Taxonomic Revision of Garcinia Section Garcinia (Clusiaceae) Author Nazre, M. Herbarium, Faculty of Forestry, Universiti Putra Malaysia, 43650 UPM, Serdang, Selangor, Malaysia; Author Newman, M. F. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20 A Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH 3 5 LR, Scotland; Author Pennington, R. T. Royal Botanic Garden Edinburgh, 20 A Inverleith Row, Edinburgh EH 3 5 LR, Scotland; Author Middleton, D. J. Singapore Botanic Gardens, National Parks Board, 1 Cluny Road, Singapore 259569; text Phytotaxa 2018 2018-10-23 373 1 1 52 journal article 10.11646/phytotaxa.373.1.1 1179-3163 13727567 Garcinia erythrosperma Lauterbach (1922: 26) . Type :— PAPUA NEW GUINEA , Hunstein Range, Hunsteinspitze, 4 March 1913 , Ledermann 11305 (B, destroyed, WRSL, lost). Tree 10–12 m high, slender. Bole with grey-brown bark. Exudate yellow. Twigs subangular, longitudinally wrinkled when dry. Petiole 12–15 mm long; coarse towards lamina. Lamina lanceolate, 10–15 × 5–7 cm , coriaceous, apex acuminate and short, base acute; margin sub-revolute; secondary veins brochidodromous, c. 20 pairs, prominent. Male flowers terminal, solitary, pedicel thick, as long as petiole; sepals 4, persistent, sub-coriaceous, 2 small, lanceolate, sub-acute, 2 larger, concave, widely ovate, subrotundate; staminodes c. 12, free, filaments thread like; anthers elliptic, 2-thecous, dehiscent longitudinally. Female flowers not seen. Fruits yellow, globose, 4.5 cm diameter; pedicel 15 mm long; sepals persistent 7–10 × 4–9 mm ; stigma with 8–9 nearly free lobes, 10 mm across; pericarp fleshy; seeds c. 8, lanceolate or crescent shaped, 12–17 × 4–8 mm long, covered by dark red aril with a reddish black seed when dry. Distribution and Habitat :—Mossy montane forest of Papua New Guinea . Taxonomic Notes :—The description of this species is taken from Lauterbach (1922) as we have not seen any specimens. The original type material in Berlin was destroyed during the Second World War. Duplicate material was traced in Wroc ł aw (WRSL) but the specimen was lost in the post to Edinburgh .