A catalogue of the ants of Paraguay (Hymenoptera: Formicidae). Author Wild, A. L. text Zootaxa 2007 1622 1 55 http://www.antbase.org/ants/publications/21367/21367.pdf journal article 21367 Camponotus iheringi Forel 1908b. Camponotus iheringi Forel 1908b: 412. [w syntypes examined, MHNG ; Sao Paulo , Brazil ( v. Ihering )] Camponotus iheringi var. latinota Forel 1909: 264. NEW SYNONYMY . [w syntypes examined, MHNG ; San Bernadino , Cordillera , Paraguay ( Stengel )] . Junior homonym of latinotus Forel 1907c, replacement name is bajulus Emery 1925. Camponotus (Myrmamblys) iheringi Forel . Forel 1914a: 271. Camponotus (Myrmobrachys) iheringi Forel . Emery 1920a:260. Camponotus iheringi bajulus Emery 1925: 165. NEW SYNONYMY . Replacement name for latinota Forel 1909. Camponotus jheringi Forel . Kempf 1972: 52. Misspelling. Camponotus jheringi var. bajulus Emery . Kempf 1972: 52. Misspelling. Forel’s C. latinota types from San Bernadino (the replacement name is C. bajulus Emery ) have slightly longer pilosity on the mesosomal dorsum and gastric terga than Forel’s iheringi type from Sao Paulo, but the two forms are otherwise similar. Forel (1909a) separated the two based on surface sculpture and mesosomal structure, but the sculpture differences are slight and full nest series of this species I have collected show enough allometric variation in mesosomal structure to call into question the reliability of Forel’s distinction. Since C. iheringi and C. bajulus are allopatric and the differences are ambiguous at best, I find little reason to treat these forms as separate.