Two new species and additional records of Domene from China and Vietnam (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Paederinae) Author Assing, Volker text Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 2016 2016-06-30 66 1 113 118 journal article 10.21248/contrib.entomol.66.1.113-118 0005-805X 4754038 9F9BF88A-DFB2-49B5-88BD-D49CF6C0FE3D Domene ( Macromene ) contiger spec. nov. ( Figs 1–11 ) Type material : Holotype : “ China , NW Guangxi , Cenwanglaoshan , 1850–2000 m , 24°29–30'N, 106°24'E , Jatua leg., 28.V.–25.VI.2013 / Holotypus Domene contiger sp. n. , det. V . Assing 2015 ” ( NHMW ). Paratypes : 3 : same data as holotype ( NHMW , cAss) . Etymology : The specific epithet (Latin, noun in apposition: spearman) alludes to spear-shaped ventral process of the aedeagus. Description : Body length 10.0– 11.5 mm ; length of forebody 5.9–6.3 mm . Coloration: body black, except for the reddish posterior margins of the abdominal segments VII and VIII; legs with the femora (except for the dark-reddish bases of the metafemora) blackish, the protibiae dark-brown to blackish-brown, the meso- and metatibiae dark-reddish to reddish-brown, protarsomeres I–IV dark-brown, and the remainder of the tarsi reddish; antennae dark-brown to blackishbrown, with the apical antennomeres slightly paler than the basal ones. Head ( Fig. 1 ) approximately as broad as long and of suborbicular shape, widest behind eyes; posterior angles obsolete; punctation rather fine, umbilicate, and very dense, rendering the surface rather matt. Eyes approximately one-third as long as temples from posterior margin of eye to posterior constriction in dorsal view. Antenna ( Fig. 2 ) 4.1–4.4 mm long and rather slender. Figs 1–11 : Domene contiger spec. nov. : head and pronotum ( 1 ); antenna ( 2 ); elytra ( 3 ); male sternites VII and VIII ( 4 ); male sternite VII ( 5 ); male sternite VIII ( 6 ); aedeagus in transparent light in lateral and in ventral view ( 7–8 ); aedeagus in dry preparation in lateral, ventral, and dorsal view ( 9–11 ). Scale bars: 1–6: 1.0 mm; 7–11: 0.5 mm. Pronotum ( Fig. 1 ) 1.17–1.22 times as long as broad and 0.92–0.95 times as broad as head; median portion of lateral margins weakly converging posteriad in dorsal view; punctation coarser than that of head and partly somewhat confluent; midline with or without very narrow and short rudiments of a glossy line or ridge. Elytra ( Fig. 3 ) 0.70–0.75 times as long as pronotum, each elytron with three more or less distinct and more or less irregular, longitudinal, narrowly elevated ridges directed obliquely postero-mediad; disc shallowly impressed in the middle; suture elevated; macropunctation coarse, irregular, partly confluent, and partly somewhat seriate; interstices with irregular micropunctation, otherwise not microsculptured. Hind wings reduced. Protarsomeres I–IV moderately dilated ( Fig. 1 ). Abdomen approximately as broad as elytra; punctation extremely fine and dense; anterior impressions of tergites III–VI with coarse and somewhat irregular punctation and sculpture; microreticulation distinct on tergites III–VI, shallow on tergites VII–VIII; posterior margin of tergite VII without palisade fringe; tergite VIII with truncate to indistinctly convex posterior margin. : sternite VII ( Figs 4–5 ) strongly transverse and with broadly and weakly concave posterior margin, in anteromedian portion with a median tubercle, behind this tubercle with a depression, pubescence unmodified; sternite VIII ( Figs 4, 6 ) approximately 1.2 times as broad as long, postero-median portion depressed, but not distinctly impressed, posterior excision relatively small, on either side of this excision with a rather sparse cluster of weakly modified black setae; aedeagus ( Figs 7–11 ) approximately 1.2 mm long; ventral process somewhat shaped like a spear-head in ventral view; dorsal plate lamellate, moderately sclerotized, and apically acute; internal sac with several moderately sclerotized structures and with additional membranous structures. : unknown. Comparative notes : Regarding its male sexual characters (sternite VII with median tubercle; spear-shaped ventral process of the aedeagus), D. contiger is most similar to D. sagittata ASSING & FELDMANN, 2014 from North Vietnam , from which it is easily distinguished by the much shorter elytra ( D. sagittata : elytra approximately as long as pronotum), the absence of a palisade fringe at the posterior margin of tergite VII (present in D. sagittata ), more transverse male sternites VII and VIII, and by the shape of the ventral process particularly in lateral view. For illustrations of other species recorded from China and adjacent regions see ASSING (2015) , ASSING & FELD- MANN (2014), FELDMANN et al. (2014) , and PENG et al. (2015) . Distribution and natural history : The type locality is situated in the Cenwanglao Shan in the northwest of Guangxi province , South China . The specimens were collected at an altitude of 1850 m . Additional data are not available.