Two new species of the genus Veigaia from China (Acari: Mesostigmata: Veigaiaidae) Author Chen, Wan-Peng College of Agriculture, Liaoning Radio and Television University, Shenyang 110034, China Author Gao, Ping College of Plant Protection, Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang 110866, China text Zoological Systematics 2015 40 2 191 196 journal article 10.11865/zs.20150204 2095-6827 7176534 DAE59C6A-84DB-44D4-A7EA-E49A198DC9E7 Veigaia yinsuigongi sp. nov. ( Figs 1–9 ) Description. Female ( holotype & paratype ). Dorsum ( Fig. 1 ). Idiosoma length 729, width 437, oval and pale yellow, with 2 reticulated shields on dorsum. Anterior dorsal shield length 400, width 420, posterior margin flat, provided with 22 pairs of setae and 4 pairs of lyriform pores. Dorsal setae j 1 (60), j 4 (49), z 5 (50) and r 3 (88) long and stout, the other setae short and smooth; the first pair of lyriform pores bigger, arc shaped out of the F 1 and F 2 . Posterior dorsal shield rectangle, length 256, width 376, anterior margin flat, provided with 18 pairs of smooth setae subequal in length and 2 pairs of lyriform pores. Venter ( Fig. 2 ). Presternal shield composed of 2 pairs of platelets, irregularity and without reticulation. Sternal shield length 136, width 120, ornamented reticulation obviously between St 2 and St 3 . Anterior margin of sternal shield concaved, 2 lateral angles extended transversely between coxae Ⅰ and II, faintly concaved on center of posterior margin, 3 pairs of sternal setae and 2 pairs of lyriform pores. St 1 length 49, St 2 and St 3 length 40. 1 pair of metasternal shields sliver-like with 1 pair of setae (32). Genital shield reticulated, bearing 3 pairs of setae, middle pair tiny, genital region with ring-like structure, ornamented with radiant ray on anterior margin. Posterior margin of genital shield not coalesced with ventral shield but connected with punctiform organ area, 12–13 pairs of pores arranged in 1 row in punctiform organ area. Posterior margin of ventral shield slightly concaved, inverted trapezium in shape. Ventral shield with 1 pair of lyriform pores and 5 pairs of setae, the anterior 3 pairs short and the posterior 2 pairs longer. Posterior margin of peritrematal shield coalesced with antero-lateral corner of ventral shield, bearing 1 pair of parastigma setae; 1 pair of lyriform pores situated in front of the stigma of peritrematal groove. 1 pair of matapodal shields, slender with 2 forks on inner part of anterior tip. Ventral membrane with 9 pairs of setae and 2 pairs of lyriform pores, setae between ventral shield and anal shield about 1/4 time as long as the last pair of setae. Anal shield sector, reticulated, length 88, width 96, with 3 perianal setae; postanal seta length 14, adanal setae length 28, anal opening length 32. Tritosternal base length 80, width 16. Laciniae bifid, with a few branches. Gnathosoma ( Figs 3–5 ). Seta f 1 on palpfemur tiny and thin with sparsely microseta on anterior margin; seta g 1 on palpgenu with 6 prongs on tip of anterior margin, seta g 2 club-like, bared tip. Tectum with 3 projections, middle projection expanded terminally torch-like, 2 laterals slightly convex in the middle each with 2 denticles on tip. Base of tectum broad, with 1 pair of slender sutures. Fixed digit of chelicera slightly longer than movable digit, fixed digit with 3 teeth, middle tooth slightly big, 2 tip teeth close together, movable digit with 2 teeth on tip. Legs. Leg IV with club-like setae except coxae, blunted round tip with microseta, chaetotaxy as follows: 1-5-10-10-7(trochanter- femur- genu- tibia- tarsus). Male ( paratype ). Dorsum ( Fig. 6 ). Oval and pale yellow, length 648, width 405. Dorsal shield with 40 pairs of setae, reticulated, divided into 2 parts by wrinkles behind dorsal seta j 6 . Dorsal chaetotaxy similar to those of female. Dorsal setae j 1 , j 4 , z 5 , r 3 longer and stouter than other setae, lateral part of dorsal shield coalesced with peritrematal shield and ventral-anal shield. Venter ( Fig. 7 ). One pair of big presternal shield, without reticulation. Sternal shield reticulated, length 244, width 116, bearing 4 pairs of simple setae and 2 pairs of lyriform pores. Genital pore situated on anterior margin of sternal shield. Ventral shield coalesced with genital shield and anal shield, reticulated, bearing 12 pairs of setae, anterior margin coalesced with peritrematal shield, postero-lateral margin coalesced with doral shield. Punctiform organ area with 12 pairs of pores arranged in 1 row. Tritosternal base broad and short, length 10, width 14. Laciniae bifid, slightly branched. Gnathosoma ( Figs 8–9 ). Palp similar to female. Tectum with 3 projections, crown-like, tip of middle with 3 teeth, laterals with 2 teeth. Fixed digit of chelicera with 1 tooth, while movable digit 1 tooth, spermatophoral process belt-like, longer than movable digit. Material examined. Holotype female, from soil, Anshan City ( 41°05′N , 123°00'E ), September 2002 , coll. Li-Qiang Gu and Cheng-Min Shi. Paratypes 1 female , 8 males , same data as holotype . Etymology. The new species is named in honor of Dr. Sui-Gong Yin, a famous acarologist in China . © Zoological Systematics , 40(2): 191–196 Figs 1–5. Veigaia yinsuigongi sp. nov. , female. 1. Dorsum. 2. Venter. 3. Tectum. 4. Chelicera. 5. Palp femur and genu. Scale bars: 1–2 = 100 μm, 3–5 = 50 μm. Remarks. The new species is similar to V. mirabilis Bregetova, 1961 , but differs in latter by following. In the new species, posterior margin of ventral shield concaved, while the latter posterior margin of ventral shield flat. Seta g 1 of palpgenu has 6 branches on tip of anterior margin, rather than bared in V. mirabilis . The new species has female tectum middle one torch-like, laterals with 2 big teeth and male tectum crown-like, tip of middle rather broad, while in V. mirabilis , female has 3 tines on the tip of middle one, laterals with 3–4 small teeth and male has tiny middle tines. Additionally, the new species has 12–13 pairs of pores arranged in 1 row, while 22–24 pairs pores arranged in 2 rows in V. mirabilis .