Biogeographical and evolutionary aspects of a Guineo-Congolian bushcricket tribe: Revision of the genera Cestromoecha Karsch, 1893 and Poreuomena Brunner von Wattenwyl, 1878, with the description of new species (Orthoptera, Tettigoniidae, Phaneropterinae) Author Hemp, Claudia Dept Plant Systematics, Univ. of Bayreuth, Germany Author Massa, Bruno Dept of Agriculture, Food and Forest Sciences, University of Palermo, Italy text Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 2021 2021-01-05 68 1 45 79 journal article 1860-1324-1-45 227B739469C5447FB984250DF1ADFBE1 EE57E5591FE3500892459D0CF4FBB496 4435456 Poreuomena ivoriana sp. nov. Figs 65-69 Material examined. Cote d'Ivoire , Tai National Park , Research Station 22.III-4.IV.2017 (light) ( holotype ) (BMPC) . Diagnosis. P. ivoriana sp. nov. is a comparatively small species of Poreuomena , characterised by its green colour, the blackish triangular areas on the left and right tegmina (Fig. 65 ) and incurved cerci with a flattened inner process (Figs 67 , 68 ). Probably morphologically related to P. lamottei distributed further west in Africa. The male cerci of both species are differentiated into flattened structures in both species, however, more pronounced in P. ivoriana sp. nov. The 10th abdominal tergite is very different in both species. While in males of P. lamottei , the posterior margin of the 10th abdominal tergite forms two comparatively long and, at their tips, downcurved processes, in P. ivoriana sp. nov. only two short lobes are developed. Description. Male. Green coloured with a faint blackish stripe on the stridulatory area; the triangular area close to the stridulatory file above the left tegmen and the corresponding area on the right tegmen are black. Antennae thin, fastigium of the vertex separated from the fastigium of the frons, face smooth, eyes round, prominent. Pronotum with a flat and smooth disc, the anterior margin straight, the posterior margin broadly rounded. Tegmina narrow, ca. 5.8 times broader than long, stridulatory area of the left tegmen short. The flap of the left tegmen comparatively broad (damaged in the holotype) (Fig. 65 ). The corresponding flap on the right tegmen also broad. Stridulatory file 0.3 mm long, with ca. 45 little arched teeth which are more evenly spaced at their base than at the apex (Fig. 66 ). Fore coxa armed with a small spine, fore femora with 4 small spines on ventral inner margins, mid femora with 4-5 small spines on ventral outer margins, hind femora with 2-3 rows of small ventral spines distally. Fore tibiae with tympanum conchate on inner and open on the outer side, with 2-3 small spines on inner margins, mid tibiae with 9-10 small spines on outer and inner margins, hind tibiae with numerous spines and 3 apical spurs on each side. Last abdominal tergite flattened and enlarged with two apical small pointed processes, cerci stout, short and incurved, before their tips, they have an inner flattened process (Figs 67-69 ). Subgenital plate long with a narrow concavity and two parallel pointed processes; styli absent (Fig. 69 ). Measurements (mm) . Male. Body length: 19.0; pronotum length: 4.1; pronotum height: 2.3; length hind femora: 18.2; length of tegmina: 23.3; width of tegmina: 4.0. Etymology. P. ivoriana sp. nov. is named after the Cote d'Ivoire . Distribution. Presently known only from the Tai National Park ( Cote d'Ivoire ). Figures 65-69. Morphological details of male Poreuomena ivoriana sp. nov. Stridulatory area ( 65 ), stridulatory file on the underside of the left tegminal flap ( 66 ), view on male cerci in dorsal ( 67 ) and lateral view ( 68 ), subgenital plate ( 69 ).