Phylogenomic inference of the African tribe Monodoreae (Annonaceae) and taxonomic revision of Dennettia, Uvariodendron and Uvariopsis Author Dagallier, Leo-Paul M. J. DIADE, Universite de Montpellier, IRD, CIRAD, Montpellier, France & Institute of Systematic Botany, The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York 10458, USA Author Mbago, Frank M. The Herbarium, Botany Department, Box 35060, University of Dar es Salaam, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania Author Couderc, Marie DIADE, Universite de Montpellier, IRD, CIRAD, Montpellier, France Author Gaudeul, Myriam Institut de Systematique, Evolution, Biodiversite (ISYEB), Museum National d'Histoire Naturelle-CNRS-SU-EPHE-UA, 57 rue Cuvier, CP 39, 75231 Paris, Cedex 05, France Author Grall, Aurelie Herbaria Basel, Department of Environmental Sciences, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland & Herbarium, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, Richmond, Surrey, TW 9 3 AE, UK Author Loup, Caroline DIADE, Universite de Montpellier, IRD, CIRAD, Montpellier, France Author Wieringa, Jan J. Herbier MPU, DCSPH - CC 99010, Universite de Montpellier, 163 rue A. Broussonnet, F- 34090 Montpellier, France Author Sonke, Bonaventure Naturalis Biodiversity Center, Darwinweg 2, 2333 CR, Leiden, Netherlands Author Couvreur, Thomas L. P. DIADE, Universite de Montpellier, IRD, CIRAD, Montpellier, France text PhytoKeys 2023 2023-09-22 233 1 200 journal article 1314-2003-233-1 EB874C2B403C5C42ACE3846B51EE6F22 Uvariodendron kirkii Verdc., Kew Bull. 23(3): 518 (1969) Figs 3B, D, F, H , 29 , 30 Type . Kenya - Coast • B. Verdcourt 3939 ( holotype : K! (K000198893), sheet here designated; isotypes: BR! (BR0000008824325), EA!, K! (K000198894, K000198895)); Kwale District , Mrima hill (about halfway up road to Lungalunga from Mwambweni); 4°29'06.39'S, 39°15'47.19'E; alt. 182 m ; 16 Jan. 1964 . Description. Shrub to tree 1.5-6 (10-15) m tall, D.B.H. 3-20 cm; young branches sparsely pubescent to glabrous, old branches glabrous. Petiole 2.5-8 mm long, 1-2 mm wide, glabrous. Leaf lamina 70-188 mm long, 22-75 mm wide, length:width ratio 2.1-3.5, elliptic, coriaceous, base acute to decurrent, apex attenuate, surface above glabrous, surface below glabrous; midrib slightly impressed above, raised below, glabrous above, glabrous below; secondary veins 8-16 pairs, weakly brochidodromous, impressed above, raised below; tertiary veins reticulate. Inflorescences mostly axillary or borne on old branches, sometimes borne on trunk, composed of 1-2 flowers. Flower pedicel 5-28 mm long, 1-4 mm in diameter, pubescent. Flowers bisexual, buds globose, pedicellate, 2-5.5 mm high, 1.3-6 mm in diameter, pubescent. Bracts 1 at base and sometimes 1 on the upper half of the pedicel, upper bract 1-5 mm long, 1-8 mm wide, broadly ovate, adpressed, semi-clasping the pedicel, pubescent outside, glabrous inside. Sepals 3, 3-6.5 mm long, 4-8 mm wide, very broadly to broadly ovate, connivent, pubescent outside, glabrous inside, green to brownish-green. Outer petals 3, 10-17 mm long, 6-13 mm wide, length:width ratio 1.2-1.7, broadly ovate to ovate, pubescent to puberulent outside, puberulent to glabrous inside, cream to greenish pale yellow outside, cream to cream with a purple streak from base up to 50% of the petal length inside. Inner