Owstonia aurora (Perciformes: Cepolidae: Owstoniinae), a new bandfish from the Philippines Author Liao, Yun-Chih Department of Earth and Life Science, University of Taipei, 110 Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C. Author Reyes Jr, Rodolfo B. 0000-0002-5733-0014 Quantitative Aquatics, Inc., Khush Hall, International Rice Research Institute, Los Baños, Laguna, Philippines r. reyes @ q-quatics. org; https: // orcid. org / 0000 - 0002 - 5733 - 0014 r.reyes@q-quatics.org Author Shao, Kwang-Tsao Biodiversity Research Center, Academia Sinica, Nankang, 115 Taipei, Taiwan, R. O. C. & Center of Excellence for the Oceans, National Taiwan Ocean University, Keelung, Taiwan text Zootaxa 2022 2022-09-23 5189 1 122 130 journal article 153625 10.11646/zootaxa.5189.1.14 7ee35408-bc22-485e-8f5e-8d378f2eb010 1175-5326 7119337 0C85EAF7-E8F2-4343-B3AF-4A9639EB25A0 Owstonia aurora sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 , 2A‒C ; Tables 1‒2 ) [New English name: Aurora’s Bandfish] Holotype . ASIZP0068194 , 74.9 mm SL, 101.7 mm TL, immature male; 1 Jun. 2007 , CP 2736-001, Aurora , East Luzon , Philippines , 16.02°N , 121.88°E , 344–347 m depth , French-type beam trawl, coll. MV DA-BFAR . Paratypes . ASIZP0067846 , 69.8 mm SL, 93.6 mm TL, immature male, 20 May 2007 , CP 2657-018, 16.01°N , 121.88°E , Aurora , East Luzon , Philippines , 342–358 m depth , French-type beam trawl, coll . MV DA-BFAR . ASIZP0068193 , 88.0 mm SL. 118.0 mm TL, immature female, same as holotype . Diagnosis. A species of Owstonia with the following combination of characters: dorsal-fin elements III, 21; anal-fin elements I, 14; gill rakers on first arch 35–38; cheek with 80–86 scales in 7–8 rows; lateral line without branch, not forming loop in front of dorsal fin, ending below 17 th to 22 th dorsal-fin soft rays; oblique body scales rows in mid-lateral series 54–58; lower margin of preopercles rounded; prominent black blotch on anterior dorsalfin membrane, and extend downward to dorsal-fin base, remaining membrane of dorsal, anal, and caudal fins red with white margins and bases, distinct white stripes on mid dorsal and caudal fin membranes; membranes between maxillary and premaxillary with discontinuous black stripes or patches. Description. Proportional measurements and counts are given in Table 1 . Data of the holotype are presented first, followed by those of paratypes in parentheses, if different. FIGURE 1. Owstonia aurora , holotype, ASIZP0068194, 74.9 mm SL, Aurora, off East Luzon, Philippines. Alizarin Red stained specimen photograph. Single dorsal fin, dorsal-fin base length 1.6 (1.7) in SL; its origin behind the vertical line at posterior gill opening; anterior two dorsal-fin spines short than soft rays; dorsal-fin with three short spines and 21 branched soft rays. Anal-fin base 3.2 (3.8–4.2) in SL; anal-fin with one short spine and 14 branched soft rays; its base length 2.0 (2.3–2.5) in dorsal-fin base; longest anal-fin ray equal to longest dorsal-fin ray. Caudal-fin lanceolate; its length 2.8 (2.9) in SL; caudal-fin with 18 (17) branched soft rays and two or three unbranched soft rays. Pectoral-fin with 20–22 soft rays; pectoral-fin short and rounded, its length 5.1 (4.9–5.1) in SL. Pelvic-fin short, pull back not extending behind anus; pelvic-fin with one short spine and five branched soft rays. Gill rackers on first arch slender, longest one about 1.9 times longest gill filament, with fine spinules on rackers. Branchiostegal rays 6. Vertebrae:11 + 17=28; anal-fin pterygiophores anterior to 1 st haemal spine two. Head 2.8–2.9 times in SL; lower margin of preopercle rounded without spines or serrated. Cephalic lateralline pores developed; 6 on supraorbital, 10 (9–10) on infraorbital, 6 on preopercular, and 6 on mandibular canals. Papillae in slight depression behind tip of premaxillary ascending processes 4, arranged in 2 pairs. Eye large, orbital diameter 2.5 (2.1–2.3) in head length; interorbital narrow, its