Revision of the genus Eadmuna Schaus, 1928 (Lepidoptera, Mimallonidae) with a description of a new species from French Guiana Author St. Laurent, Ryan A. Author Dombroskie, Jason J. text ZooKeys 2015 494 51 68 journal article 1313-2970-494-51 B3D52B141D9741F087C03A28A89E1B13 Taxon classification Animalia Lepidoptera Mimallonidae Eadmuna esperans (Schaus, 1905) Figs 1, 2, 10, 13, 18 Cicinnus esperans Schaus, 1905 Eadmuna esperans ; Schaus 1928 Eadmuna esperanza ; Schaus 1933 , misspelling Eadmuna esperans ; Becker 1996 Type material. Holotype: BRAZIL, Espirito Santo, Wm. Schaus collection, USNM holotype No.: 8893- genitalia diss: 86062, specimen examined, genitalia preparation not found [♂, USNM]. Paratypes: none. Type locality: BRAZIL, Espirito Santo. Additional specimens examined. All males (21 total): BRAZIL: Espirito Santo: Linhares, 40 m, 25-30 i 1998, V.O. Becker coll, Col. Becker No.:113480- St Laurent diss: 11-1-14:9, 11-1-14:10 [4 ♂, USNM]; [no further data]- St Laurent genitalia diss: 11-1-14:6 [1 ♂, USNM]; Santa Catarina: "Saint Catherines"- St Laurent genitalia diss: 11-1-14:2 [1 ♂, USNM]; F. Hoffman- St Laurent genitalia diss: 11-1:14:4 [2 ♂, USNM]; Jaragua [do Sul], 10 x 1934, 14 x 1934, 17 ix 1934, coll. Fritz Hoffmann- St Laurent genitalia diss: 9-14-14:1, Franclemont genitalia slide: number 1763 [3 ♂, CUIC]; Rio Grande do Sul: Pelotas 15 v 1953, coll. C.M. de Biezanko no CB: 3503- St Laurent genitalia diss: 9-14-14:4 [1 ♂, CUIC]; Rio de Janeiro: Imbarie , 50 m, 21-27 viii 1955, coll. H. Ebert- St Laurent genitalia diss: 9-14-14:5 [1 ♂, CMNH]; "Itatiaya" [Itatiaia], 700 m, 5 x 1928, J.F. Zikan- St Laurent genitalia diss: 11-1-14:3 [1 ♂, USNM]; Zikan- St Laurent genitalia diss: 11-1-14:5 [1 ♂, USNM]; Itatiaia (Maromba), 17 viii 1952, No. 558, Pearson [1 ♂, USNM]; Itatiaia, (L 41, 1300 m) 5/8 iii 1951, Trav. & D. Albuquerque, No. 383- St Laurent diss: 11-1-14:12 [1 ♂, USNM]; PN. Itatiaia, Lago Azul 800(?)m, 12/13 xi 1956, H.R. & G.M. Pearson, No. HRP 1171- St Laurent diss: 11-1-14:13 [1 ♂, USNM]; Sao Paulo: Est. Biol. Boraceia, 850 m, near Salesopolis: 2 x 1971, E.G., I. & E.A. Munroe- St Laurent genitalia diss: 9-14-14:6 [1 ♂, CNC]; 26 ix 1971, E.G., I. & E.A. Munroe [2 ♂, CNC]. Diagnosis. The weakly falcate forewings distinguish Eadmuna esperans from the similar Eadmuna guianensis , new species, described below. Genitalia of Eadmuna esperans are unique among species in the genus in that the vesica has a large scobinate patch as opposed to a single cornutus. Description. Male.Head: As for genus but border of darker scales that normally continues down head reaching beneath labial palpi somewhat reduced. Thorax: As for genus. Legs: As for genus but tibial spurs naked. Forewing dorsum: Forewing length: 17-20 mm, avg.: 18 mm, n=19. Triangular, rounded, convex margins becoming concave near subtly accentuated apex. Coloration light silvery brown, suffused with darker brown postmedially except near apex. Hyaline discal spot weakly pronounced, yellowish opaque rather than clear due to covering of yellowish scales, with M2 vein separating hyaline patch into two distinct regions. Postmedial line bulging in costal half, scalloped, narrowly interrupted by veins, weaker on costal third except for dark wedge on costa. Occasionally dark diffuse spots between veins immediately beyond center of postmedial line. Antemedial line very weak except for dark chevron on costa. Fringe varies in coloration from darkbrown to off white. Forewing venter: As for dorsum but lighter, postmedial line usually much darker, well-pronounced. Hindwing dorsum: Rounded, slightly falcate anal angle, bearing similar coloration and pattern as forewing though maculation usually somewhat fainter than on forewing and lacking a hyaline discal spot. Hindwing venter: As for dorsum but lighter, postmedial line usually much darker, well pronounced. Wing venation: As for genus. Abdomen: As for genus, concolorous with thorax. Genitalia: n=14. As for genus, simple, but distal end of teardrop-shaped uncus moderately thick, ventral lobes of tegumen subtriangular, with a central sclerotized ridge with three or four secondary ridges ventral to center of subtriangle. Sclerotized plate, dorsal to juxta and phallus, broad, especially on lower half. Phallus, simple, broad, cylindrical, vesica, sac-like with scobinate patch covering roughly half of everted vesica. Female. Unknown. Distribution. This species is known from southeastern and southern Brazil in the states of Espirito Santo (type locality), Rio de Janeiro, Sao Paulo, Santa Catarina, and Rio Grande do Sul, apparently from relatively low to moderately high elevations (40 to 1300 m). This distribution coincides with both the pampa and Atlantic coastal forest biomes ( IBGE 2004 ). Remarks. Eadmuna esperans , the type species of the genus, was originally described under the genus Cicinnus , likely due to the early year of its description, a time when the author, Schaus, was placing many new species in this catch-all genus. It is only known to be sympatric with one congener, Eadmuna paloa , in Jaragua [do Sul], Santa Catarina, Brazil, but can be readily separated by the genital characters mentioned above. Eadmuna esperans is most similar to the new species described below, but the latter has more falcate forewings and is known only from the Amazonian region of French Guiana and Guyana. The scobinate patch covering the vesica of Eadmuna esperans is unique in the genus.