A review of the genus Paratus Simon (Araneae, Dionycha) Author Marusik, Yuri M. Author Zheng, Guo Author Li, Shuqiang text Zootaxa 2008 1965 50 60 http://www.mapress.com/zootaxa/2008/f/z01965p060f.pdf journal article 32947 10.5281/zenodo.584061 2f20dd80-0cad-40e0-a1fd-5ff804f9aca0 1175-5326 584061 Paratus indicus sp. n. Figs. 5–11 , 19–21 , 27–29 Material examined : Holotype and paratypes 1 ♂ and 5 ♀ from India , Uttar Pradesh , Gobind Ghat Vill ., 30o37.5’N 79o33.5’E , 1750–1900m , 17– 23.05.1999 ( Yu. M. Marusik ) ; paratype from Uttar Pradesh , Joshimath Town , 30o33.3’N 79o33.9’E , 1870m , 14.05.1999 ( Yu. M. Marusik ). All deposited in SMF . Etymology . The specific name refers to the type locality. Diagnosis . This species can be recognized by the presence of a conductor in the male palp, long embolus with distinct stylus, short slightly bent retrolateral apophysis, cymbium longer than femur, and lack of vulval diverticula. In comparison to P. sinensis sp. n. , the epigyne of this species has a more procurved (convex) posterior margin ( Fig. 27 ). FIGURES 8–14. Male palp of Paratus indicus sp. n. (8–11) and P. sinensis sp. n. (12–14). 8—palp, ventral; 9—palp, prolateral; 10, 12—tibia, retrolateral; 11, 13–14—tegulum, ventral. Scale = 0.1 mm. Description . Male. Total length 2.63–3.20. Carapace: 1.29–1.50 long, 1.23–1.37 wide, length/width ratio 1.05–1.09, coloration as in P. sinensis sp. n. Eyes sizes and interdistances: AME 0.08, ALE 0.09, PME 0.10, PLE 0.09, AME–AME 0.11, AME–ALE, AME–PME 0.13, ALE–PLE 0.06, PME–PME 0.11, PME–PLE 0.13. Tibia I with 7 pairs of ventral and one prolateral spine, tibia II with 6 pairs of ventral spines. Length of leg articles:
Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total
I 1.77 0.57 2.00 1.40 0.57 6.31
II 1.64 0.5 1.57 1.14 0.53 5.38
III 1.46 0.46 1.37 1.21 0.61 5.11
IV 1.63 0.40 1.36 1.58 0.69 5.66
FIGURES 15–21. Male palp of Paratus sinensis sp. n. (15–18) and P. indicus sp. n. (19–21). 15, 19—ventral; 16—ventral-apical; 17, 20—retrolateral; 18, 21—prolateral. FIGURES 22–29. Epigyne of Paratus sinensis sp. n. (22–26) and P. indicus sp. n. (27–29). 22, 27—not detached epigyne, ventral; 23, 28—after maceration, ventral; 24–25—ditto, ventro-caudal; 26—ditto, caudal; 29—ditto, dorsal. Palp as in Figs. 8–11 , 19–21 . Femur long and thin, slightly shorter than cymbium, middle part of femur with dark ring, prolateral side with long strong spine (1/2 of femur length), dorsal side with two small terminal spines, prolateral side with one small terminal spine as long as femur diameter. Patella and tibia subequal in size, and each more than 2 times shorter than femur. Tibia with one prolateral spine, tibial apophysis small, less than tibia diameter, claw-like, slightly bent backwards. Cymbium without spines, tegulum bulbous, round in frontal view. Tegulum bears embolus and conductor, both arising near center of tegulum. Conductor membranous, weakly sclerotized, lying on embolus base. Embolus gradually tapering, with distinct stylus ( Fig. 11 , St ). Thick part of seminal duct makes closed loop, thin part makes a 360º loop near base of embolus. Female. Total length 3.13–3.75. Carapace: 1.29–1.50 long, 1.23–1.37 wide, length/width 1.01–1.12, coloured as in P. sinensis sp. n. Eyes sizes and interdistances: AME 0.09, ALE 0.10, PME 0.11, PLE 0.11, AME–AME 0.07, AME–ALE 0.06, AME–PME 0.11, ALE–PLE 0.04, PME–PME 0.09, PME–PLE 0.11. Tibia I–II with 6 pairs of ventral spines, although some specimens have 7 retroventral spines on tibia I. Length of leg articles:
Femur Patella Tibia Metatarsus Tarsus Total
I 1.44 0.53 1.57 1.01 0.39 4.94
II 1.44 0.50 1.39 1.00 0.43 4.76
III 1.50 0.49 1.36 1.21 0.53 5.09
IV 1.58 0.49 1.36 1.57 0.69 5.69
Epigyne as in Figs. 27–29 . Epigynal plate simple, without any fovea or furrows. Receptacula round, insemination ducts short, opening in common depression placed below plate. Dorsal wall of vulva with large plate (wall) ( Figs. 28–29 ). Habitat. All specimens were collected in leaf litter under 1.5–2 m high bushes. Distribution . Only known from type locality ( Fig. 30 ).