Two new species of Eucosmini from the Bahamas (Lepidoptera: Tortricidae) Author Gilligan, Todd M. Author Matthews, Deborah L. Author Miller, Jacqueline Y. text Zootaxa 2018 2018-02-08 4378 2 265 268 journal article 30794 10.11646/zootaxa.4378.2.5 48a8020a-38b8-4f44-a5c7-70af2fa9655e 1175-5326 1169523 7B8F10EB-C8BA-4D8E-8AA4-F6C391600476 Eucosma bahamae Gilligan and Matthews , sp.n. ( Figs. 1–3, 7 ) Diagnosis . Although the female is unknown, E. bahamae is confidently placed in Eucosma in the refusana group ( Wright and Brown 2014 ; species 16–24 in Wright and Gilligan 2015 ), based on similarity of male genitalia and forewing markings. It can be separated from other members of the group by its forewing pattern: uniform pale yellow with mottled grayish-brown to orange-brown markings, variably expressed lustrous gray striae, and a large salt-andpepper-colored ocelloid region surrounding the ocellus. In other members of the group with a similar ocelloid region the forewing is visibly divided into proximal (basal two-thirds) and distal sections. Description . Male ( Figs. 1–3, 7 ). Head : Frons brown to straw yellow; vertex brown to straw yellow with many scales brown apically; labial palpus length subequal to diameter of compound eye, first two segments orange brown to dark brown dorsally, straw yellow ventrally, third segment solid orange brown to dark brown; antenna orange brown to dark brown; scape brown to dark brown. Thorax : Dorsal surface and tegula pale brown with scales dark-tipped to uniform straw yellow; pro- and mesothoracic legs mottled brown to orange brown, metathoracic leg pale yellow to white, tarsi with brown annulations. Forewing ( Figs. 1–3 ) length 4.9–5.8 mm (mean 5.4 mm ; n = 3), AR = 2.86; costal fold absent; ground color pale yellow; wing markings grayish brown to orange brown, scales often with dark apices; costal strigulae weakly expressed in distal one third of wing, obscured into a continuous narrow dark band along the costa in the proximal two thirds; basal, subbasal, and median fasciae weakly to moderately expressed as indistinct mottling; striae lustrous gray to silver, variably expressed in distal one third of wing, stria number 6 extending nearly continuously from costa along proximal margin of ocelloid region to dorsum; ocelloid region extending from tornus to radius, ringed with lustrous gray and fragments of striae; scales in ocelloid region and along termen white basally, dark brown medially, and white apically, producing a salt-and-pepper effect; ocellus with three rows of four black dashes on a white background separated medially by a lustrous gray vertical bar. Hindwing white to pale brown with pale grayish brown scales tracing veins; elongate fringe scales white, subtended by a layer of shorter, grayish scales. Abdomen : Genitalia (n = 2) ( Fig. 7 ) with uncus with basal width ca. 2 × height, well-differentiated from dorsolateral shoulders of tegumen; socii fingerlike; phallus stout, tapering distally; vesica with 7–12 deciduous cornuti; valva with costal margin nearly straight, basal setal patch weakly raised, densely covered with stiff moderately long setae, ventral emargination shallow, NR = 0.74, saccular corner broadly rounded, mean SA = 148°; cucullus with dorsal lobe moderately developed, apex rounded, distal margin weakly convex, anal angle weakly produced, basoventral margin extending in ridgelike manner onto medial surface of neck, basal excavation shallow. Female . Unknown. Holotype ( Fig. 1 ). , “ BAHAMAS : Crooked Is [land], Pittstown Point , 22.831211°, -74.348717°, 10–11.iii.2014 , at light, M. Simon & M. Simon. Bahamas Survey , MGCL Accession No . 2014-8. TMG 728 Genitalia dissection. MGCL 233071 McGuire Center for Lepidoptera & Biodiversity, FLMNH, UF [barcode]” MGCL. Paratypes ( Figs. 2–3 ). BAHAMAS : Long Island , vic. Salt Pond , 23.353833°, -75.119500°, 30.v.2014 , J. Miller, G. Goss, M. Simon, D. Matthews. Bahamas Survey MGCL Accession No . 2014-14. MGCL 234324 McGuire Center for Lepidoptera & Biodiversity, FLMNH, UF (1 ♂ MGCL); Cat Island , vic. Ocean Dream Resort , E of Smith Town , 24.352295°, -75.454510°, , J. Miller, M. Simon, D. Matthews, G. Goss. Bahamas Survey MGCL Accession No . 2014-15 . D. Matthews Genitalia Prep. # 1826. MGCL 238600 McGuire Center for Lepidoptera & Biodiversity, FLMNH, UF (1 ♂ MGCL). Etymology . The species name refers to the Bahamas , the only location from which this species has been collected. Distribution and Biology . This species has been recorded only from islands in the Bahamas . Adults were captured in March–June. Larval hosts are unknown. Specimens were collected in open disturbed areas less than 0.1 mile from the shoreline with dune vegetation present.