Two new related oodine genera in the Oriental Region, with remarks on the systematic position of the genera Hololeius and Holosoma (Coleoptera, Carabidae) Author Gueorguiev, Borislav text Deutsche Entomologische Zeitschrift 2014 61 2 87 104 journal article 1860-1324-2 Taxon classification Animalia Coleoptera Carabidae Thaioodes gen. n. Type species. Thaioodes piceus B. Gueorguiev sp. n. Diagnosis. Small to medium-sized species (6.7-6.9 mm) for Oriental Oodini , habitus semi-elongate; color piceous on dorsal and ventral surface, with slight bluish color dorsally, antennomeres 1-3 of antennae, palpi, tibiae, tarsomeres red-yellow to yellow; microsculpture isodiametric; tegument completely glabrous and impunctate, only disc of head lightly punctate; head with conspicuously large eyes and minute tempora; frons with punctiform impressions and one pair of supraorbital punctures; labrum with six setae along anterior margin; clypeus with two setae; labial palpomere glabrous; mentum tooth rounded anteriorly, bordered posteriorly; pronotum subquadrate, rounded, without protruded angles, with anterior and posterior margins of nearly equal width; sides of pronotum bordered apically and laterally, not bordered basally; anterolateral and posterolateral setae lacking; laterobasal impressions faint, sublinear; elytra with well-im pressed striae, distinct to apex; striae 5-7 obliterated basally; stria 8 grooved along most of its length, deeper than striae 1-7; parascutellar striola well-developed, long, situated between suture and stria 1; intervals impunctate, smooth, subconvex in anterior half, convex posteriorly; interval 3 at apex nearly twice as broad as intervals 1 and 2; intervals 7 and 8 fused posteriorly or not to apex; interval 8 (or its substitute interval 7) forming outward ridge, moderately elevated, more distinct along posterior half of elytra; interval 9 transformed into marginal gutter throughout; marginal gutter distinct to apex of elytron; prosternal process bordered; mesosternum concave; metepisternum laterally coadunate with elytral epipleuron; sterna 4-5 with pair of minute ambulatory setae; apical sternum without setae in male; mesocoxa without lateral seta, with posteromedial seta; metacoxa with anterior pore; mesofemur without posterior setae; metafemur glabrous; protarsomeres 1 and 3 in males longer than wide, tarsomere 2 subquadrate, each with variable number of small round adhesive setae with oval discs underneath; tarsomere 5 of all legs setose ventrally. Etymology. A compound word, based on the ethnic name of the predominating people in the country where the type species was found, Thai, and Oodes (for the etymology of this name see Bousquet 2012 : 955). It is treated as a Latin masculine. Affinities. Specific characters of the new genus correspond with the basic features of Oodini as far as these have been outlined by Jeannel (1949a) and Bousquet (1996) : 1, integument of body glabrous and largely impunctate; 2, antennomere 3 glabrous, excluding apical setae; 3, stria 8 deeper than other striae; 4, interval 8 forming outward ridge posteriorly; 5, interval 9 transformed into marginal gutter. Thaioodes gen. n. is most closely allied to Bamaroodes gen. n. (see 'Discussion' ). The former genus differs from the latter genus by: 1, tegument unicolored dorsally (vs. tegument bicolored dorsally); 2, pronotum slightly wider than long (PW/PL: 1.18), with sides partly bordered (vs. pronotum distinctly wider than long, PW/PL: 1.24-1.37, with sides finely bordered throughout); 3, anterolateral and basolateral setae of pronotum lacking (vs. anterolateral seta lacking, basolateral setae present); 4, all striae of elytra distinct to apex (vs. elytral striae 1-7 obliterated before apex); 5, stria 7 ending before apex or joining stria 8, thus intervals 7 and 8 fused posteriorly (vs. stria 7 separate before apex, thus intervals 7 and 8 not fused posteriorly); 6, intervals convex posteriorly (vs. intervals uniformly flat throughout); 7, interval 8 forms ridge posteriorly (vs. interval 8 not forming ridge posteriorly); 8, interval 9 transformed into marginal gutter throughout (vs. interval 9 transformed into marginal gutter only at anterior two fifths of elytron); 9, marginal gutter distinct to apex of elytron (vs. marginal gutter ended before apex of elytron); 10, umbilicate series of elytra with 19-20 pores (vs. umbilicate series with 15-16 pores); 11, prosternal process bordered (vs. prosternal process unbordered). In my estimation, the presented series of differences and their opposed states are enough to differentiate Thaioodes piceus sp. n. from Bamaroodes cyaneus at a generic level.