Manual of North American Agromyzidae (Diptera, Schizophora), with revision of the fauna of the " Delmarva " states Author Lonsdale, Owen Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada, 960 Carling Avenue, Ottawa, ON, K 1 A 0 C 6, Canada text ZooKeys 2021 2021-07-29 1051 1 481 journal article 1313-2970-1051-1 639E252D43924ABB910BCEA5D8AD2487 BE8CC6847F645F61BB2F7A6BCF96FD64 Agromyza proxima Spencer Fig. 215 Agromyza proxima Spencer, 1969: 52. Spencer and Steyskal 1986b : 67. Description. Wing length 2.2-2.4 mm (♂), 2.2-2.5 (♀). Length of ultimate section of vein M4 divided by penultimate section: 0.6-0.7. Eye height divided by gena height: 2.8-3.4. First flagellomere small and rounded, sometimes with very small tuft of pale hairs apically. Scutum shiny. Chaetotaxy : Two ori (sometimes three on one side); two ors. Two well-developed dorsocentrals with smaller third seta anteriorly. Hind tibia with two posteromedial setae. Colouration : As described for A. parvicornis , except fronto-orbital plate usually brownish orange around base of all fronto-orbital setae. Genitalia : (Fig. 215 ) Genitalia as described for A. parvicornis except as follows: basiphallus short, only slightly longer than distiphallus; distal section of distiphallus narrow, with sides only slightly bulging subapically. Variation : MD male from Anne Arundel Co. with distal 2/5 of first flagellomere covered with pale hairs; genitalia as described above, but surstylus relatively small and spherical; distal 2/3 of first flagellomere dark and pedicel orange distally; frons dark brown. VA female with relatively large ovate distoventral patch of pale hairs on first flagellomere; body entirely dark with pedicel slightly paler, calypter entirely white, notopleuron and postpronotum reddish, and wing veins whitish on basal 1/2. The female is only tentatively allied with the MD male on the basis of similar dark colouration and the increased size of the pale haired patch on the first flagellomere. Hosts. Poaceae - Dichanthelium sp, Echinochloa walteri , Panicum dichotomiflorum ( Scheffer and Lonsdale 2018 , Spencer and Steyskal 1986b ). Distribution. Canada : MB. USA : DE*, FL, MA*, MD*, NY, VA(?). Type material. Holotype : USA. FL : Sweetwater, Tamiami Canal (1♂, USNM). Paratypes : Canada. MB : 2 mi N Forrest, Populus balsamifera stand around slough, 19.vii.1958, J.G. Chillcott, CNC352969 (1♂ [head missing], CNC). USA. FL : Sweetwater, 3.viii.1963, ex. Echinochloa walteri , leg. 23.vii.1963, K.A. Spencer (1♂ 1♀ [same pin, with puparia], USNM). Additional material examined. USA . DE : Newark , 30.vii.1974 ( 1♂ , UDCC), Stanton , 8.viii.1951 , D.F. Bray ( 1♂ , USNM), MA : Greenfield , 6.[?].1914, A.L. Melander ( 1♂ , USNM), Wayland , 28.[?], J.J. Pratt , LT ( 1♂ , USNM), MD : Bethseda , 12.ix.1981 , G.C. Steyskal ( 1♀ , USNM), Colesville , 15.viii.1975 , Malaise trap , W.W. Wirth ( 1♂ , USNM), Anne Arundel Co. , nr. Edgewater , Smithsonian Envir. Res. Centre, 38°53'N , 76°33'W , 10.vii.1993 , G.F. Hevel ( 1♂ , USNM), VA : Sherando Lake , 10 mi SW Waynesboro , , L.V. Knutson ( 1♀ , USNM) .