Chapter 7: Linnaean Plant Names and their Types (part Z) Author Jarvis, Charlie Department of Botany, Natural History Museum, Cromwell Road, London, UK text 2007 Linnaean Society of London in association with the Natural History Museum London Order out of Chaos. Linnaean Plant Types and their Types 932 934 book chapter 978-0-9506207-7-0 291971 Zanonia indica Linnaeus , Systema Naturae , ed. 10, 2 : 1292. 1759 . ["Habitat in Malabaria."] Sp. Pl., ed. 2, 2: 1457 (1763). RCN: 7432. Lectotype (Keraudren-Aymonin in Aubreville & Leroy, Fl. Cambodge Laos Viet-Nam 15: 18. 1975; Chakravarty in Jain & al. in Fasc. Fl. India 11: 126. 1982): [icon] " Penar-valli mas " in Rheede, Hort. Malab. 8: 39, t. 49. 1688. Generitype of Zanonia Linaneus. Current name: Zanonia indica L. ( Cucurbitaceae ). Note: Although Zanonia dates from 1753, the account of this species (in Sp. Pl. 2: 1028) omitted any specific epithet, so Z. indica dates from 1759. Keraudren-Aymonin (in Aubreville & Leroy, Fl. Cambodge Laos Viet-Nam 15: 18. 1975) indicated all three of the cited Rheede plates (t. 47-49) as type. This choice was restricted to t. 49 by Chakravarty, pre-dating that of Jeffrey (in Regnum Veg. 127: 100. 1993) who restricted it to t. 47.