Identification of Neotropical blow flies of the genus Calliphora Robineau- Desvoidy (Diptera: Calliphoridae) with the description of a new species Author Rognes, Terry Whitworth With An Appendix By Knut Author Whitworth, Terry text Zootaxa 2012 3209 1 27 journal article 45342 10.5281/zenodo.213088 5bfc72ec-0b60-40d1-b194-a5272ced33fa 1175-5326 213088 Calliphora triseta sp. nov. Figs. 1 , 3, 6 , 14, 15 , 22, 23 , 33–35 , 39 , 43, 47 , 48–50 Diagnosis. See diagnosis of C . irazuana for comparison of characters. Three postsutural intra-alar setae, the one closest to the suture ( Fig. 50 , arrow) strong; lower calypter usually with rim and setal fringe whitish, especially on proximal end (rarely tan in color), also whitish in C . lopesi , but geographical ranges do not overlap; genal dilation wholly black to dark brown. Male frons narrow, 0.035 head width; surstylus broad in lateral view ( Fig. 14 ), cerci often Y-shaped in posterior view ( Fig. 15 , Y-shape not prominent in this photo). T5 of female abdomen lacks incision. Known only from Costa Rica , El Salvador , and Mexico , likely found in other Central American countries at higher elevations. Description. Parafacial, fronto-orbital plate, genal dilation, and frontal vitta all black to dark brown or rarely reddish brown when viewed from below; from above, parafacial, fronto-orbital plate and genal dilation with silvery microtomentum; upper parafacial and lower fronto-orbital plate each with a changeable spot; pedicel brown but apical rim usually orange; basal portion of first flagellomere orange, the remainder brown to orange-brown; occiput below postocular setae with 3–4 irregular rows of dark setae, the remainder of occiput with long whitish setae; ocellar triangle small, anterior ocellus and posterior ocelli about equal in size; facial ridge with row of strong supravibrissal setae ascending about 80% of way to antennal base. Thorax normally with three prominent postsutural intra-alar setae, the anteriormost seta sometimes reduced, rarely absent. Anterior spiracle dull orange to light brown, posterior spiracle sooty black. Upper calypter brown in center, lighter near edges, rim and fringe brown; lower calypter all brown, rim and fringe usually pale, more whitish at distal end ( Fig. 3 ); about 10% of specimens examined with rim and fringe tan in color. Normal body length of males 9–10mm , females 9–12mm . Male . Frons narrow 0.031 (0.030–0.035/5) head width at narrowest; 0.42 (0.38–0.46/5) of first flagellomere; parafacial at narrowest almost 3x frons width, 2.7 (2.5–3.0/5); 1.18 (1.0–1.36/5) of first flagellomere; gena to eye ratio 0.42 (0.40–0.42/5). Two changeable spots on parafacial, one at upper end, one about midway. Surstylus broad and digitate in lateral view ( Fig. 14 ); in posterior view, base of cerci broad, tapering to narrower distally, the distal third of cerci often meeting in a y-shape; cerci and surstyli about equal length ( Figs. 15 ). Phallus with epiphallus angling downward more sharply than in other species ( Fig. 22, 23 ). Hypandrium, pre- and postgonite, ejaculatory sclerite and sternites as in Figs. 33–35 , 39 . Female. Frons 0.33 (0.31–0.34/5) of head width at narrowest; 3.36 (2.9–4.2/5) of first flagellomere; parafacial at narrowest 0.39 (0.36–42/5) of frons; 1.32 (1.1–1.6/5) of first flagellomere; gena to eye ratio 0.57 (0.54–58/5). Two changeable spots on parafacial like male, one midway on fronto-orbital plate not present in males. Ovipositor and spermathecae as in Figs. 43, 47 ; posterior end of ST7 with a narrow neck-like constriction similar to C . vicina . FIGURES 42–47. Ovipositors and spermathecae of Calliphora . 