The genus Dryadaula Meyrick (Lepidoptera, Tineoidea, Dryadaulidae) in China, with descriptions of four new species and a world checklist
Yang, Lin-Lin
Institute of Plant Protection, Henan Academy of Agricultural Sciences, Zhengzhou 450002, China
Li, Hou-Hun
College of Life Sciences, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, China
journal article
Dryadaula hirtiglobosa
sp. nov.
Figures 3
, 9
Type material.
: China: • ♂; Guangxi Province, Nanning City, Mt. Daming (
); alt. 1250 m; 23.v.2011; leg. Linlin Yang & Yinghui Mou; genitalia slide No. YLL13026.
: China: • 1 ♂; Zhejiang Province, Jingning She Autonomous County, Wangdongyang Wetland Reserve (
); alt. 1174 m; 16.viii.2018; leg. Shuai Yu et al.; genitalia slide No. DNAYLL18170 • 1 ♂; Zhejiang Province, Jiangshan City, Mt. Xianxia, Shuangxikou Town, Laofoyan Village (
); alt. 400 m; 26.v.2017; leg. Shuonan Qian and Jiaen Li; genitalia slide No. DNAYLL18169.
Figures 9, 10.
Male genitalia of
D. hirtiglobosa
sp. nov., holotype, slide No. YLL13026
D. securiformis
sp. nov., paratype, slide No. DNAYLL18173. Scale bars: 0.25 mm. (U = uncus lobes; T = tegumen; V = vinculum; Su = Subscaphium; S VIII = sternum VIII; Vr = right valva; Vl = left valva; J = juxta; A = aedeagus).
Differential diagnosis.
The new species is externally close to
D. irinae
(Savenkov, 1989), but differs from it by the shape of valva in the male genitalia: in
D. hirtiglobosa
sp. nov., the left valva has a blade-shaped setose lobe apically and a sword hilt-like process subapically on ventral margin and the right valva is bilobate; in
D. irinae
, the left valva is divided into two parts, without blade-shaped setose lobe or sword hilt-like process, the right valva is not bilobate.
): Wingspan 11.0 mm in holotype, 9.5-10.5 mm in paratypes. Vertex cream white, frons pale greyish-brown. Antenna with scape brightly white, margined with black anteriorly; flagellum with ventral surface bearing white scales on alternate annuli, dorsal surface alternating black and white in basal 2/3, white with three black bands in distal 1/3. Labial palpus spatulate; smoky white on inner surface, black on outer surface, except for yellowish-white at end of third palpomere. Thorax and tegula blackish-brown in anterior 1/2, white tinged with blackish-brown in posterior 1/2. Forewing white, with scattered black and brown scales, patterned with black markings that are edged with ochreous yellow: costa with a wedge-shaped stripe in basal 1/6, a semicircular spot at 1/3, an ambiguous dot at middle, a semicircular patch at 3/4, an obscure, irregular greyish fuscous dot near apex and a dot at apex; cell with a narrowed, oval spot at distal 1/3, more or less coalesced with semicircular costal patch; fold with irregular stripes at base, basal 1/3 and 2/3, powdered with ochreous yellow scales, obliquely inwards towards dorsum; terminal line black, not continuous, around apex, then along termen to tornus; cilia greyish-white, with some black dots. Hind-wing and cilia dark grey. Foreleg greyish-black, tarsomeres white at end; mid-leg femur greyish-black on outer surface, pale yellow on inner surface, tarsomeres yellowish-white at end; hind leg with tibia yellowish-white on inner and ventral surface, grey on outer and dorsal surface, tarsomeres yellowish-white on inner and ventral surface, greyish-black on outer and dorsal surface, brightly white at end.
Male genitalia
). Uncus lobes fused into a shield, bearing long hairs, slightly concave at middle on posterior margin, asymmetrical. Subscaphium ribbon-like. Tegumen asymmetrical, left part broader than right part, forming a narrow ring with vinculum. Vinculum arched, narrowed, equipped with a globular lobe bearing long hairs at middle. Saccus not developed. A receptacle-shaped, sclerotised modification attached to vinculum anteriorly, possibly part of segments VII and VIII, with a sharp horn and a drumstick-like process at right on posterior margin. Sternum VIII articulated with vinculum at left, articulated with left valva dorso-basally; strongly modified, folded, concave at middle on costal margin, convex in hillock shape on ventral margin; broad in basal 3/4, with a digitate basal process, narrowed and thumb-like in distal 1/4, bearing long scales apically. Valvae strongly asymmetrical. Left valva larger than right one, irregular in shape, with a blade-shaped setose lobe apically; costal margin with a triangular protuberance at base and a 1/2-round protuberance near apex; ventral margin with a sword-hilt-like process subapically; inner surface with a finger-like lobe at base, a small, subquadrate, smooth process at middle near costal margin and a hillock-shaped smooth process near apex; apodeme distinct. Right valva divided into two parts: dorsal lobe strongly sclerotised, expanded and convex dorso-apically, with a large subquadrate and a small digitate process, with a vaulted, setose lobe ventro-apically; ventral lobe crescent, with a slender, hooked process distally, a membranous, hillock-shaped process that bears dense setae at middle of costal margin, a horned process at base of inner surface. Juxta broad, pocket-like, with a curved thorn-like process at end of right side. Aedeagus short, as long as modification of vinculum, slightly expanded and membranous basally; sclerotised near lateral sides, with a small process on right; tapered to pointed apex; cornutus absent.
China (Guangxi, Zhejiang).
The specific name is derived from the Latin prefix
-, from
meaning hairy and the Latin word
, globular, referring to the vinculum equipped with a globular lobe bearing long hairs.
DNA barcode.
One DNA barcode from a paratype was generated and deposited in GenBank and BOLD systems: MZ711362/ DRYAD002-21. The minimum divergence (Table
) to its nearest species,
D. securiformis
sp. nov., is 6.06%.