petals 3, 12-20 mm long, 7-8 mm wide, length:width ratio 1.3-1.9, obovate, strongly transversally curved ( "boat-shape" ), valvate at apex, puberulent outside, glabrous inside, white to cream outside, cream to cream with purple streak at base inside. Stamens 1000 to 1200, 1.5-1.8 mm long, 0.2-0.3 mm wide, anthers linear, connective prolongation truncate. Carpels 8 to 16 (20), 2-3 mm long, 1-1.5 mm wide, pubescent, free; stigma 0-1.5 mm long, 1-1.3 mm wide, coiled, pubescent. Fruiting pedicel 7-22 mm long, 2-4 mm in diameter, pubescent. Monocarps 1 to 6, 23-36 mm long, 10-16 mm wide, length:width ratio 1.4-2.4, cylindrical, longitudinally ridged, slightly constricted between the seeds, minutely acuminate, puberulent, green to dull orange to greyish dark blue; sessile to shortly stipitate, stipe 0-3 mm long, 2-5 mm wide, pubescent. Seeds 12-15 per monocarp, biseriate, 11 to 15 mm long, 8-10 mm wide. Distribution. Endemic to Somalia-Masai Region: Kenya and Tanzania. Habitat and ecology. Lowland mature or secondary rain forest, dry forest or thicket on coral rag and limestone rocks, or igneous intrusions. Altitude: 10-80 m a.s.l. Phenology. Flowers and fruits collected all year. Vernacular names. Tanzania: 'Kisambaa' in Mkomboa (Mwangoka 1356), 'Mdumi' in Zigua (Tanner 3467). Notes. This species is quite variable morphologically with leaves from 70 mm to almost 200 mm long. It can be distinguished from the other species with its pedicelate flowers growing mainly on leafy branches and sometimes on the trunk. The pedicel is lower than in Ud. anisatum (5-28 mm vs. 15-65 mm long in Ud. anisatum ). At anthesis, the flowers generally have their outer petals completely spread out and their inner petals connivent at apex (Fig. 29I-J ). At anthesis, the inner petals are "boat shaped", that is with a strong transversal curvature (this character is not detectable on flower buds and on dried specimens). Some of the oldest specimens of this species were collected by Gustav Albert Peter under the name " Uvariodendron crassum (Peter)" (e.g. Peter 4487, 24366 in B). Peter died in 1937, before achieving all the volumes of the Flora von Deutsch-Ostafrika, thus not publishing this species. In parallel, Verdcourt described and named this species in 1969, before seeing Peter's specimens (see Verdcourt's note on specimen Peter 24366 in B). Figure 29. Uvariodendron kirkii Verdc A flowering branch B flower, top view C stamen D longitudinal section of carpel E carpel, semi-side view F carpel, top view G fruit, side view H seed, side view I flower, side view J flower, top view K old fruit with A single rotten monocarp. A from Verdcourt 3939 (type) B-F from Drummond 4029 G, H from Drummond 3983 I, J Dagallier 23 K Dagallier 60. Drawings by Heather Wood, from Verdcourt (1969 ; fig. 3, p. 519), Kew Bulletin 1969 Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew. Photos Leo-Paul Dagallier. Preliminary conservation status. A previous assessment, which needs updating, listed this species as Vulnerable VU under criteria B1ab(iii) (Eastern Arc Mountains & Coastal Forests CEPF Plant Assessment Project 2009b). Here, the EOO of this species is estimated at 67,203 km2 and its AOO at 152 km2. It occurs in more than 10 locations in Tanzania and Kenya and is fairly common but its population is severely fragmented