Review of the millipede family Opisotretidae (Diplopoda, Polydesmida), with descriptions of new species Author Golovatch, Sergei I. Author Geoffroy, Jean-Jacques Author Stoev, Pavel Author Spiegel, Didier Vanden text ZooKeys 2013 302 13 77 journal article 1313-2970-302-13 Carlotretus triramus sp. n. Figs 36-41 Type material. Holotype ♂ (IZAS), China, Guangxi, Chongzuo County, Longzhou Xian, Shanglong Xiang, Lenglei, Nonggang Forest, 106.964835°E , 22.467175°N , litter, Berlese extraction, 07.03.2005, leg. L. Deharveng & A. Bedos (CHIgx05-068). Paratypes. 1 ♂ (SEM), same data as holotype (CHIgx05-066); 1 ♂ (SCAU), same locality, Shanglong Xiang, Nonghang, Nonggang Forest, 106.90575°E , 22.48617°N , litter , sieving and Berlese extraction, 14.04.2010, leg. L. Deharveng & A. Bedos (CHIgx10-07). Non-types. 1 ♂ subadult (SEM), same locality, together with holotype (CHIgx05-068); 1♀ (SEM), same data as holotype (CHIgx05-064); 1♀, 3 ♀ subadults (MNHN JC 346), same locality (CHIgx10-07). Diagnosis. Differs readily from Carlotretus setosus , the only known congener, by the much longer, strong and totally unprotected solenomere branch, whereas the parabasal branches are slender and subunciform. Name . To emphasize the clearly triramous midlength process of the gonopod telopodite. Description. Length of holotype ca 4.3 mm, width of midbody pro- and metazona ca 0.4 and 0.55 mm, respectively. Length of paratype ♂ ca 4.6 mm, width of midbody pro- and metazona ca 0.45 and 0.6 mm, respectively. Length of adult ♀ ca 6.0 mm, width of midbody pro- and metazona ca 0.6 and 0.7 mm, respectively. Coloration in alcohol from uniformly pallid to head and metaterga faintly rusty reddish. Body with 19 (♂) or 20 (♀) segments. All characters like in Martensodesmus spiniger sp. n., except as follows. Antennae medium-sized, extending behind segment 2 when stretched dorsally. Caudal corner of postcollum paraterga mostly dentiform, always clearly rounded and extending increasingly well behind rear tergal margin only in segments 15-18 (♂) or 16-19 (♀), a little better produced behind than in Martensodesmus spiniger sp. n. (Figs 36A, B). Gonopod telopodite (Figs 38 B-E , 40 D-H , 41) clearly curved, but its basal half quite stout, unipartite; solenomere (sl) very long, slender and simple, only faintly curved, orifice of seminal groove placed on a small subapical tooth, with neither bacilliform ornamentations, nor accessory seminal chamber, nor a hairy pulvillus. Two large, subunciform processes, m and n, at base of sl, process n lying more dorsally and being slightly larger than a ventral, very finely and densely microspinulate m. Figure 36. Martensodesmus spiniger sp. n., ♂ holotype (A, B), and Carlotretus triramus sp. n., ♂ paratype (C, D) A, C left paratergite 13, dorsal view B, D left paratergites 17 and 18, dorsal view. - Scale bar: 0.1 mm. Figure 37. Carlotretus triramus sp. n., ♂ paratype (CHIgx10-07); A, D, G, K anterior body part, dorsal, lateral, ventral and frontodorsal views, respectively B, E, H midbody segments, dorsal, lateral and ventral views, respectively C, F, I posterior body part, dorsal, lateral and ventral views, respectively J tergal seta, lateral view L, M tegument texture, limbus and tergal seta, dorsal view N midbody leg. - Scale bars: A, B, D-H , K 0.1 mm; C, I, N 0.05 mm; L, M 0.02 mm. Figure 38. Carlotretus triramus sp. n., ♂ paratype (CHIgx10-07); A head, ventral view B-D gonopods in situE dissected left gonopod, subdorsal view. - Scale bars: B, C 0.1 mm; A, D, E 0.05 mm. Figure 39. Carlotretus triramus sp. n., ♂ paratype (CHIgx05-068); A anterior body part, dorsal view B, D midbody segments, dorsal and lateral views, respectively C, E, I posterior body part, dorsal, lateral and ventrocaudal views, respectively F gnathochilarium, ventral view G antennomeres 5-8, dorsal view H segments 6 and 7 with gonopods in situ, ventral view J cross-section of a midbody segment, caudal view. - Scale bars: A-D , F-J 0.1 mm; E 0.05 mm. Figure 40. Carlotretus triramus sp. n., ♂ paratype (CHIgx05-068); A long tactile distodorsal seta on a midbody tibia B caudolateral corner of a midbody ozoporiferous paratergite C tegument texture, limbus and setae, dorsal view D left gonopod in situ, ventral view E-H dissected left gonopod, frontomesal, frontal, subventral and ventral views, respectively. - Scale bars: G 0.1 mm; D-F , H 0.05 mm; A-C 0.02 mm. Figure 41. Carlotretus triramus sp. n., ♂ paratype (CHIgx10-07), right gonopod, mesal view. - Scale bar: 0.1 mm. A key to genera of Opisotretidae , based mainly on male characters
Figs 11A, BFig. 11C Opisthoporodesmus
Figs 67 Solaenaulus
Figs 1B, C40 D-H 41 Carlotretus
Figs 2B3 Corypholophus
Figs 910C, D293235 Martensodesmus
Figs 13B15C, D16B, C Retrodesmus
Figs 8D18 B-D 20C, D2123C, D2526F, G Opisotretus
A key to species of Martensodesmus
Figs 10A, BFigs 10C, D Martensodesmus bicuspidatus
Fig. 9 Martensodesmus himalayensis
Martensodesmus sherpa
Martensodesmus nagarjungicus
Figs 31 E-H 32 Martensodesmus bedosae
Fig. 35 Martensodesmus spiniger
Martensodesmus excornis
Figs 28 E-I 29 Martensodesmus cattienensis
A key to species of Opisotretus
Fig. 23AFigs 23C, D Opisotretus hagen
Fig. 26AFigs 26F, G Opisotretus spinosus
Opisotretus mimus
Fig. 8D
Opisotretus euthus
Opisotretus kraepelini
Figs 18 B-D 20C, D Opisotretus beroni
Fig. 25 Opisotretus deharvengi