42, 43 . Ovipositors. 42 . C . nigribasis . 43 . C . triseta . 44–47 . Spermathecae. 44 . C . irazuana . 45 . C . lopesi . 46 . C . nigribasis . 47 . C . triseta . FIGURES 48–51. 48 . Holotype male of C . triseta . 49 . Holotype labels for C . triseta . 50 . Dorsal view of left portion of thorax (anterior to right), arrow points to the first of three postsutural intra-alar setae in C . triseta . This seta is normally lacking in other Neotropical Calliphora species. 51 . Labels associated with the holotype female of C . irazuana . Type material. Holotype male from Costa Rica , San Jose Province, San Gerardo de Dota, L_S_387400_482700, 2000–2500m , Curso Tachinidae y Syrphidae, Feb. 22, 1992, no collector given ( Figs. 48, 49 ). Allotype female, Costa Rica , San Jose Province, Llano Bonito, 4.4 km S del Cerro Ventisquero, L_S_378500_ 513200, 2450m , April 9, 1996 , M. Segura. Paratypes from Costa Rica , El Salvador and Mexico are listed below. Holotype and allotype will be deposited in INBIO. Paratypes will be deposited at BMNH , BYU , CNC , TW , USNM , and USU . Paratypes . 55 males , 78 females . Costa Rica ( 50 males , 74 females ). Alajuela Province : 1 female , Rio Poasito at Poasito, May 10, 1995 , Baumann and Houseman ( BYU ). Cartago Province : 2 males , 1 female , El Guarco, P.N. Tapanti, Estacion La Esperanza, 2800m , L_S_186143_531307, Jan. 13, 2005 , A. Martinez (INBIO); 2 females , Estacion Ojo de Aqua, L_S_396800_ 482400, 2980m , Dec. 9, 1997 , E. Alfaro (INBIO); 1 female , Cartago Province, Cerro de la Muerte, Paramo, L_S_395114_488901, 3100m , May 20, 1997 , F.A. Quesada (INBIO); 2 females , P.N. Volcan Irazu, 3400m , L_S_218500_552200, Jan.-Feb, 1993, G. Maass (INBIO); 1 female , Finca Genesis II, Area de Conservacion Amistad, 2300m , L_S_188600_545900; June 9–10, 1994 , M.A. Zumbado (INBIO); 1 female , 20 km SE Empalme, 2800m , Oct.–Nov., 1988, Hanson (INBIO); 1 female , Cerro de la Muerte, Villa Mills, 3000m , Jan–March, 1990, Hanson (INBIO). Heredia Province : 5 females , Estacion Barva, P.N. Braulio Carrillo, 2500m , L_S_233400_523200, Nov., 1989, G. Fernandez (INBIO); 2 females , same as previous, except April, 1989, M. Zumbado, A. Fernandez; 1 female , same as previous, except G. Rivera collector; 4 females , same as above except March, 1990; 4 females , same as above except March, 1990; 1 female , same as above except April, 1990; 2 females , same as above, except Feb., 1990, G. Rivera; 5 males , same as above, except Jan.; 1 male , same as above, except Oct. 1989 , G. Rivera, G. Fernandez; 1 female , Barva Volcano, 2900m , 10°70'10''N 84°87'50''W , Jan. 15, 2011 , T.L. Whitworth ( TW ). Limon Province : 1 male , Sendero Valle del Silencio al Jardin Botanico o Natural, 2400m , L_S_342300_577200; April17-20, 1996 , M. Moraga (INBIO); 1 male , P. Int. La Amistad Sendero Circular, 2406m , L_S_340258_577465, June 20, 2003 , D. Rubi (INBIO); 1 male , P. Int., La Amistad Send. Circular, 2450m , L_S_340258_577465, June 23, 2003 , R. Gonzales (INBIO); 1 male , Valle del Silencio, Zona de Acampar, 2450m , L_S_341250_577200, April 16, 1996 , A.M. Maroto (INBIO); 1 female , Valle del Silencio, al Jardin Botanico o Natural, 2480m , L_S_342300_577200, April 17–20, 1996 , M. Moraga; 1 female , P. Int. La Amistad, 2500m , L_S–340258_577465, June 27, 2003 , D. Rubi (INBIO); 1 female , P. Int. La Amistad, 1 km de Cerro Kamuk, 3583m , L_S_357800_569681, April 15, 2002 , M. Alfaro (INBIO); 1 female , P.N. La Amistad Bratsi, Cerro Nai, 3129m , L_S_352300_564950, July 20, 2000 , M. Alfaro (INBIO). Puntarenas Province : 1 male , Quijada del Diablo, 3.1 km NE