Taxonomic revision of the olingos (Bassaricyon), with description of a new species, the Olinguito
Helgen, Kristofer M.
Pinto, C. Miguel
Kays, Roland
Helgen, Lauren E.
Tsuchiya, Mirian T. N.
Quinn, Aleta
Wilson, Don E.
Maldonado, Jesus E.
journal article
Bassaricyon neblina
sp. n.
We designate as the holotype of neblina specimen number 66753 in the mammalogy collection of the American Museum of Natural History, New York, a skin and complete skull of an old adult female, from Las
(= Las Machinas [see
Voss 1988:474
], circa
, 2130 m), Pichincha Province, Ecuador, collected 21 September 1923 by G.H.H. Tate.
Referred specimens.
QCAZ 0159, partial skin, Otonga Reserve, 1800 m, Cotopaxi Province, Ecuador; MECN 2177, adult female, skin and skull, La Cantera 2300 m, Cotopaxi Province, Ecuador; QCAZ 8661, young adult female, skin, skull, and postcranial skeleton, Otonga Reserve, 2100 m, Cotopaxi Province, Ecuador (collected by K. Helgen et al., August 2006); QCAZ 8662, young adult female, skin, skull, and postcranial skeleton, ["forested gully near"] La Cantera, 2260 m, Cotopaxi Province, Ecuador (collected by M. Pinto et al., August 2006). We have also seen photographs of this species from Tandayapa, 2350 m, Pichincha Province (Figure 13).
Figure 13. The Olinguito,
Bassaricyon neblina neblina
, in life, in the wild. Taken at Tandayapa Bird Lodge, Ecuador (for mammalogical background of Tandayapa, see
Lee et al. 2006
). Photograph by Mark Gurney.
Below, we identify additional referred specimens when we describe three additional subspecies of
Bassaricyon neblina
from the cordilleras of Colombia (Figures 9-10, 13-16).
Figure 14. Olinguito skins from different regions of the Colombian Andes. Left,
Bassaricyon neblina ruber
, of the western slopes of the Western Andes of Colombia (FMNH 70722, adult male); Middle,
Bassaricyon neblina hershkovitzi
, of the eastern slopes of the Central Andes of Colombia (FMNH 70727, adult female); Right,
Bassaricyon neblina osborni
,of the eastern slopes of the Western Andes and eastern slopes of the Central Andes of Colombia (FMNH 90052, adult female).
Figure 15. The Olinguito,
Bassaricyon neblina osborni
, in life. Photograph taken in captivity, at the Louisville Zoo (see
Poglayen-Neuwall 1976
). This animal, named
, was received as an adult in 1967 from the mountains of Colombia near Cali, and exhibited in various zoos, including the National Zoo in Washington, D.C. (see text). Photographs by I. Poglayen-Neuwall, previously unpublished (additional photographs published by
Poglayen-Neuwall 1976
Figure 16. Distributions (localities) of the four Olinguito subspecies in the Andes of Colombia and Ecuador.
can be easily identified on the basis of both external and craniodental characteristics (Figures 3-7, Tables 3-5). It differs from other
in its smaller body and cranial size; longer, denser, and more richly coloured dorsal pelage (black-tipped, tan to strikingly orange- to reddish-brown); indistinctly banded, bushier, and proportionally shorter tail (at least compared to the lowland olingos,
Bassaricyon alleni
Bassaricyon medius
, Table 5); (externally) more rounded face with a blunter, less tapering muzzle; smaller and more heavily furred external ears, and considerably reduced auditory bullae, with a markedly smaller external auditory meatus; broadened and more elongate postdental palate ('palatal
), bearing more prominent lateral
(sometimes developed to the point where it nearly closes off the "palatal notch" sensu
Asher 2007
); and proportionally much larger first molars (M1and m1), achieved especially by the development of more massive and bulbous principal molar cusps (protocone, paracone, metacone, hypocone) in M1, and for m1 by the widening of the talonid with the expansion in particular of the entoconid and hypoconid. The m1paraconid is reduced relative to other
Bassaricyon medius
Bassaricyon neblina
occur in regional sympatry on the western slopes of the Andes,
Bassaricyon neblina
is smaller and more richly rufous and/or blackish in coloration, and is distinguished by all of the characteristics noted above. Externally,
Bassaricyon neblina
can only be confused with the highest elevation populations of
Bassaricyon alleni
, from forests above 1000 m on the eastern slopes of the Andes (specimens from Pozuzo and Chanchamayo in Peru), which, like
Bassaricyon neblina
, also have long, black-tipped dorsal pelage (though not so strongly rufous as in
Bassaricyon neblina
), ears that are especially furry (though not so small as in
Bassaricyon neblina
), and tails averaging slightly shorter than in lowland populations of
Bassaricyon alleni
(but not as short as in
Bassaricyon neblina
). The craniodental characteristics of
Bassaricyon neblina
(especially of the palate, bullae, and molars) are unmistakable.
The specific epithet neblina (Spanish, "fog or mist"), a noun in apposition, references the cloud forest habitat of the Olinguito.
The recorded distribution of
comprises humid montane rainforests ("cloud forests") from 1500 m to 2750 m in the Northern Andes, specifically along the western and eastern slopes of the Western Andes of Colombia and Ecuador, and along the western and eastern slopes of the Central Andes of Colombia (Figure 16).
Bassaricyon neblina
occurs in regional sympatry with
Bassaricyon medius medius
on the western slopes of the Ecuadorian Andes, where we have encountered the two species at localities less than 5 km apart. On the basis of our museum and field research, we document
Bassaricyon neblina
from 16 localities (representing 19 elevational records) in the Western Andes of Ecuador and the Western and Central Andes of Colombia. All sites are situated between 1500 and 2750 m (mean 2100 m, median 2130 m,
280 s.d.) and are associated with humid montane forest ("cloud forest",
Churchill et al. 1995
). We used bioclimatic modeling to predict the global geographic distribution of
Bassaricyon neblina
, which comprises wet, forested ecoregions typical of the habitats where Olinguitos have been recorded (Figures 11-12). As noted above, of the entire land area predicted to be suitable for Olinguito occurrence, 42% has been converted to agriculture or urban areas and 21% comprises other unforested landscapes; only 37% (40,760 km2) of this land area is currently forested.
Geographic variation.
Geographic variation in the Olinguito is remarkable, reflecting consistent regional differences in color, size, and craniodental features associated with differential distributions in disjunct areas of the Andes. This is unsurprising given that the montane forests of the Central and Western Cordilleras of the Northern Andes are a region where major evolutionary differentiation has unfolded in many endemic Andean vertebrate groups (e.g.,
Benham 2012
Graham et al. 2010
Voss et al. 2002
Velasco et al. 2010
). Below we diagnose four distinctive subspecies of
Bassaricyon neblina
and describe their geographic ranges as so far understood.