF97024 (external pygidium), AMF98025 (internal pygidium), AMF97026 (external pygidium), AMF97027 (external pygidium), AMF97028 (external pygidium), AMF97029 (internal pygidium). From NU L1054: AMF97030 (internal librigena), AMF97031a/b (external/internal pygidium), AMF97032 (external pygidium). Locality. Type—NU L39. Other—NU L1054. Emended diagnosis. Eyes long, posteriorly placed; S1 distinct, obliquely placed; L1 short and wide. Pygidium triangular, with 11–13 axial rings, 7 pleural ribs; posterior rings and ribs poorly defined. Remarks. As is stated above, the glabella of Linguaphillipsia parvula does not cross the anterior border furrow, which differs from the original generic diagnosis of Linguaphillipsia . In comparison to the other Australian species of Linguaphillipsia , specimens of L. parvula are very small. Engel & Morris (1996) include this in their diagnosis and claim they are distinguished from other species by their size, but as size should not be used as defining characteristic it has been removed from the diagnosis. The triangular pygidium and short glabella make it easily distinguishable from other Linguaphillipsia species in Australia .