Nesomyidae Author Don E. Wilson Author Russell A. Mittermeier Author Thomas E. Lacher, Jr text 2017 2017-11-30 Lynx Edicions Barcelona Handbook of the Mammals of the World – Volume 7 Rodents II 156 203 book chapter 978-84-16728-04-6 6600357 45. Cameroon African Climbing Mouse Dendromus oreas French: Dendromus du Cameroun / German: Kamerun-Klettermaus / Spanish: Raton trepador africano de Camerun Other common names: Cameroon Climbing Mouse Taxonomy. Dendromus oreas Osgood, 1936 , “southwest side of Mount Cameroon , Cameroon Mandate , British Nigeria . Alt. 9,000 ft [= 2743 m ].” . Previously, oreas was included as a subspecies of D. mesomelas . Monotypic. Distribution. Endemic to W Cameroon Mts (Manenguba, Kupé, and Cameroon Mts). Descriptive notes. Head-body 60-74 mm, tail 89-104 mm, ear 13-19 mm, hindfoot 18-21 mm; weight 9-13 g. The Cameroon African Climbing Mouse is small, with very long prehensile tail. Tail is bicolored, darker above and paler below. Fur is long, soft, and brown or reddish brown dorsally and rufous or grayish ventrally. Base of each hair is dark gray. Indistinct black line runs mid-dorsally from mid-back to base oftail. Ears are relatively large and rounded. Limbs are adapted for climbing. Second to fourth digits of forelimbs have elongated claws, and first and fifth digits are greatly reduced. Hindlimb has second to fourth digits elongated, fifth digit long and opposable with a claw, and first digit greatly reduced. Habitat. Montane grasslands and savannas at elevations of ¢.850-2900 m. The Cameroon African Climbing Mouse lives on the ground among boulders of lava (Mount Cameroon), dry grassy and scrubby slopes (Mount Manenguba), and plantations and farmlands (Mount Kupé). Food and Feeding. No information. Breeding. A pregnant female captured in late November had five embryos. Activity patterns. The Cameroon African Climbing Mouse is nocturnal. It is terrestrial but also an agile climber. Movements, Home range and Social organization. No information. Status and Conservation. Classified as Least Concern on The IUCN Red List. The Cameroon African Climbing Mouse has a very restricted distribution on just three mountain ranges, but no specific conservation threats are known. Bibliography. Denys & Aniskine (2012), Denys, Missoup, Nicolas et al. (2014), Denys, Missoup, Tchiengue et al. (2009), Dieterlen (2013d), Eisentraut (1963), Monadjem et al. (2015), Rosevear (1969).