New data on lithobiomorph centipedes (Chilopoda, Lithobiomorpha) from anthropogenic habitats of Siberia Author Nefediev, P. S. Author Farzalieva, G. Sh. Author Efimov, D. A. text Far Eastern Entomologist 2020 2020-11-02 418 9 14 journal article 10.25221/fee.418.2 2713-2196 7165968 138DCD32-03B0-453F-9E80-5024A5C9F202 Lithobius ( Ezembius ) sibiricus Gerstfeldt, 1859 MATERIAL. Russia : Altaiskii Krai : Smolenskii District, Smolenskoye village, 52.311635°N , 85.0854°E , Populus stand with Acer negundo and Salix , pitfall traps , hand sampling, 22–28.VIII 2000 , 21 ♂ , 38 ♀ , 16 juv. (ASU); Smolenskii District , Smolenskoye village , 24.VIII 2000 , 5 ♂ , 1 ♀ , 1 juv. (ASU); Smolenskii District , Smolenskoye village , 52.315051°N , 85.075229°E , Betula pendula patch with Malus and Acer negundo , 26.VIII 2000, 2 ♂ , 3 ♀ (ASU), all leg. P.S. Nefediev , J.S. Nefedieva; Kemerovskaya Oblast : Topkinskii District , Kuznetsk Depression , near Unga village , 55.248889°N , 85.765833°Е, open hand-made grounds, h= 255 m , 31.VIII–7.IX 2019 , 1 ♀ (PSU-1236), leg. D.A. Efimov; Republic of Altai : Maiminskii District , Maima , bank of Maima River sleeve, 51.988804°N , 85.872340°E , Salix and Acer negundo with ruderal vegetation, h= 260 m , under stones, 20.VII 2018 , 2 ♀ (ASU), leg. P.S. Nefediev. REMARKS. This species has been recently recorded in natural habitats of Kemerovskaya Oblast (Nefediev et al ., 2020). Being characterized by high ecological plasticity, L . sibiricus easily adopted to dwell in suburban semi-anthropogenic habitats and open handmade grounds. The above record is new to anthropogenic habitat of Kemerovskaya Oblast.