de Mellizas, 1800m , L_S_316900_600600 Sept.14–23, 1996 , E. Navarro (INBIO); 1 male , Tres Colinas, Potrero Gde., Buenos Aires, 1850m , L_S_340700_566400, July 22, 1992 , M.A. Zumbado (INBIO); 2 males , P.Int. La Amistad, Buenos Aires, 1700m , L_S_331750_574400, April 27, 2001 , O . Aleman (INBIO); 1 female , Sendero a Cerro Echandi, 2600m , L_S_329700_593100, April 12–14, 1998 , M.M. Moraga, (INBIO); 1 female , La Amistad Send. hacia Cerro Hoffman, 2450m , L_S_337931_575490, June 24, 2003 , R. Gonzales (INBIO); 1 female , La Amistad, Buenos Aires, Sendero a Cerro Cabecar, 2400M, L_S_365750_532600, M. Alfaro. San Jose Province : 24 males , San Gerardo de Dota, 2000–2500m , L_S_387400_482700, Feb. 22–26, 1992 , no collector (INBIO); 4 males , Estacion Cuerici, Sendero el Carbon, 5 km al E de Villa Mills, L_S390100_500100, Jan. 8–13, 1996 , A. Picado (INBIO); 1 male , same data as above except collector, B. Gamboa (INBIO); 3 males , Llano Bonita, 4.4m s, del Cerro Ventisquero, 2450m , L_S_378500_513200, April 19, 1996 , A. Picado (INBIO); 1 male , 4.6 km Villa Mills, Estacion Cuerici, Sendero al Mirador, 2700m , L_S_389700_499600, Oct. 25, 1995 , A. Picado (INBIO); 1 male , Estacion Cuerici, 4.6 km al E de Villa Mills, 2700m , L_S_389700_499600, Nov. 28, 1995 , A.M. Maroto (INBIO); 1 female , S Herradura-Uran, 3000m , L_S_387832_509027, April 8, 1995 , R. Aquilar, O . Esquivel (INBIO); 1 female , Sendero Valle Los Leones, 1.6 km N del Cerro Lohmann, 3180m , L_S_374700_517500, April 13, 1996 , M. Segura (INBIO); 1 female , Perez Zeledon, P.N. Chirripo, Llano Bonito, 2450m , Feb. 3, 2001 , M. Alfaro, (INBIO); 1 female , alrededor base Crestones, 3200m , L_S_378300_517200, July 17, 1998 , M.A. Zumbado, F.G. Zumbado, H. Vargas (INBIO); 1 female , Estacion Ojo de Aqua. Camino a Providencia, 2900m , L_S_394400_482300, June 24, 1998 , E. Alfaro; 2 females , Estacion Cuerici, Sendero el Carbon, 5 km al E de Villa Mills, 2700m , L_S_390100_500100, Jan. 8–13, 1996 , A. Picado (INBIO); 1 female , Llano Bonito, 4.4 km S del Cerro Ventisquero, 2450m , L_S_378500_513200, April 9, 1996 , E. Alfaro (INBIO); 1 female , Estacion Cuerici, alrededores de la Estacion, 2600m , L_S_389400_499600, Aug, 20–28, 1995, A. Picado (INBIO); 1 female , Estacion. Cuerici, Limite de la Finca Cuerici, 3 km E Villa Mills, 2800m , L_S_389500_498600, Jan. 4, 1996 , B. Gamboa (INBIO), 1 female , Estacion Cuerici, Camino a la Auxilladora, 4.5 km E de Villa Mills, 2600m , L_S_389400_499600, Jan. 6–12, 1996 , A. Picado (INBIO); 1 female , Sendero el Carbon Camino Quebrada Los Leones, 5 km al E de Villa Mills, 2600m , L_S_389500_500050, Aug. 22, 1996 , A. Picado (INBIO); 1 female , Gerardo de Dota, 2000–2500m , L_S_387400_482700, 22 –28 Feb., 1992, no collector (INBIO); 1 female , Estacion Cuerici, Sendero el Carbon, 5 km al E de Villa Mills, 2700m , L_S_390100_500100, Feb. 17–19, 1996 , B. Gamboa (INBIO); 1 female , Finca. Zacatales, 2100m , L_S_389000_484300, Aug. 8–10, 1995 , M.A. Zumbado (INBIO); 1 female , Estacion Cuerici, el Mirador 4.6 km al E de Villa Mills, 2640M, L_S_389700_499600, Jan. 19, 1996 , A. Picado (INBIO); 1 female , same as previous except 2600m , L_S_389400_499600, Sept. 21–26, 1995 , B. Gamboa; 1 female , same as previous except 2700m , Oct. 25, 1995 , B. Gamboa; 1 female , same as previous except 4 km , 2900m , March 17, 1996 ; 1 female , same as previous except 4.5 km, L_S_390345_500100, Dec. 7, 1995 , A. M. Maroto; 3 females , Cerro Muerte, 20 km S Empalme, 2800m , Nov.