and there is continuing decline due to habitat loss (Eastern Arc Mountains & Coastal Forests CEPF Plant Assessment Project 2009a). We thus assign a preliminary updated conservation status of Endangered EN B2ab(iii). Additional specimens examined. Kenya - CoastB. Verdcourt 1891 (K); Kwale District , Mrima Forest , Mrima Hill ; 4°29'06.39'S, 39°15'47.19'E; 06 Sep. 1957 B. Verdcourt 5280 (K); Kwale District , Jombo Mt (near bottom); 4°26'08.39'S, 39°12'42.61'E; 11 Apr. 1978 F.C. Magogo 768 (K); Kwale District , Shimba Hills , Dzombo Mountain ; 4°26'09.39'S, 39°12'46.1'E; alt. 305 m ; 08 Apr. 1968 I.R. Dale 3836 (K), Witu Forest Reserve , Gongoni Forest , Witu ; 2°23'07'S, 40°30'09'E; Oct. 1937 J.B. Gillett 19901 (K); Kwale District , Diani forest . Areas NW & NE within 1 km N of turn off from new road for Jadini hotel, W & E of this road. Areas SW & SE within 1.5 km s of this point; 4°19'S , 39°33'E ; alt. 12 m ; 11 Jul. 1972 J.B. Gillett 19906 (EA, K); Kwale District , Diani forest . Areas NW & NE within 1 km N of turn off from new road for Jadini hotel, W & E of this road. Areas SW & SE within 1.5 km s of this point; 4°19'S , 39°33'E ; alt. 12 m ; 11 Jul. 1972 J.B. Gillett 24009 (B, EA); Kwale District , Kenya : K7: Kwale District Waa Kaya forest near coast N. of Tiwi ruined Mosque ; 4°12'S , 39°36'E ; alt. 30 m ; 30 Dec. 1982 J.P.M. Brenan 14592 (K); Kilifi District , K7, Kilifi District . Pangani ' Kaya' Forest ; 3°51'S , 39°40'50'E; alt. 170 m ; 19 Nov. 1978 L.J. Lap 112 (MO, WAG); Kilifi District , Kaya Kauma. Mapsheet K 198/1. Along the path extending westwards from the Kaya cemetery. Western hill slope forest of Kaya Kauma ; 3°37'S , 39°44'E ; 22 Dec. 1981 M.G. Gilbert 4967 (EA, K, WAG), Kwale District . Jombo Hill ; 4°28'S , 39°12'E ; alt. 300 m ; 07 Jan. 1978 M.G. Gilbert 5334 (K); Kilifi District , Cha Simba rocks on Mariakani - Kilifi Road ; 3°44'S , 39°42'E ; alt. 200 m ; 16 Feb. 1979 N. Mwadime 204 (EA); Kwale District , Shimoni , mwamba-wanga area; 4°38'30.39'S, 39°24'12.97'E; alt. 2 m ; 13 Dec. 2012 R.B. Drummond 3983 (K); Kwale District , Jardini Beach , 18 miles south of Mombasa , sea level; 4°19'30'S, 39°34'20'E; 26 Aug. 1953 R.B. Drummond 4029 (K, U); Kwale District , Mwasangombe Forest , 15 miles S.W. of Kwale ; alt. 230 m ; 27 Aug. 1953 R.B. Faden 77/397 (K); Kwale District , Kinondo (Ngalani Kaya) Forest ; 4°23'30'S, 39°33'30'E; alt. 5 m ; 15 Feb. 1977 R.B. Faden 77/437 (K); Kilifi District , just north of Mwarakaya on Chonyi - Ribe road; 3°47'S , 39°42'E ; alt. 140 m ; 16 Feb. 1977 S. Rawlins EAH11275 (K), Witu ; 2°23'05.40'S, 40°30'04.68'E; alt. 24 m ; Jun. 1957 S.A. Robertson 5929 (K); Kwale District , Kaya Diani ; 4°16'S , 39°35'E ; alt. 10 m ; 10 Nov. 1989 S.A. Robertson 6465 (EA); Kilifi District , Watamu , Ashe plot; 3°20'S , 40°01'E ; alt. 10 m ; 28 May. 1991 S.A. Robertson 7550 (EA, K, WAG); Kilifi District , Kambe Rocks ; 3°51'S , 39°40'E ; alt. 120 m ; 13 May. 2005 S.A. Robertson MDE293 (EA, K, WAG), Kwale Distr. , Dzombo Hill ; 4°26'S , 39°13'E ; alt. 400 m ; 09 Feb. 1989 S.A. Robertson MDE46 (K); Kwale District , Mrima hill; 4°29'S , 39°16'E ; 03 Feb. 1989 . Tanzania - Dar es SalaamJ. Kirk s.n (K), Dar es Salaam ; 6°48'57.39'S, 39°16'49.44'E; Mar. 1860 - Kaskazini Pemba ( North Pemba ) • P.J. Greenway 2681 (K); Micheweni District , Ras Kigomasha ; 4°52'S , 39°41'E ; 10 Dec. 1930 - LindiK.B. Vollesen 3150 (EA), c. 7 km NWN of Kingupina ; 8°24'S , 38°31'E ; alt. 125 m ; 25 Dec. 1975 R.I. Ludanga 1369 (EA), Selous , Likandage ( Utunge ); 9°00'S , 37°30'E ; 28 Jan. 1972 - MorogoroL.