width 2.8 (3.0–3.1) in orbital diameter. Snout short, its length 2.2 (1.9–2.3) in orbital length. Mouth large, oblique, posterior maxillary not extending to a vertical at posterior margin of orbit; upper jaw length 2.2 (2.1–2.3) in head length; maxilla width about two times in maxilla length. Teeth on jaws small, cylindrical, apical sharp, pike-like, curved inwardly, and arranged sparsely. Teeth in outer row of each premaxillary 14–15 (14–16), anterior 1 st teeth small, 4–5 large teeth, 1–4 moderate teeth, and inner teeth absent; outer lateral row of each dentary with 13 (13–16) teeth, symphysis area with 3–5 large teeth, and inner with 1–2 small spik-like teeth; no teeth on vomer and palatine. Body compressed and elongated; body depth 2.8 (2.8–3.5) in SL; its width 6.2 (5.4–6.7) in SL; caudal-peduncle depth 1.4 (1.2–1.5) in caudal-peduncle length. Predorsal length about equal to head length. A species of Owstonia with lateral line pattern type 1 (Smith-Vanis & Johnson 2016), consisting a simple lateral line that originates from the posttemporal sensory canal near the anterodorsal margin of gill opening, curves upward to dorsal base and backward continues posteriorly below dorsal fin base to 17 th to 22 th soft ray. Scales cycloid with crenulated margins; nape scaly and cheek covered with 70–86 scales arranged in 7–8 rows; predorsal scales 7–9; oblique body scale rows in mid-lateral series 54–58, with additional 4 scales on caudal-fin membrane; scale rows between lateral line and anal-fin base 19–22; lateral-line scales 9 + 22=31 (10 + 20=30, and 10 + 17 with several lost in paratypes ), lateral line connect to dorsal-fin base at 1 st to 2 nd ray base. Color when fresh: head, body red, belly white; iris golden-orange; dorsal-fin red with basal and outer margin white, prominent black blotch on anterior dorsal-fin membrane to base between 2 nd spine to 6 th soft ray in holotype and ASIZP0067846, but about 3 rd spine to 5 th soft ray in ASIZP0068193, the remaining dorsal-fin membranes with longitudinal white stripe after the black blotch; caudal-fin red with outer margin white and membranes with 3–4 prominent white blotches or stripes in holotype , but the white blotches connect into irregular stripes in paratypes ; pectoral-fin membranes uniformly red; pelvic-fin red with outer margin white; prominent black band on membranes between maxillary and premaxillary absent, with discontinuous stripe or patches of melanophores, somewhat slightly pigmented on anterior and posterior portions of lower half of maxilla in holotype , but discontinuous and separated into about three patches in ASIZP0068193, whereas it is unclear or pale in ASIZP67846. Color in alcohol: all red color faded to uniformly pale; anterior dorsal-fin membrane with prominent black blotch extending to dorsal-fin base, between second spine to sixth ray of dorsal-fin (III–5 th ) rays; black band on membrane between maxillary and premaxillary absent, with discontinuous stripe or patched melanophores. Sex . The male holotype and one pair paratypes are immature. Sexual dimorphism not occur in type materials. Comparisons. As 28 congeners, the new species has the anterior lateral lines neither connected nor branched as the type 1 pattern in Smith-Vanis & Johnson (2016). It’s a plesiomorphic character in most teleost, that the lateral line on each side arises from the posttemporal sensory canal just above the anterior dorsal margin of the gill opening, curves upward and then continue posteriorly just below the dorsal fin base ( Smith-Vaniz 1986 ; Prokofiev 2010 ; Smith-Vaniz & Johnson 2016 ). The prominent differences between the new species and the other congeners are as follows: lower margin of preopercle is rounded in Owstonia aurora rather than spiny or serrated as in Owstonia dispar Smith-Vaniz & Johnson, 2016 , Owstonia japonica Kamohara, 1935 , Owstonia scottensis Smith-Vaniz & Johnson, 2016 , and Owstonia nigromarginata ( Fourmanoir, 1985 ) ; oblique body scale rows of mid-lateral series are fewer than 60 rather than 95 or more as in Owstonia lepiota Smith-Vaniz & Johnson, 2016 and Owstonia mundyi Smith-Vaniz & Johnson, 2016 ; a prominent black blotch or pigmentations on anterior dorsal-fin membrane could exclude most other species except the following six species, i.e., Owstonia psilos Smith-Vaniz & Johnson, 2016 , Owstonia merensis Smith-Vaniz & Johnson, 2016 , Owstonia crassa Smith-Vaniz & Johnson, 2016 , Owstonia melanoptera Smith-Vaniz & Johnson, 2016 , Owstonia similis Smith-Vaniz & Johnson, 2016 , and Owstonia simotera ( Smith, 1968 ) . These six species mentioned formerly are quite similar to O. aurora in sharing diagnosis, e.g., anterior dorsal-fin membrane has a prominent black blotch, dorsal-fin with three spines, membrane between maxillary and premaxillary with prominent black band (discontinuous black stripes or patches in O. psilops and O. merensis ). The six species mentioned above differ from the new species by the following characters (those of O. aurora in parentheses): posterior lateral line ended below 7 th –8 th soft dorsal-fin rays (vs. 17–22) in O. melanoptera , oblique body scale rows in mid-lateral 48–53 (vs. 54–58); 12–13 anal-fin rays in O. crassa (vs. 14), posterior lateral line ended at 14 th –17 th soft dorsal-fin rays (vs. 17–22); 6 cheek scale rows in O. similis (vs. 7–8), posterior lateral line ended at 16 th soft dorsal-fin ray (vs. 17–22), less gill rakers 32–33 (vs. 35–38); O. simotera was known only from off Mozambique with an overlap counts of 7‒10 cheek scale rows in original description ( Smith 1968 ), whereas SmithVanis and Johnson (2016) redescribed with 11–12 cheek scale rows (vs. 7–8), lateral line ended at 15 th –18 th soft dorsal-fin rays (vs. 17–22) ( Table 2 ), and teeth in lateral row of each dentary 8–10 (vs. 13–16). However, among the congeners, four species mentioned above are separate from the rest of two congeners and new species in having the prominent continuous black band or stripe on upper-jaw membrane rather than are discontinuous stripe or patched melanophores in O. merensis and O. psilos . Owstonia aurora is quite similar to O. merensis and O. psilos by sharing discontinued black stripe or patched melanophores on the upper-jaw membrane. However, O. merensis has fewer cheek scale rows 6 (vs. 7–8 in O. aurora ), anal-fin II, 11 (vs. I, 14), lateral line ended at 12–14 (vs. 17–22), fewer body oblique body scale rows in mid-lateral 45 (vs. 54–58); color in alcohol, the black blotch on anterior dorsal-fin membrane between 2 nd spine to 2 nd ‒3 rd ray (vs. 2 nd spine to 6 th ray), posterior anal-fin membrane pigmented rather than it is clear and transparent as in O. aurora . The specimens of O. psilos from Western Australian have fewer cheek scale rows 5–6 (vs. 7–8), fewer oblique body scale rows in mid-lateral about 32 (vs. 54–58); color in alcohol with anterior dorsal-fin membrane black blotch between 3 rd spine to 4–5 th soft ray (vs. 2 nd spine to 6 th soft ray in holotype and one paratype , other paratype ASIZP0068193, III–5 th soft ray). According to the color in fresh paratype photograph, (NMV A.29664-004, 64 mm SL), membranes of all fins except white pelvic are red with white margins; however, O. aurora has red membranes of all fins except pelvic with white margin and base, and white stripes on dorsal and caudal-fin membranes. Distribution. Currently known only from the type locality in the East Luzon, Philippines . Depth ranges about 342– 358 m . Etymology. The new species is named after the “ Aurora 2007” Philippine Expedition, the project was a series of deep-sea expedition under the Census of Philippine Deep-Sea Biodiversity. FIGURE 2. Owstonia aurora , paratype , ASIZP0068193, 69.8 mm SL, Aurora , off East Luzon, Philippines . (A) & (B) fresh specimen photograph; (C) X-radiograph. TABLE 1. Characters of counts and proportional measurements of Owstonia aurora sp. nov.
