<strong> Phylogeny and revision of <em> Messatoporus </ em> Cushman (Hymenoptera, Ichneumonidae, Cryptinae), with descriptions of sixty five new species </ strong> Author Santos, Bernardo F. bernardofsantos@gmail.com Author Aguiar, Alexandre P. text Zootaxa 2013 2013-03-22 3634 1 1 284 http://dx.doi.org/10.11646/zootaxa.3634.1.1 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3634.1.1 1175-5326 5262081 81906FA2-FB3C-4F02-9AF9-449BC73F3BEE Messatoporus grandis Kasparyan & Ruíz 2005 ( Figs 77 , 328 ) * Messatoporus grandis Kasparyan & Ruíz 2005: 106 , 112. Description, distribution, keyed. Holotype (UATM, not examined). Type data: México , Tamaulipas , Gómes Farías, Alta Cima, 900 m , Malaise trap, 9–16.IX.2000 , DRKasparyan. Messatoporus grandis : Kasparyan & Ruíz 2008: 308 , 310, 321–323. Description, distribution, figure, keyed. Female . Fore wing 10.60 mm long. HEAD: Mandible densely covered with moderately long hairs; MLW 1.6; MWW 0.46; dorsal tooth in front view not distinctly projected upwards, much longer than ventral tooth; ventral tooth triangular. MSM 0.28. Clypeus almost entirely flattened, centrally concave; CHW 2.22; CWW 2.22; apical area medially concave, laterally with distinct triangular lobes, its margin very sharp, raised. Antenna with 24 flagellomeres; flagellum strongly flattened and compressed on apical 0.3; apex of apical flagellomere about as wide as base, not distinctly tapered. Supra-antennal area shiny, scarcely punctate, distinctly striate near antennal sockets, ventrally and around ocelli distinctly concave, dorsally with very weak median line, ventrally fading. Occipital carina uniformly curved, fading out at distance about as long as basal width of mandible from the hypostomal carina. Temple and gena moderately wide, gena somewhat swollen and projected (as in Fig. 261 ). THORAX: Pronotum sparsely pilose, shiny, densely punctate, with strong wrinkles along collar; epomia moderately strong, complete, short, ending far from dorsal margin of pronotum, after diverging from pronotal collar distinctly curved. Mesoscutum moderately and uniformly convex, ovoid, 1.29 × as long as wide, sparsely pilose, shiny, moderately punctate at center of each lobe, laterally almost impunctate; notaulus reaching about 0.68 of mesoscutum length, moderately impressed, surface over notaulus with weak and short transverse wrinkles; scuto-scutellar groove deep, with vestigial longitudinal wrinkles. Subalar ridge moderately projected; epicnemial carina reaching about 0.7 of distance to subalar ridge, almost straight; sternaulus moderately strong, wider on posterior apex, strongly sinuous, with weak vertical wrinkles; scrobe very shallow; mesopleural suture ventrally with strong longitudinal wrinkles, wrinkles dorsally weak. Mesosternum medially with short transverse wrinkles; median portion of posterior transverse carina of the mesothoracic venter short and almost indistinct, straight. Transverse sulcus at base of propodeum moderately wide, about 0.67 × as long as anterior area of propodeum, asperous; metapleuron densely punctate, without transverse wrinkles, dorsally sparsely pilose, ventrally moderately pilose; juxtacoxal carina represented by very short ridges. Fore tibia distinctly swollen. Mesal lobe of t4 with a distinct cluster of stout bristles. Hind coxa with moderately strong punctures separated by about their own diameter, dorsally foveolate. PROPODEUM: 1.29 × as long as wide, shiny, sparsely pilose; anterior area densely punctate; spiracle elongate, SWL 6.67; anterior transverse carina medially slightly arched forwards. Propodeal wrinkles anteriorly faint, posteriorly strong, closely spaced, mostly complete, distinctly curved backwards; posterior transverse carina sublaterally faintly suggested, not forming distinct crests. WINGS: Fore wing vein 1-Rs+M very weakly sinuous, with bulla placed around its midlength; crossvein 1mcu irregular, limit between 1m-cu and 1-Rs+M more or less traceable; vein 1M+Rs anteriorly straight, posteriorly weakly curved; fore wing crossvein 