-Dec., 1989, Hanson (INBIO); 1 female , Cerro de la Muerte, Hy, Aug. 14, 1966 , 9500ft , D.F. Veirs ( USU ); 1 female , Estacion Cuerici, Sendero el Carbon 5 km al E de Villa Mills, 2600m , L_S_390100_500100, Oct. 26, 1995 , B. Gamba (INBIO); 1 female , Tres de Junio, 9°39'80''N 83°51'30'', 2675m , Jan. 16, 2011 , T.L. Whitworth ( TW ); 1 female , Estacion Cuerici, El Mirador en Subparamo, 4 km al E Villa Mills, 2900m , L_S_390450_500100, Jan. 12, 1996 , A. Picado (INBIO); 1 female , Cerro Cuerici, 8 km al NE de Villa Mills, 3345m , L_S_392300_503200, Sept. 19, 1995 , A. Picado (INBIO); 1 female , same as above except, L_S_392300_503300, Jan. 7, 1996 , B. Gamboa (INBIO); 1 female , 20 km SE Empalme, 2800m , Aug. 1988 , Hanson (INBIO); 2 females , Estacion Cuerici, Sendero el Carbon 5 km al E de Villa Mills, 2700m , L_S_390100_500100, Feb. 17–19, 1996 , B. Gamboa (INBIO); 1 female , Estacion Cuerici (Alrededor) 4.6 km al E de Villa Mills, 2600m , L_S_389400_499600, A.M. Maroto; 2 females , Cuerici, Sendero al Cerro Cuerici, 4 km al E de Villa Mills, L_S_389700_499800, Oct. 27, 1995 , A. Picado (INBIO); 1 female , Estacion Cuerici, Sendero al Mirador, 4.6 km al E de Villa Mills, 2700m , A. Picado (INBIO); 1 female , same as previous except L_S_389700_499600, Oct. 25, 1995 ; 1 female , same as previous except L_S_399400_499600, 2600m , Jan. 6–12, 1996 , B. Gamboa; 1 female , same as previous except L_S_390450_500100, Oct. 26, 1996 ; 1 female , Estacion Cuerici, Limite de la Finca. Cuerici, 3 km E Villa Mills, 2800m , L_S_389500_498600, Jan. 4, 1996 , A. Picado (INBIO); 1 female , Corralar Arriba, Sta. Ana, 1700m –1850, L_S_207000_516000, April 9, 1994 , M.A. and F.G. Zumbado, H. Vargas (INBIO). El Salvador : 1 male , 2 females , Santa Ana, Aug. 16, 1956 , PAB, collector ( USNM ). Mexico : ( 4 males , 2 females ): 1 male , Oax., 32 mi S. Valle Nacional, 7000ft , May 21, 1971 , H.F. Howden ( CNC ); 1 male , Chiapas, Mt Tzontehuitz, May 27, 1969 , H.J. Teskey ( CNC ); 1 male , Chiapas, Mt. Tzontehuitz, 9400ft , 12 mi NE San Cristobal , May 27, 1969 , B.V. Peterson ( CNC ); 1 male and 1 female , May 7 and June 25, 1969 , respectively, Chiapas, 10km , NE San Cristobal , Mt Tzontehuitz, 2910m , Sept. 16, 1991 , D.M. Wood ( CNC ); 1 female , 10 W El Salto, Dgo., 9000ft , June 5, 1964 , J.F. McAlpine ( CNC ); 1 female , Chiapas, Mt. Tzontehuitz, 12 mi NE San Cristobal , 9400ft , June 25, 1969 , B.V. Peterson ( CNC ). Other material examined. Some specimens were discolored, distorted or damaged and were not treated as paratypes ; these included 21 specimens ( 3 males and 18 females ) from Costa Rica (INBIO). Distribution. Costa Rica , El Salvador , and Mexico , and likely in mountainous areas throughout Central America and southern Mexico ( Fig. 1 ). This species occurs in some of the same areas where C . irazuana is found; see discussion under that species. Most specimens were collected from 2000–3300m . Based on numerous Calliphora that have been collected in Costa Rica and deposited at INBIO, it is less common than C . irazuana . Discussion. This species is normally easily separated from C . irazuana because of its black genal groove and parafacial in addition to the extra postsutural intra-alar. However, a few specimens may have the extra seta reduced or rarely absent. In one specimen the head had an orange genal groove and lower parafacial, but pale setae on the occiput and thorax with a distinct third postsutural intra-alar. It is possible this reflects hybridization. Male genitalia readily separate this species from C . irazuana . Etymology. The species name was chosen due to the presence of a pronounced third postsutural intra-alar seta, a condition unique to this species of Calliphora in the Neotropical Region.