Holotype Paratype Paratype
Catalog number ASIZP0068194 ASIZP0068193 ASIZP0067846
Standard length (mm) 74.9 88.0 69.8
Total length (mm) 101.7 118.0 93.6
Gill rakers on first arch 11+1+23=35 12+1+25=38 12+1+25=38
Caudal-fin rays ( ub + b + ub ) 2+14+2=18 2+13+3=17 2+13+2=17
Cheek scales (scale rows) 70/86 (8/8) 84 (7/8) NA (8/8)
Predorsal scales 7+ 9 9
Scales in longitudinal row 58+4 56+4 54+4
Lateral line scales below dorsal-fin base 19/22 19/20 17+
Proportions as % of SL
Head length 36.2 34.1 34.4
Orbital diameter 14.7 16.4 14.8
Interorbital width 5.2 5.2 4.9
Snout 6.8 7.2 7.9
Maxilla length 16.8 16.5 15.0
Maxilla width 8.9 8.6 8.0
Body depth 35.4 35.2 28.7
Dorsal-fin base length 61.9 60.2 59.0
Anal-fin base length 31.0 26.1 23.6
Caudal-fin length 35.8 34.1 34.1
Pectoral-fin length 19.8 21.1 19.5
Pelvic-fin length 21.2 20.5 19.8
Caudal-peduncle length 15.5 14.4 13.6
Caudal-peduncle depth 10.9 9.8 11.0
Predorsal length 34.7 34.5 33.8
Prepectoral length 34.3 32.2 35.7
Prepelvic length 36.0 34.9 38.4
Preanal length 57.5 57.0 61.9
Proportions as % of HL
Orbital diameter 40.6 48.0 42.9
Interorbital width 14.4 15.3 14.2
Snout 18.8 21.0 22.9
Maxilla length 46.5 48.3 43.8
Maxilla width 24.7 25.3 23.3
ub and u of pectoral-fin rays in parentheses indicate “unbranched “ and “branched”, respectively. Remarks. Difficulties in identification for specimens of Owstoni a including characters, such as counts and general appearance were overlapped between species, comparison based on only one holotype or few type specimens, color was based on fade museum alcohol preserved specimens, and scales were lost or damaged during trawling. Type specimens in this study were preserved in better condition and fresh specimen photographs providing more detailed color characters. Besides, fin rays and spines, dentition, cephalic pores, gill rakers, and scales were counted after Alizarin Red stained provided more robust counts. Comparative materials. Owstonia doryptera ( Fowler, 1934) ( 2 specimens ): Lectotype , USNM 93166 , 66 mm SL, Philippines , Mindanao , R/V Albatross sta. D.5516, 9 Aug. 1909 ; paralectotype , USNM 410302 , 56.8 mm SL, same data as lectotype. Owstonia grammodon ( Fowler, 1934) ( 3 specimens ): Holotype , USNM 093167 , 67 mm SL, Dowarra I. , Sulawesi, Indonesia , 2 Dec. 1909 , bottom trawl, station D. 5629, 375 m ; ASIZP 59004, 103 mm SL, Nanfangao Fish Market , Yilan County , NE Taiwan , 1 July 1993 , commercial bottom trawl, no depth data; ASIZP 64630, 118 mm SL, Dashi Fish Market , Yilan County , NE Taiwan , 27 June 2004 , commercial bottom trawl, no depth data. Owstonia kamoharai Endo et al. , 2015 ( 6 specimens ): Holotype , NSMT-P 109686, 392 mm SL, male, Mimase fish market, Kochi Prefecture , southern Japan , bottom trawl, 200 m , 30 Nov. 1985 . Paratypes . 