-P.M.J. Dagallier 60 (DSM, MPU, P, WAG); Mvomero District , Turiani village ; 6°09'40.37'S, 37°36'14.48'E; alt. 384 m ; 18 Nov. 2019 - PwaniB.J. Harris 6209 (EA), Approx 6 mls north of Chalinze on road D'Salaam-Chalinze-Segera; 6°33'23.38'S, 38°19'08.14'E; alt. 274 m ; 04 Apr. 1972 G.A. Peter 24366 (B, K), Useguha ; Aug. 1918 - TangaG.A. Peter 40249 (B), Usaguha : Hale in Pangani ; 5°18'S , 38°36'E ; alt. 330 m ; 14 May. 1926 G.A. Peter 52280 (B); Usambara , E Usambara ; 5°00'45.38'S, 38°40'43.59'E; 05 Aug. 1915 H.G. Faulkner 11 (B, K); Tanga District , Sawa Creek ; 5°07'S , 39°06'E ; 17 Feb. 1957 J. Procter 3592 (K); Pangani District , Msumbugwe Forest Reserve ; 5°30'15.38'S, 38°45'23.76'E; Apr. 1967 L.-P.M.J. Dagallier 23 (DSM, MPU, P, WAG), Kilulu Hill , 50 km North of Tanga ; 4°46'21.39'S, 39°07'33.48'E; alt. 247 m ; 08 Nov. 2019 L.-P.M.J. Dagallier 8 (DSM, K, MPU, P, WAG), forest patch near Msangazi river , along the road from Chalinze to Korogwe-Tanga ; 5°34'16.38'S, 38°26'47.01'E; alt. 306 m ; 06 Nov. 2019 L.-P.M.J. Dagallier 9 (DSM, MPU, P, WAG), Kilulu Hill , 50 km North of Tanga ; 4°46'23.39'S, 39°07'29.07'E; alt. 263 m ; 07 Nov. 2019 M.A. Mwangoka 1356 (MO); Muheza District , Kuze Kibago village . NW part of Kwemnyese public forest patch; 4°54'51'S, 38°43'35'E; alt. 100 m ; 01 Jun. 2000 R.E.S. Tanner 12 (K); Pangani District , Msubugwe Forest ; 5°31'59.38'S, 38°43'59.88'E; alt. 100 m ; 1955 • R.E.S. Tanner 29 (K); Pangani District , Msubugwe Forest ; 5°31'59.38'S, 38°43'59.88'E; alt. 100 m ; 1955 • R.E.S. Tanner 3467 (B, K); Pangani District , Mwera , Kwa Besa , Mwanamgaru ; 5°29'S , 38°57'E ; 28 Mar. 1957 R.E.S. Tanner 6 (K); Pangani District , Msubugwe Forest ; 5°31'59.38'S, 38°43'59.88'E; alt. 100 m ; 1955 • T.L.P. Couvreur 34 (DSM, FHO, MO, NHT, WAG); Handeni District , road 3 km before arriving to Kwedikwazu coming from Dar Es Salaam . At Msangasi river ; 5°34'21.38'S, 38°26'46.8'E; alt. 300 m ; 14 Nov. 2006 W.D. Hawthorne 776 (K), Nr Langoni village ; 5°28'S , 38°54'E ; 27 May. 1982 - Zanzibar Central / SouthJ. Vaughan 2318 (BM), Kufile cave ; 6°25'08.39'S, 39°29'15.85'E; 23 Feb. 1936 - Zanzibar WestD. Aplin 1 (K) , Zanzibar : Chumbe I; 6°16'44'S, 39°10'37'E; alt. 5 m ; Feb. 1988 J. Vaughan 1689 (K), Kombeni caves; 6°15'39.39'S, 39°15'39.95'E; 22 Nov. 1930 J. Vaughan 1715 (K), Kombeni caves; 6°15'39.39'S, 39°15'39.95'E; 04 Dec. 1930 J. Vaughan 1731 (EA, K), Kombeni caves; 6°15'39.2'S, 39°15'39.95"E ; Dec. 1930 J.H. Vaughan 1689 (K); Magharibi ( West ) District , Kombeni Cave Well ; 6°15'S , 39°16'E ; 22 Nov. 1930 P.J. Greenway 2654 (K); Magharibi ( West ) District , Haitajwa Hill ; 6°16'S , 39°16'E ; 04 Dec. 1930 - Unknown major area • Botany Students DSM1394 (DSM, K, WAG), Steinbruch Forest Reserve near Maweni , W of Tanga ; 5°06'S , 39°01'E ; alt. 80 m ; 31 Dec. 1969 G.A. Peter 4487 (B, K, WAG), Useguha ; 6°00'S , 38°15'E ; 10 Jun. 1914 . Figure 30. Distribution map of Uvariodendron kirkii . Shades of grey represent elevation, from white (sea level) to darker grey (higher elevation). The inset shows the extent of the map over Africa.