Botanophila biclavata, a new species of Anthomyiidae (Brachycera, Diptera) from Austria Author Schlüsslmayr, Gerhard text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2023 55 1 351 354 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.10415198 0253-116X 10415198 Botanophila biclavata nov.sp. ( Figs1-5 ) T y p e m a t e r i a l: Holotype ♁, AUSTRIA : Tyrol , Kitzbüheler Horn, peak, 1996 m a.s.l., 47.47N / 12.42E , 1.8.2022 , leg. & det.G. Schlüsslmayr, coll.Biology Centre Linz. Paratype ♁: same locality and date as for holotype , coll. NHM Vienna . D e s c r i p t i o n M a l e: Body length: 6,5 mm, wing length: 6.3 mm . Head: Ground color black with greyish-silver tomentum. Eyes very sparse and short haired. Narrowest distance between eye margins as wide as anterior ocellus, frontal vitta narrow, but continous, frontal widening anteriorly red (in paratype black). Parafrontalia slightly narrower than postpedicel, genae as wide as postpedicel in profile. Frontal setae in 6 pairs, 1 pair of long interfrontals. Genal setae in one row. Antenna black, arista short pinnate, hairs 2-3x as long as its basal diameter, postpedicel 1,6x as long as wide. Palpi black, proboscis half head height, prementum pruinose, not shiny. Mouth and forehead at the same level in profile. Thorax: Ground color black with dark grey tomentum, with 3 black stripes, distinct only presutural. 3 presutural ac, the longest half as long as presutural dc. dc 2+3, intraalar setae 0+2, notopleuron without additional hairs, prealar seta as long as posterior notopleural seta. Katepisternum with 2+2 setae. Color of scutellum like scutum, with 2 pairs of setae and 1 pair on the surface. Wing: Base, front part of wing and veins distinctly yellow. Calypters intense yellow, halter and basicosta yellow. Costal spine longer than ta. Legs: Entirely black; fore tibia with a long pv and 1-2 ad, middle tibia with 1 ad, 2 pd and 3 av, hind tibia with 5 ad, 4 pd (distal seta almost as long as metatars 3) and 4 av. Femur 1-3 with complete rows of strong av and pv, hind femur with long irregularly arranged ad-setae. Claws and pulvilli as long as tarsomere 5. Abdomen: Like scutum, but with black middle line, tergite VI bare. B i o l o g y: Botanophila biclavata occurs on a high-alpine peak-grassland of Kitzbüheler Horn ( 1996m ) together with the Anthomyiids Anthomyia mimetica , A. pluvialis , Botanophila sericea , B. varicolor , Delia florilega , D. lophota , D. platura , Eutrichota paratunicata , E. triticiperda , Heterostylodes pratensis , Hylemya variata , Paregle coerulescens , Pegoplata aestiva , P. infirma and Phorbia fumigata . The recentlydescribed Delia altophila is not rare on the northern side of the mountain at an altitude of 1700 m . E t y m o l o g y: clavatus = club-shaped, biclavata because of the two club-shaped processes of the cercal plate, which resemble the clubmoss Lycopodium clavatum. The name Botanophila clavata is already occupied by Hennig. F e m a l e: unknown.