Four new species of Lorryia (Acari: Tydeidae) associated with Hevea brasiliensis Muell. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae) in Brazil Author Mondin, Alexandre De Souza Author Nuvoloni, Felipe Micali Author Feres, Reinaldo José Fazzio text Zootaxa 2016 4158 4 473 490 journal article 10.11646/zootaxa.4158.4.2 11f3d570-ee2c-4cce-9dc7-2efbc38416d9 1175-5326 255413 853F4191-0254-4696-9E98-30212712838F Lorryia amazonensis sp. nov. ( Figs. 4 ; 5; 10C; 10D) Diagnosis. Pointed, slender, serrated dorsal setae, except for filiform, smooth trichobothria ( bo ). Palptarsus eupathidium (pζ) straight, with a “T” shaped distal dilation. Dorsal striation type Tydeus ”, without reticulated areas. Dorsum ( Figs. 4 A; 10C): Prodorsum recurved. Twelve pairs of serrated and acute dorsal setae, of medium length ( Figs. 4 D; 10D), and filiform, smooth trichobothria ( bo ) ( Fig. 4 E). Dorsal striation type Tydeus ” ( Kaźmierski 1998 ) ( Fig. 4 F), without reticulated areas. Lyrifissure ia ( Fig. 4 B) posterior to c2 , in sublateral position, nearing half of distance between c1-c2 . Lyrifissure im ( Fig. 4 C) posterior to ia , anteriorly to e . Dimensions: Idiosoma 190 (180–195) length, and 125 (120–125) width. Dorsal setae: ro 12 (11–13), la 13 (10–13), bo 28 (28–30), ex 12 (11–13), c1 12 (11–12), c2 12 (8–12), d 13 (11–13), e 14 (12–14), f1 15 (11–15), f2 15 (12– 15), h1 16 (11–16), h2 15 (11–15), ps1 8(8–12). Venter ( Fig. 5 A) : Ornamentation on metasternal region with “V” like striation, anogenital region with six pairs of genital setae, four pairs of aggenital and one pair of pseudanal setae. Gnathosoma ( Fig. 1 A, 1B) : Gnathosoma visible from above. Palp setal count: 6+1ω –2–2. Palptarsus eupathidium straight, terminating into a T-shape. Palp dimension 53 (46-53), tarsus ( Fig 5 B) elongate, length 14 (14-17), width 3 (3-4). Legs : Nude leg setae. All tarsi with terminal claw and a hairy empodium, empodial hook present ( Fig. 5 D). Solenidion I (ω I) short and thin, as long as half of tarsal width. Solenidion ω II very short. Oval coxal organ ( Fig. 5 C). Small seta k on tibia I spatulated ( Fig. 5 D). Measures of each leg: leg I 92 (70-92), leg II 76 (62-76), leg III 83 (64-83), leg IV 83 (64-83). Etymology. The new species’ name refers to Amazon forest, where the holotype was collected. Specimens examined. Holotype female from H. brasiliensis without cloning classification, from an experimental area maintained by ‘ Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária (EMBRAPA) situated at the rural area of Manaus city ( 59°98’ W , 3°09’ S ), 09 July 2012 , F. M. Nuvoloni coll ; 5 paratypes females from H. brasiliensis , from a rubber plantation at Rio Branco city, km 15 of BR 364, Acre State ( 67º85’ W , 9º95’ S ), collected on August 2012 , F. M. Nuvoloni coll ; 3 paratypes females from H. brasiliensis , clone FDR 5788, from Igrapiúna , Bahia State ( 13° 48’ S , 39° 10’ W ), collected on October 2008 , E. B. Castro coll. Specimens deposited at Acari collection DZSJRP. Male not found. Remarks. The new species resembles Lorryia tuttlei ( Baker, 1965 ) , due to dorsal striation type Tydeus ( Kaźmierski 1998 ), absence of reticulation, eupathidium (pζ) broadened distally, acute and serrated dorsal setae, solenidion ωI about half the width of tarsus, presence of empodial hooks and gnathosoma visible from above. The species are distinguished by following characters: small body—female idiosomal length 180-195 µm, width 120- 125 µm (large body in L. tuttlei —female idiosomal length 504 µm, width 306 µm), length of dorsal setae about 12 µm (very short in L. tuttlei ), six pairs of genital setae (five pairs of genital setae in L. tuttlei ), and distal dilation of eupathidium (pζ) with a “T” shape (distal dilation of eupathidium (pζ) with a goblet shape in L. tuttlei ).