H. monstrosus
NW Pacific |
U nk n ow n; 4– 8 rows at widest |
About 100 |
1/2 length |
L a r ge, f l at t e n e d, margins incurved |
Naumov (1961) |
H. octoradiatus
N Atlantic |
10–70 |
30–120 |
Equal length |
Large, round |
Lamarck (1816), Hirano (1997), Miranda
et al
. (2009)
H. salpinx
NE Atlantic, N Pacific |
40–120 |
60–70, may be up to 250 |
Much longer |
L a r ge, t r um p e t - shaped |
Clark (1863), Kramp (1961), Mills & Larson (2007) |
H. “
NE Pacific |
2 0 0–3 0 0, but as few as 150 |
100–150 |
2/3 length |
Coffee bean- shaped |
Gellermann (1926), Hirano (1997), Mills & Larson (2007), pers. obs. |
H. sinensis
N W P a c if i c (China) |
17–20 |
20–25 |
1/2 length |
G lobular, slightly wider than tall |
Ling (1937) |
H. stejnegeri
N Pacific (Alaska to Japan) |
1 0 0–1 50, but as many as 250 |
70–100, but as many as 200 |
1/2 length |
Egg-shaped, taller than wide |
Kishinouye (1899), Uchida (1929), Ling (1937, 1939), Kramp (1961), Hirano (1986), Miranda
et al
. (2009)
H. tenuis
NW Pacific |
30–50 |
20–60 |
1/2 length |
Globular, wider than tall |
Kishinouye (1910), Uchida (1929*), Li ng (1937*, 1939 *), H irano (1986*, 1997) |