New species and records of anthuridean isopod crustaceans from the Indian Ocean Author Kensley, B. Author Schotte, M. text Journal of Natural History 2000 34 2057 2121 journal article 1464-5262 Anthomuda quadrilineata sp. nov. ( Figures 1 , 2 ) Type material . HOLOTYPE : USNM 253159 , ovigerous m 4.8 mm , sta K-AL-115, coral rubble and coarse sand, Aldabra lagoon at head of Grande Passe, 2±3 m , 6 April 1987 . PARATYPES : USNM 253160 , one ovigerous m 4.0 mm, two non-ovigerou s m 4.6 mm , one damaged, sta K-AL-26, coarse sediment and coral rubble on outer reef slope, Picard Is. , Aldabra , 18 m , 7 April 1983 . USNM 253161 , one pre- l 3.8 mm , one non-ovigerous m 5.0 mm, sta K-AL-39, coral rubble from fore-reef slope, Picard Is. , Aldabra , 20 m , 11 April 1983 . Other material examined . USNM 253162 , one l 4.1 mm , four non-ovigerous m 4.4 ±5.8 mm , 19 juveniles , from 14 separate stations, coral rubble and coarse sediments, Aldabra, intertidal, 25 m . Diagnosis . Ovigerous female: Antennular ¯agellum of four articles, two aesthetascs on subterminal article, one on terminal article. Antennal ¯agellum of four setose articles. Mandibular palp, article 2 with single long distal seta, four fringed setae on article 3; lamina dentata of six teeth; molar small, conical. Maxillipedal endite distally truncate, with two terminal setae; terminal palp article having ®ve mesial setae, inserted obliquely at distolateral angle of article 3. Pereopod 1, carpus triangular, propodus barely expanded, margin of palm bearing fringed scales. Pereopods 2 and 3, carpus with stout distal seta; propodus with two stout sensory setae on palm. Pereopod 7, carpus with free anterior margin shorter than posterior margin, latter bearing two sensory setae; propodus rectangular, with two sensory setae on posterior margin, three fringed setae anterodistally. Pleopod 1 exopod operculiform, with 19±20 plumose marginal setae; endopod two-thirds of exopod, with two distal plumose setae. Uropodal exopod broadly ovate, apex narrowly rounded; endopod length about 1.8 times basal width, bearing numerous elongate distal setae. Telson length about 2.8 times basal width, posterior margin broadly rounded. Table 1. Features separating the ®ve species of Anthomuda known from the Indian Ocean.
Pleopod 1 endopod setae Uropodal endopod length:basal width Uropodal exopod length:width Telson length:greatest width
A. cracens ( Kensley, 1980a ) Mozambique; Somalia 6 2.4 3.1 2.1
A. hapla ( Kensley, 1980a ) Mauritius 3 2.5 2.2 2.7
A. hovea Poore and Lew Ton, 1988a Queensland, Australia 4 1.6 1.8 2.4
A. poorei MuÈller, 1990 Reunion Island 7 2.6 2.3 2.4
A. quadrilineata sp. nov. Aldabra Atoll 2 1.8 1.7 2.8
FIG. 1. Anthomuda quadrilineata sp. nov. : (A) m dorsal view; (B) antennule; (C) antenna; (D) mandible; (E) maxilliped; (F) maxilla; (G) pleopod 1; (H) telson; (I) uropodal protopod and endopod; (J) uropodal exopod. FIG. 2. Anthomuda quadrilineata sp. nov. : (A) pereopod 1; (B) pereopod 2; (C) pereopod 3; (D) pereopod 4. Colour . Dorsum of cephalon, pereonites and pleon with thin spidery lines of pigment; cephalon with indistinct line of pigment between eyes and four roughly parallel longitudinal lines almost reaching posterior margin. Remarks. In addition to the characters provided in table 1, the four species of Anthomuda from the Indian Ocean can be further distinguished by the following: A . cracens ( Kensley, 1980a ) has a less elongate telson with a proportionally much larger statocyst and a more elongate uropodal exopod and endopod, than A . quadrilineata . A . hapla ( Kensley, 1980a ) , unlike A . quadrilineata , has an apically acute maxillipedal endite, a broader terminal maxillipedal palp article and a more elongate uropodal endopod. A . poorei MuÈller, 1990 , from ReÂunion, has a more elongate and slender uropodal exopod, more marginal plumose setae on the endopod of pleopod 1 and far more elongate posterior pereopods. A . cf. hovea Poore and Lew Ton, 1988a , was also recorded from ReÂunion by MuÈller (1990); this species has a distinctive colour pattern, quite diOEerent from A . quadrilineata and more articles in the ¯agella of both the antennule and the antenna. The present species does not bear a close resemblance to any of the three Paci®c species. Etymology . The speci®c name refers to the four lines of pigment on the dorsum of the cephalon.