1 cu-a basad of 1M+Rs by 0.51 of its own length; vein 2Cua 0.42 × as long as crossvein 2cu-a; bulla of crossvein 2m-cu placed on midlength; cell 1+2Rs small, APH 0.49, subquadratic, distinctly wider than high, AWH 1.39; crossvein 3r-m fully spectral, 2r-m and 3r-m subparallel, 3r-m distinctly longer; vein 3-M distinctly shorter than 2-M; 4-Rs distinctly sinuous; 4-M semi-spectral, slightly curved backwards. Hind wing vein 1-M forming distinctly obtuse angle with vein Cua; vein 2-Rs entirely tubular, apically weaker, reaching wing margin; HW1C 1.14; vein Cub distinctly convex on posterior half, forming distinctly obtuse angle with vein Cua (basally curved); vein 2-1A reaching 0.98 of distance to posterior wing margin. METASOMA: First tergite moderately long, about 0.41 × as long as T2–8, somewhat depressed, ventrolaterally angled, dorsally glabrate, laterally sparsely pilose; T1LW 3.56; T1WW 2.2; spiracle on 0.49 of its length, distinctly prominent; median depression absent; lateral and median posterior depressions absent; ventrolateral carina absent. T2LW 1.2; T2WW 1.96; thyridium much longer than wide, without small circular depression just behind it; T2–8 scarcely punctate and minutely and weakly coriarious, laterally moderately pilose, dorsally T2 glabrate, T3–8 sparsely to moderately pilose. OST 1.3; ovipositor moderately stout, straight, basally cylindric, apically slightly depressed; dorsal valve with four moderately strong ridges; ventral valve apex with 8 teeth, 1st and 2nd widely spaced; surface anterior to first tooth rugulose. Color . Head, mesosoma and metasoma black and yellow. Head: black; clypeus, mandible except apex, mouthparts, malar space, supraclypeal area and complete orbital band, pale yellow (220, 211, 122); f6–9 entirely white, f5 and f10 almost entirely white, f11–13 dorsally partially white. Mesosoma: black; pronotal collar, dorsal margin of pronotum, propleuron, subcircular spot on mesoscutum, scutellum except posterior margin, scutellar carina, axillar carinae, tegula, ventral spot at epicnemium, subalar ridge connected to central mark on mesopleuron, covering most of mesopleuron, mesosternum, dorsal division of metapleuron, dorsal half of metapleural triangle, almost all metapleuron, transverse sulcus of propodeum and longitudinal ovoid marks at posterior area of propodeum, pale yellow; legs pale yellow, whitish towards apex; fore coxa and first trochanter with small dorsal brown mark; mid coxa with large longitudinal dark brown mark; mid trochanter, all second trochanters and femora, mid and hind first trochanters with dorsal longitudinal blackish stripe; all tibiae with dorsal brown mark on basal 0.15; fore and mid t5 marked with dark brown. Metasoma: black; T1 dorsally pale yellow at anterior 0.7; T1–8 with progressively longer posterior pale yellow stripes, except narrow at dorsal T8; S2–6 pale yellow, S2–3 with lateral brownish marks. Male . Not examined. According to Kasparyan & Ruíz (2008) , similar to female, except for the following: thorax usually slightly lighter; prepectus sometimes with large yellow spots, surface over sternaulus yellow, scutellum sometimes entirely yellow dorsally, metapleuron dorsally with black spot. Comments . Very similar to M. covarrubiasi , from which it can be differentiated by having mandible basally yellow (vs. entirely black); posterior area of propodeum propodeum with two lateral, ovoid yellowish marks (vs. with distinctly arc-shaped yellow mark); supra-antennal area distinctly striate near antennal sockets (vs. not striate); epomia short, complete (vs. long, though distinct only after diverging from collar); propodeal wrinkles distinctly curved backwards (vs. oblique and approximately straight); and cell 1+2Rs subquadratic, 3r-m distinctly longer than 2r-m (vs. 1+2Rs pentagonal, 2r-m and 3r-m with about the same size). Biology . Unknown. Material examined . 1 ♀ from COSTA RICA , Monteverde , 9.II.1964 , C. Palmer ( AEIC ) . Distribution . Recorded only from northeastern Mexico and northern Costa Rica ( Fig. 328 ).