5 specimens : BSKU 41466, 402 mm SL, female, Mimase fish market, Kochi Pref. , southern Japan , bottom trawl, 250–300 m , bottom trawl, 9 Apr. 1985 ; BSKU 42457, 375 mm SL, female, Mimase fish market, Kochi Pref. , southern Japan , 240 m , bottom trawl, 30 Nov. 1985 ; BSKU 74538, 147 mm SL, sex unknown, Suruga Bay , off Heta , Numazu City , Shizuoka Pref. , 300–350 m , bottom trawl, coll. by E. Iizuka , 20 Feb. 1992 ; FAKU 98751, 263 mm SL, male, off Nachi-katsuura , Wakayama Pref. , Kii Peninsula , 260 m , bottom line, coll. by H. Ikeda , 3 Feb. 2011 ; NSMT-P 114189, 282 mm SL, male, Mimase fish market, Kochi Pref. , bottom trawl, coll. by T . Yamakawa , 18 Dec. 1965 . Owstonia japonica Kamohara, 1935 ( 19 specimens ): all specimens from Tosa Bay, Mimase Fish Market, Kochi City, Japan : ANSP 151948, 146 mm SL, 31 Oct. 1980 ; BSKU 9646, 101 mm SL, 26 Feb. 1949 ; BSKU 41160, 152 mm SL, BSKU 41180, 144 mm SL, BSKU 41183, 129 mm SL, BSKU 41210, 152 mm SL, 1 Apr. 1985 ; BSKU 51474, 121 mm SL, BSKU 51532, 142 mm SL, BSKU 51536, 121 mm SL, 13 Apr. 2000 ; BSKU 52875, 103 mm SL, 6 Oct. 2000 ; BSKU 55443 , 95 mm SL, 11 Jan. 2001 ; BSKU 62255, 135 mm SL, 13 Jan. 2003 ; BSKU 69369, 126 mm SL, 4 Feb. 2004 ; BSKU 71684, 147 mm SL, 13 Jan. 2003 ; BSKU 74531, 142 mm SL, 24 Jan. 2005 ; BSKU 74970, 157 mm SL, 8 Nov. 2004 ; BSKU 90841, 141 mm SL, 14 Jan. 2007 ; BSKU 92881, 146 mm SL, 9 Dec. 2007 ; BSKU 97025, 156 mm SL, off Kan-no-ura, Kousei-maru, 20 Dec 2007 . TABLE 2. Comparison of selected characters for Owstonia aurora sp. nov. and six closely congeners.
Counts and Color/Species O. aurora O. psilops O. merensis O. crassa O. melanoptera O. similis O. simotera
Anal-fin I, 14 I, 14 II, 11 I, 12–13 I, 14 I, 14 I, 14
Cheek scale rows 7–8 5–6 6 4–7 7 6 11–12
Lateral line ending (below dorsal-fin soft rays) 17–22 14–20 12–14 14–17 7–8 16 15–18
Oblique body scale rows in mid- lateral series 54–58 about 32 45 45–47 48–53 52–56 50–60
Total gill rakers on first arch 35–38 36–40 37 37–42 38–39 32–33 34–38
Color pattern
Position of dorsal- fin blotch II–6th ray III–4/5th rays II–2/3nd ray I–4/5 ray II–5th ray II–3rd ray II–5th ray
Anal-fin membrane pigmentation absent absent present present present present absent
Markings on upper jaw membrane discontinuous stripes discontinuous stripes weak stripe prominent band prominent band prominent band prominent band
