Four new species of Scaphisoma Leach with maculate elytra (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Scaphidiinae) from Mexico, with new records and comments on S. balteatum Matthews Author Fierros-López, Hugo Eduardo text Zootaxa 2006 1279 53 68 journal article 10.5281/zenodo.173372 f6db05a5-a22e-4b7a-8777-969c7c6e3dc1 1175­5326 173372 Scaphisoma balteatum Mattews, 1888 ( Fig. 2 e) Material examinated. Costa Rica : ɗ, Guanacaste Prov., Est. Cacao, Lado SO Volcán Cacao P. N., 1000–1400 m , F. A. Quesada, 21–29.V.1992 , 10°55’N , 85°28’W , CRI 000 523610 ( INBIO ); Ψ, Est. Sta. Rosa, P. N. Sta. Rosa, 300 m , 3–12.VI.1992 , III curso Parataxon. 10°50’N , 85°37’W , CRI 0000 428007 ( INBIO ); ɗ, Est. Maritza, Lado O Vo. Orosí, 600 m , Tp. Malaise, 1988, 10°57’N , 85°29’W , CRI 000 270101 ( INBIO ); México : ɗ, Jalisco, Casimiro Castillo, Arroyo Tacubaya, BTS, ex Oligoporus floriformis , 4.VII.2002 , 19°35’47’’N , 104°25’52’’W , H. E. Fierros­López col. ( CZUG ). Comments. This was the only one species of Scaphisoma with maculated elytra previously cited from Mexico . Matthews (1888) described this species based on specimens from Jalapa (Veracruz) and Cerro de Plumas (Oaxaca). Scaphisoma balteatum can be recognized by uniform reddish coloration of pronotum, elytra orange with a black transversal band. Other diagnostic characters are parallel mesocoxal lines, sinuate metacoxal lines; elytra with sutural stria extended from apex to base, without basal stria; aedeagus ( Figs. 4 m–o) with median lobe symmetrical, apically pointed; parameres basally wider, with apex slightly curved toward inner area; internal sac with a portion of flagellum slightly coiled at the base of the median lobe. All characters of the specimens examined agree with the original description and illustration of S. balteatum ( Mattews, 1888 ) . This species is recorded for the first time from Costa Rica and Jalisco, Mexico .