Synonymy, new species and new combinations in the leafhopper genus Matsumurina Dworakowska (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae: Erythroneurini) Author Cao, Yanghui Author Yang, Meixia Author Zhang, Yalin text Zootaxa 2013 3734 4 453 468 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.3734.4.3 14cba82d-c1c3-48d9-a7fc-6053f4fc19b0 1175-5326 224171 422C1381-902A-4CD3-B87C-AFB5A85AEAB7 11. Matsumurina angusta Cao & Zhang sp. nov. ( Figs. 1 m–p, 6, 9n) Description. Natural coloration unknown (specimens removed from alcohol). Vertex, pronotum and mesonotum pale yellow, vertex with pair of whitish patches at transition to face, eyes grey, basal triangles of mesonotum black. Frontoclypeus and anteclypeus pale yellow, lora and genae pale. Fore wing grey, transparent, veins pale. Male 2S abdominal apodemes not extending to posterior margin of third sternite (Fig. 6a). Pygofer side (Fig. 6b) elongated, well sclerotized, distal half with dense denticuli, without setae; dorsal appendage (Fig. 6c) narrow and long, curved dorsad, slightly exceeding lobe. Ligament (Fig. 6b) slim, fused with pygofer dorsal appendage. Subgenital plate (Figs 6b, e) not extending to hind margin of pygofer side, pointed apically; constriction short, about 4/5 distance from base; with about 5 macrosetae near lateral margin, setosity on distal disc poorly-developed, marginal microsetae reduced, from near base to constriction. Style (Fig. 6f) slightly curved mesad apically, apical part short, preapical lobe indistinct. Connective (Figs 6g , h) with lateral arms extremely short. Aedeagal shaft (Figs 6g , h) tubular, apical processes symmetrical, directed ventrad then curved dorsad; branch of upper atrial appendage (Fig. 9n) long, sticklike; ventral process slim, surpassing midlength of shaft, pointed apically. Measurement. Male length 3.20–3.50 mm . Material examined. Holotype : ♂, THAILAND , Phetchabun, Thung Salaeng Luang NP, Gang Wang Nam Yen, 16°34.569'N , 100°53.155'E , 750m , Malaise trap 22–29. i. 2007 , coll. Pongpitak & Sathit. Paratypes : 1♂ , THAILAND , Phetchabun, Thung Salaeng Luang NP, Gang wang nam yen 1, 16°34.57'N , 100°53.16'E , 750m , Malaise trap, 06–13. viii. 2007 , coll. Pongpitak & Sathit; 1♂ , THAILAND , Loei, Phu Ruea NP, Nern Wibaak ditch, 17°29.907'N , 101°20.483'E , 1196m , Malaise trap, 26. ii – 0 2. iii. 2007 , coll. Patikhom Tumtip; 1♂ , THAILAND , Phetchabun, Thung Salaeng Luang NP, Pine forest Gang wang nam yen, 16°35.789'N , 100°52.286'E , 769m , Malaise trap, 16–22. xii. 2006 , coll. Pongpitak and Sathit; 1♂ , THAILAND , Phitsanulok, Thung Salaeng Luang NP, Mixed deciduous forest, 16°50.563'N , 100°51.757'E , 481m , Malaise trap, 25. ix – 0 2. x. 2006 , coll. Pongpitak Pranee. Deposition. Holotype is housed in QSBG, Chiang Mai, Thailand ; paratypes in INHS, Champaign, USA . Diagnosis. Similar to M. longissima sp. nov. , but male genitalia smaller and less sclerotized, pygofer dorsal appendage uniformly slender apically, exceeding pygofer side, upper atrial appendage closely surrounding aedeagal shaft, two branches close to each other, aedeagal ventral process uniformly pointed apically. Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from the Latin word “ angustus ” which refers to the narrow branch of the upper atrial appendage. 12. Matsumurina furcata Cao & Zhang sp. nov. ( Figs 1 q–t, 7) FIGURE 7. Matsumurina furcata Cao & Zhang sp. nov. a, abdominal apodemes; b, genital capsule; c, pygofer dorsal appendage; d, subgenital plate, style and the 9th sternite, dorsal view; e, subgenital plate, ventral view; f, style, dorsal view; g, aedeagus and connective, lateral view; h, aedeagal shaft, lateral view; i, aedeagus and connective, ventral view; j, apex of aedeagal shaft, dorsal view. Description. Ground color testaceous, face pale, eyes and basal triangles of mesonotum black. Fore wing grey, transparent. Male 2S abdominal apodemes extending to hind margin of third sternite (Fig. 7a). Pygofer side (Fig. 7b) elongated, sinuated, distal half with dense blunt denticulli, without setae; dorsal appendage (Fig. 7c) with two slim branches, curved ventrad, reaching hind margin of lobe. Ligament (Fig. 7b) extremely broad, integrated with pygofer dorsal appendage. Subgenital plate (Figs 7b, e) not reaching hind margin of pygofer side, pointed apically; constriction long, about 1/2 to 4/5 distance from base; with about 5 macrosetae marginally and with irregular row of microsetae on distal disc, marginal microsetae restricted to lateral angulate projection subbasally. Style (Fig. 7f) curved laterad apically, apical part long, preapical lobe distinct. Connective (Figs 7g , i) with lateral arms relatively short. Aedeagal shaft (Figs 7g –j) depressed, expended medially, with small protrusion on ventral side of apex, apical processes symmetrical, directed caudad, slightly curved dorsad; branch of upper atrial appendage long, lamellate, extremely broad apically; ventral process relatively slim, constricted subbasally, longer than shaft, sinuated in lateral view, pointed apically. Measurement. Male length 5.20–5.40 mm . Material examined. Holotype : ♂, THAILAND , Phetchabun, Khao Kho NP Thanthip waterfall, 16°39.087'N , 101°7.777'E , 210m , Malaise trap, 19–26. ix. 2006 , coll. Somchai Chachumnan & Saink Singtong. Paratypes : 3♂♂, same data as the holotype ; 1♂ , THAILAND , Phetchabun, Khao Kho NP office, 16°39.55'N , 101°8.134'E , 230m , Malaise trap, 19–26. vii. 2006 , coll. Somchai Chatchumnan & Saink Singtong. Deposition. Holotype is deposited in QSBG, Chiang Mai, Thailand ; paratypes in INHS, Champaign, USA . Diagnosis. Distinguished from all the other species by the bifurcated pygofer dorsal appendage, elongated constriction of subgenital plate and presence of small protrusion on ventral side of aedeagal shaft. Etymology. The specific epithet is derived from Latin word “ furcatus ” which refers to the bifurcated or “forked” pygofer dorsal process.