Seven new species of the genus Trilacuna Tong & Li, 2007 from Yunnan, China (Araneae, Oonopidae) Author Tong, Yanfeng Author Chen, Haifeng Author Bai, Shuchong Author Zhang, Zhisheng Author Li, Shuqiang text ZooKeys 2019 821 11 44 journal article 1313-2970-821-11 3EA9AD1E6BC646B28EF19DFB41C74BBF 3EA9AD1E6BC646B28EF19DFB41C74BBF Trilacuna fugong Tong, Zhang & Li sp. n. Figs 7, 8, 9, 22D, E, 24E, F, 26C Type material. Holotype ♂ (SYNU-250), China, Yunnan Province, Nujiang Lisu Autonomous Prefecture, Fugong County, Pihe Town, 11.III.2011, Zongxu Li & Luyu Wang. Paratypes: 1♀, 2♂ (SYNU-251), same data as holotype. Etymology. The specific name is a noun in apposition taken from the type locality. Diagnosis. Males of the new species is similar to T. werni Eichenberger, 2011, but can be distinguished by the several rows of lobes on ventral groove (grl) of the bulb (Fig. 8C), the large distal plate (ldp) of embolus system (Fig. 8C), and the smooth carapace and sternum (Fig. 7D, E) vs. only one row of lobes in a venrtal groove without large distal plate on embolus system in T werni ( Eichenberger and Kranz-Baltensperger 2011 : fig. 12E‒F, I), and granulated carapace and reticulated sternum in T. werni ( Eichenberger and Kranz-Baltensperger 2011 : fig. 10 D-G ). Females of the new species can be distinguished from all other Trilacuna species by the horseshoe-shaped sclerite (hsc) of the endogyne (Fig. 24F), the females of all the known species have transversally elongated sclerite of the endogyne (e.g., Figs 24B, D, H, J, 25B, D). Figure 7. Trilacuna fugong sp. n., male. A-C habitus, dorsal, ventral and lateral views D-G prosoma, dorsal, ventral, lateral and anterior views H, I abdomen, ventral and lateral views. Abbreviations: boc = booklung covers; ehb = elevated hair base; ldi = labium deep incision. Scale bars: 0.4 mm. Figure 8. Trilacuna fugong sp. n., left male palp. A prolateral view B, D palpal bulb, prolateral and dorsal views C, E, F distal part of palpal bulb, prolateral, dorsal and retrolateral views. Abbreviations: dha = distal "hairs" ; dmp = distal medial plate; grl = rows of lobes in basal ventral groove; lbh = long, brush of "hairs" ; lcb = lateral curved branch; ldp = large distal plate. Description. Male. Body yellow, chelicerae, sternum and legs lighter. Habitus as in Fig. 7 A-C . Body length 1.59; carapace 0.78 long, 0.64 wide; abdomen 0.86 long, 0.55 wide. Carapace sides smooth, lateral margin rebordered (Fig. 7D). Eyes: ALE largest, PME smallest (Fig. 7D, G). ALE separated from edge of carapace by approximately one diameter. Mouthparts as in Figs 7E, G, 26C, endites with a small distal projection (dpr). Sternum surface smooth (Fig. 7E). Abdomen as in Fig. 7I. Leg spination (all spines longer than segment width): legs I-II: tibia: v2-2-2-0, metatarsus: v2-2-0. Genitalia. Epigastric region sharply elevated from lateral view (Fig. 7I), sperm pore situated at level of anterior spiracles. Palp (Figs 8, 22D, E): orange. 0.46 long (0.15, 0.08, 0.11, 0.12). Femur 0.15 long, 0.09 wide (width/length = 0.6) (Fig. 22D, E). Cymbium without long setae. Bulb oval, stout, tapering apically. Embolus system (Fig. 8C, E, F) with rows of lobes in basal ventral groove (grl) and a large distal plate (ldp); with a distal medial plate (dmp) and a short lateral curved branch (lcb), surrounded by long, brush of "hairs" (lbh). Female. As in male except as noted. Habitus as in Fig. 9A. Slightly larger than male. Body length 1.68; carapace 0.71 long, 0.63 wide; abdomen 1.01 long, 0.63 wide. Endites unmodified; epigastric region not sharply elevated from lateral view. Genitalia . Ventral view (Figs 9B, 24E): with recurved, strongly sclerotized arches (sar) anterior to the spiracles. Dorsal view (Fig. 24F): with an anterior stick-like sclerite (ssc) and a posterior horseshoe-shaped sclerite (hsc). Figure 9. Trilacuna fugong sp. n., female. A habitus, dorsal view B, C abdomen, ventral and lateral views D-G prosoma, dorsal, ventral, lateral and anterior views. Abbreviations: boc = booklung covers; ldi = labium deep incision; psp = posterior spiracle; sar = sclerotized, recurved arches. Scale bars: 0.4 mm. Distribution. Known only from the type locality.