On the taxonomy and zoogeography of some Palaearctic Aleochara species of the subgenera Xenochara M & R and Rheochara M & R (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae) Author Assing, V. text Beiträge Zur Entomologie = Contributions to Entomology 2009 2009-07-15 59 1 33 101 journal article 0005-805X Aleochara (Xenochara) hamulata nov. sp. ( Figs 148-154 , Map 5 ) Type material: Holotype : "GR. Voiotia, 900 m , 6a, Oros Elikonas, NE Kiriaki, under stones, 38°22'40N , 22°49'16E , 04.IV.2001 , V. Assing / Holotypus Aleochara hamulata sp. n. , det. V. Assing 2009" (cAss) . Paratypes : 1 ♂ : " Yu ( Kro ) Plitvice , Poljanak , 500 m , 09.05.90, Wunderle " (cAss); 1 ♂ : "GR. Pelopónnisos , 40 km SE Tripoli , Vourvoura, 920 m , 37°19'51N , 22°27'22E , 22.III.1997 , V. Assing " (cAss); 1 ♀ : "GR. Pelopónnisos , 40 km SE Tripoli , E Ag. Petros , 900 m , 37°19'40N , 22°34'48E , 22.III.1997 , V. Assing " (cAss); 1 ♂ : " Gr. Ossa-Geb. , vic. Dimitra , 700 m , 26.3.1983 , leg. Karner " (cAss); 1 ♀ : "TR [19] - Izmir , WSW Hamamköy , Murtat Dağı , 1440 m , 38°00'48N , 27°56'38E , 9.IV.2006 , P. Wunderle " (cWun); 1 ♀ : "TR [16] - Aydın , 790 m , Karınçalı Dağı , ca. 5 km WSW Karakasu , 37°42'30N , 28°35'16E , 8.IV.2006 , P. Wunderle " (cAss) ; 1 ♀ : " Petrowitz-Ressl , Reise nach Kleinasien 1960 / Umg. Akschehir , 4.V.1960 / Sultan-Dagh, im Detritus" ( NHMW ) ; 1 ♂ : " Petrowitz-Ressl , Reise nach Kleinasien 1960 / Umg. Akşehir , 15.IV.1960 " (cAss) ; 1 ♂ : " TR Prov. Isparta , Davras Dagi , 2100- 2400 m , 37°46+30°44, 31.V.2006 , leg. W. Marggi " (cAss); 1 ex. : " TR Prov. Isparta , Barla Dag, nord, 2100 m , 30.6.2006 , 38°05+30°42, leg. Marggi (10662), 2100-2400 m , 37°46+30°44, 31.V.2006 , leg. W. Marggi " (cAss); 1 ♂ : "M. R. S. N., Spedizione " Turchia '82", Boffa-Casale- Cavazzuti-Giachino-Scaramozzino / Turchia , vil. Antalya , Korkuteli, m 1020, 24.-25.IV.1982 " ; 1 ♂ : "N-Irak, N Erbil, Shaqlawa , IV.2007 , leg. C. Reuter " (cFel) . Figs 143-154: Aleochara maculata BRISOUT DE BARNEVILLE ( 143-147 ) and A. hamulata sp. n. ( 148-151 ; 149, 151: holotype): median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view ( 143-144, 148-149 ); apical portion of median lobe of aedeagus in lateral view ( 145, 150 ); spermatheca ( 146-147, 152-154 ); apical internal structure of aedeagus ( 151 ). Scale bars: 0.2 mm. Map 5: Distributions of species of the Aleochara maculata group in the Western Palaearctic region, based on revised records: A. maculata BRISOUT DE BARNEVILLE (open circles) and A. hamulata sp. n. (filled circles). Description: Body length: 5.0- 7.2 mm . Elytra reddish, with the anterior margin and the suture darkened; legs with the femora dark-brown to blackish-brown, tibiae reddish-brown to dark-brown; tarsi reddish to reddish-brown. Metatarsomere I usually slightly shorter than, rarely as long as the combined length of II-IV. Other external characters as in A. maculata . : posterior margin of sternite VIII acutely angled in the middle; median lobe of aedeagus similar to that of A. maculata , but ventral process less strongly arched, apically shorter and less slender, crista apicalis broader, and internal structures of different shape ( Figs 148-151 ); apical lobe of paramere of similar shape as in A. maculata . : posterior margin of sternite VIII broadly convex; spermatheca shaped as in Figs 152-154 . Etymology: The name (Latin, adjective: with small hooks) refers to the shape of the apical internal structures of the aedeagus. Comparative notes: The species is distinguished from other species of the A. maculata group particularly by the reddish elytra and by the shape of the median lobe of the aedeagus. The crista apicalis of the aedeagus is broader than in A. maculata , but distinctly narrower than in A. cristata . Distribution and bionomics: The species is known from several localities in central and southern Greece , Croatia , western and southwestern Anatolia , and in Iraq ( Map 5 ). The species does not appear to be strictly confined to montane and subalpine habitats, since it was found also at lower elevations ( 790-2400 m ). The type specimens were found under stones, and sifted from litter and moss in forests ( Abies , Quercus ilex , Platanus , Castanea ) and from grass roots.