Review of Dibrachys Foerster from China (Hymenoptera, Chalcidoidea, Pteromalidae) Author Jiao, Tian-yang Author Yao, Qin-ying Author Xiao, Hui text ZooKeys 2017 656 123 149 journal article 1313-2970-656-123 11FEFBEC24EA4AD6BF7EE01809E4112D 11FEFBEC24EA4AD6BF7EE01809E4112D Dibrachys kunmingica Jiao & Xiao sp. n. Figs 10-14 Diagnosis. The species belongs to subgenus Allodibrachys , and similar to Dibrachys yunnanensis Yang has the lower angle of the gena not exceeding the clypeal margin, and the stigmal vein slightly shorter than the postmarginal vein. The main differences are: marginal vein 2 x as long as stigmal vein; propodeum with plica indistinct, only conspicuous basally; median carina absent. Description. Holotype. Female. Body (Figs 10, 11) length 2.5 mm. Head and mesosoma dark green, with metallic reflection; gaster brown with metallic reflection basally. Antenna brown except pedicel and scape yellowish brown; legs light brown except coxae brown; fore wing hyaline, slightly infumate, wing venation yellowish-brown. Figures 10-18. 10-14 Dibrachys kunmingica sp. n., female holotype 10 Body in dorsal view 11 Body in lateral view 12 Head in frontal view 13 Head in dorsal view 14 Fore wing 15-18 Dibrachys braconidis ( Ferriere et Faure, 1925). 15 Body in dorsal view 16 Body in lateral view 17 Head in frontal view 18 Head in lateral view. Head in frontal view (Fig. 12), width 1.29 x height; frons with irregular reticulation, lower face curved ventrally; eye height 0.68 x head height, inner margin of eyes slightly converging upwards, separated by 1.24 x their height; antennal scrope deep, not reaching anterior ocellus; reticulation in antennal scrobe smaller than that on parascrobe. Antennal insertion slightly above lower ocular line, distance from upper margin of antennal torulus to lower margin of anterior ocellus 2 x distance from lower margin of antennal torulus to clypeal margin; clypeus with dense longitudinal striation; clypeal margin slightly protruded, emarginate in the middle and with two blunt teeth, median margin concave, as a small, smooth, triangular depression; gena plump, oral fossa 0.48 x as wide as head. Head in lateral view with malar sulcus inconspicuous, eye height 2.2 x malar space. Antennal scape length 0.83 x eye height, not reaching anterior ocellus; pedicel in lateral view 2.5 x as long as broad; both anelli transverse. Head in dorsal view (Fig. 13), head 2 x as wide as long; vertex convex, with regular reticulation denser than that on frons, posterior part sharply sloped down; eye length 2 x temple length; POL 1.6 x OOL. Head 1.19 x as broad as thorax. Mesosoma 1.37 x as long as broad. Propodeum with short collar, collar subhorizontal and not margined, posterior margin smooth. Mesoscutum 2 x as broad as long, reticulation on posterior area bigger than that on anterior area. Scutellum slightly convex medially, width 1.22 x length, frenal line absent; reticulation shallower than that on mesoscutum posteriorly. Median length of propodeum half that of scutellum; median area flat, with deep, fine, dense reticulation; median carina absent; plica incomplete, visible anteriorly; plicae separated by 1.68 x median length of propodeum; short nucha hemispheric and smooth; spiracles elongate, 2 x as long as broad, separated from hind margin of metanotum by width of spiracle. Fore wing (Fig. 14) 2.36 x as long as broad; without fringe from postmarginal vein to distal margin; hind wing with marginal fringe; basal vein and basal cell bare, speculum only extending to base of marginal vein; upper surface of costal cell bare, lower surface with one compact row of setae and distal 1/3 with one row of short setae and some scattered setae; submarginal vein 2 x as long as marginal vein; marginal vein 1.91 x as long as postmarginal vein, 2 x as long as stigma vein; stigmal vein slightly shorter than postmarginal vein (0.96 x ); stigmal vein curved. Petiole quadrate, as long as broad. Gaster (Fig. 10) ovate, 1.2 x as long as broad, width 1.06 x thorax width, length 0.94 x mesosoma length; Gt1 covering 0.42 x length of gaster, posterior margin of Gt1 cambered, without distinct fovea in the middle; following tergites with posterior margin straight; tergites coriaceous. Material examined. Holotype. ♀, China: Yunnan: Kunming, 25.94°N , 102.42°E , IV.1954, leg. Ding-Xi Liao. Paratype. 1♀, same data as holotype. Etymology . Named after the location of the type material. Hosts. Unknown. Distribution. China (Yunnan).