Owstonia sibogae ( Weber, 1913 ) ( 6 specimens ): Lectotype , ZMA 112.568 , 82 mm SL, 2 Feb. 1900 , Timor Sea , Indonesia , 10.47°S, 12348°E, 216 m ; Paralectotypes , ZMA , 112.568. 3 specimens , 90–122 mm SL, 2 Feb. 1900 , Timor Sea , Indonesia , 10.47°S , 123.48°E , 216 m ; ANSP 152642 , 99 mm SL, July 1981 , Bali Sea , Saleh Bay , 8.50°S , 118.00°E , 150–280 m ; ASIZP0068128 , 80.5 mm SL, 5 May 2007 , CP2719, E. Aurora , Luzon , the Philippines , 14.45°N , 121.80°E , French-type beam trawl, 155– 160 m . Owstonia maccullochi ( Whitley, 1934 ) ( 1 specimen ): Holotype , AMS IA 5818, 162 mm SL, NSW, Sydney , Australia , 238 m depth . Owstonia microlepis ( Fowler, 1934) ( 1 specimen ): Holotype , ANSP 54940, 187 mm SL, Durban , Natal , South Africa , 335–374 m depth , 1932. Owstonia sarmiento Liao et al. , 2009 ( 4 specimens ): Holotype , PNMI 17006 ( ASIZP0067939 ), 61 mm SL, 21 May 2007 , CP2667-003, Aurora , East Luzon , Philippines , 15.93°N , 121.78°E , 307– 292 m , French-type beam trawl, coll. MV DA-BFAR. Paratypes , ASIZP0068216 , 64 mm SL, 2 Jun. 2007 , CC2743-020 , Aurora , East Luzon , Philippines , 16.02°N 121.85°E , 302–309 m , otter trawl, coll. MV DA-BFAR ; ASIZP0067820 , 63 mm SL, 20 May 2007 , CP2656-004, Aurora , East Luzon , Philippines , 16.03°N , 121.88°E , 262–278 m , French-type beam trawl, coll. MV DA-BFAR ; ASIZP0068380 , 63 mm SL, 20 May 2007 , CP2656-004, Aurora , East Luzon , Philippines , 16.03°N , 121.88°E , 262–278 m , French-type beam trawl, coll. MV DA-BFAR . Owstonia simotera ( Smith, 1968 ) ( 1 specimen ): Holotype , SAIAB 0605 , 298 mm SL, Bazaruto I. , Mozambique , West Indian Ocean . Owstonia tosaensis Kamohara, 1935 ( 12 specimens ): ASIZP0066433 , 188 mm SL, Nanfangao Fish Market , Yilan County , North East Taiwan , commercial bottom trawl, no depth data, 2 Aug 2005 ; ASIZP0060461 , 176 mm SL, Hengchun Fish Market , Pingtung County , South Taiwan , commercial bottom trawl, no depth data, 6 Mar. 1992 ; ASIZP0055535 , 121 mm SL, Tungkung , Pingtung County , South Taiwan , commercial bottom trawl, no depth data, 1 Feb. 1980 ; 9 specimens from Mimase Fish Market , Kochi City , Japan , BSKU 201, 133 mm SL, 2 Dec. 1950 ; BSKU 4230, 192 mm SL, 31 Oct. 1954 ; BSKU 9648, 116 mm SL, 27 Dec. 1950 ; BSKU 39683, 210 mm SL, 21 Nov. 1983 ; BSKU 41691, 173 mm SL, off Ashizuri , 19 Apr. 1985 ; BSKU 52076, 241 mm SL, 5 Oct. 2000 ; BSKU 53034, 112 mm SL, 13 Dec. 2000 ; BSKU 53203, 212 mm SL, date unknown; BSKU 81718, 195 mm SL, 18 Feb. 1994 . Owstonia totomiensis Tanaka, 1908 ( 1 specimen ): Holotype , FMNH 55424, 315 mm SL, 10 Feb.1906 , Totomi , Honda , Japan ; NTUM 6857, 373 mm SL, North East Taiwan ; 9 Jun.1987 . Owstonia weberi ( Gilchrist, 1922 ) ( 1 specimen ): Syntype , SAIAB ( RUSI ) 141072, 175 mm SL, Durban , South Africa , 2 Jul.1920 ; ANSP 146627, 320 mm SL, Kenya , 280 m , 17 Dec. 1980 .