Revision Of Brachystethus (Heteroptera, Pentatomidae, Edessinae) Author Barcellos, Aline Museu de Ciências Naturais, Fundação Zoobotânica do Rio Grande do Sul, Caixa Postal 1188, 90001 - 970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. Author Grazia, Jocélia Departamento de Zoologia, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Av. Bento Gonçalves, 9500, Prédio 43435.2, 91501 - 970, Porto Alegre, RS, Brazil. text Iheringia, Sér. Zool. 2003 2003-12-30 93 4 413 446 journal article 10.1590/S0073-47212003000400008 32bd22ce-7d3f-4eac-8203-e9f61a19c7f0 1678-4766 3719467 Brachystethus improvisus Breddin, 1905 ( Figs. 12 , 22 , 32 , 42 , 51 , 63 , 71 ) Brachystethus improvisus BREDDIN, 1905 :26 ; BERGROTH, 1908:178 ; KIRKALDY, 1909:152 (cat.). Typematerial. Holotype , examined, labeled: a) Esmerala; b) B. improvisus Bredd. / n. spec. genitalium !; c) coll. Breddin; d) Holotypus ; e) DEI Eberswalde; f) 1 HT improvisus ( DEIC ). Typelocality, Venezuela . Description. Dorsal surface dark-castaneous, with yellow marginal stripe ( fig. 12 ). Head with coarse punctures moderately distributed and conspicuous wrinkles. Outer margins of jugae with yellow stripe, broader at base. Second antennal segment about one and a halflonger than first, thirdslightly longer than second, fourth a little more than one and a half as long as third and about 3/4 as long as fifth, the longest. Fourth antennal segment cylindrical, lacking sulcus. Pronotum with fine punctures, concentrated before cicatrices, and regularly distributed on the remaining pronotum, interposed with a little coarser, sparse punctures. Scutellum with coarse punctures more frequent at basal 2/3. Corium with a yellowish callus near and entad apex of radial vein. Legs castaneous; coxae, base of trochanters and tibiae, apex of femora and tarsi reddish castaneous to yellowish, in extension variable among the specimens. Ventral surface of thorax with castaneous to black medium-sized punctures. Ostiolar rugae reaching about 2/3 the distance betweeninner margin of ostiolum and lateral margin of metapleura. Metasternal carina strongly elevated anteriorly. Connexivum castaneous to black, with subcaloused yellow stripe ocupying, at least, the outer lateral third of each segment. Punctures fine, more densely distributed entad to this stripe. Venter dark-castaneous, with yellow stripe along lateral margins. Punctures fine, inconspicuous at middle. Spiracles yellowish. Genitalia. Pygophore sub-quadrangular, slightly wider apically. Lobes of dorsal rim conspicuous, strongly projected, rounded at apex. Genital cup processes moderately visible dorsally (figs. 22, 32). Parameres with broad apex, anterolaterally directed ( fig. 51) . Ventralrimopenly U-like ( fig. 42 ). Figs. 61-64. Genital plates, ventral: 61, Brachystethus geniculatus ; 62, B. coxalis ; 63, B. improvisus ; 64, B. vicinus (gc8, gonocoxite 8; gc9, gonocoxites 9; la8, laterotergite 8; la9, laterotergite 9; VII, seventhsegment; X, tenthsegment). Scale, 1 mm. Measurements (n=10). Headlength 2.09 (1.92-2.32) ± 0.12, width 3.34 (3.16-3.44) ± 0.11; interoculardistance 1.76 (1.68-1.84) ± 0.07; anteocularlength 0.76 (0.72-0.80) ± 0.04; lengthof antennalsegments: I - 1.02 (0.88-1.36) ± 0.13; II - 1.54 (1.36-1.76) ± 0.15; III - 2.06 (1.68-2.48) ± 0.25; IV - 3.31 (2.96-3.60) ± 0.19; V - 4.30 (4.16-4.40) ± 0.12; pronotallength 4.93 (4.51-5.26) ± 0.21, width 11.28 (10.69-12.02) ± 0.52; scutellarlength 7.57 (7.01-8.02) ± 0.35, width 7.13 (6.68-7.68) ± 0.35; coriumlength 10.71 (10.35-11.19) ± 0.26; abdominal width 12.49 (11.36-13.19) ± 0.61; totallength 17.48 (16.37-18.37) ± 0.71. Female genitalia. Posterior borders of gonocoxites 8 sinuate over laterotergites 9 (fig. 63); sutural borders of gonocoxites 8 parallel. Gonocoxites 9 less than three timesas wide acrossapex of armsthan long inthe middle; anterior border sinuate, little excavated medially. Arms of gonocoxites 9 a little more than 1/5 of plate width. Thickening of vaginal intima digitiform. Ductus receptaculi thin and longer after than before vesicular area. Capsula seminalis ovoid. Annular crests convergent ( fig. 71 ). Measurements (n=10). Headlength 2.18 (2.00-2.36) ± 0.12, width 3.47 (3.36-3.60) ± 0.07; interoculardistance 1.82 (1.72-1.92) ± 0.06; anteocularlength 0.79 (0.68-0.88) ± 0.07; lengthof antennalsegments: I - 1.00 (0.80-1.20) ± 0.11; II - 1.67 (1.44-2.08) ± 0.19; III - 1.95 (1.68-2.24) ± 0.18; IV - 3.37 (3.20-3.52) ± 0.14; V - 4.47 (4.08-4.72) ± 0.26; pronotallength 5.19 (4.84-5.51) ± 0.25, width 11.85 (10.86-12.86) ± 0.69; scutellarlength 8.26 (7.68-9.02) ± 0.47, width 7.54 (6.85-8.18) ± 0.42; coriumlength 11.51 (10.86-12.53) ± 0.52; abdominal width 13.20 (12.19-14.20) ± 0.79; totallength 18.72 (17.54-20.21) ± 0.89. Material examined. GUATEMALA , ( AMNH ) . COSTA RICA , Peralta ,, V.1935 ( BMNH ) ; Guanacaste : Tierras Morenas, Z. P. Tenorio ( Rio San Lorenzo , 1050m ),, 10-20.II.1992 ( INBC LN 287800 , 427600 ) ; Puntarenas : Monteverde ,,, 4-6.VI.1980 , J.E. Wappes col. ( DARC ) ; A.C. Arenal, Monteverde ( San Luis , 1000-1350m ),, I.1994 , Z. Fuentes ( INBC LN 449250 , 250850 , 2609 ) ; ( San Luis , Buen Amigo , 1000-1350m ), 2, V.1994 , Grace Fuentes ( INBC LN 250850 , 449250 , 2927 ) ; R.B. Monteverde ,, 24.VIII-15.IX.1992 , F. A. Quesada ( INBC LN 250850 , 449250 ) ; Coto Brus ( Est. Biol. Las Alturas , 1500m ),, VIII.1991 , M. Ramirez ( INBC LS 822500 , 591300 ) ; , X.1991 , M. A. Zumbado ( INBC LS 822500 , 591300 ) ;, I.1992 , M. Ramirez , G. Mora , F. Quesada ( INBC LS 822500 , 591300 ) ;, 23.III-2.V.1992 , F. Araya ( INBC LS 822500 , 591300 ) . PANAMA , Chiriquí :,, 1898, Coll. Noualhier ( MNHN ) ; Dist. Renacimiento , Santa Clara (4000’),, 10.IX.82 , R. Johnson ( AMNH ) ; Fortuna ( 82 o 15’W 8 o 44’N ),, 3.IV.1977 , Henk Wolda ( AMNH ) ; ( 1050m ),, 18.V.1978 , O’Brien & Marshall ( AMNH ) ; N. Candelas (4000’),, 24.VIII.82 , Stockwell ( AMNH ) ; Trail Fortuna to Soledad ,, 20.V.1978 (s-facing slope) ( AMNH ) ; Repr. La Fortuna ,, 17-21.IX.76 , 3200’, D. Engleman ( DARC ) ; Cerro Azul : north of Tocumén ,, 7.VI.1958 , W.J. Hanson ( DARC ) . COLOMBIA , Cundinamarca : Bogota ,, Distant Coll. ( BMNH 1911-383 ) . BRAZIL , Amazonas : Tefé ( Ega ),, IV.78 , I.79 , M. de Mathan , Distant Coll. ( BMNH 1911-383 ) . BOLIVIA , Santa Cruz : Buena Vista Prov., Tohito ( 400m ),, 1956, Franz Steinbach ( AMNH ) . No data: 2 ( BMNH ) . Distribution. Guatemala, Costa Rica (Guanacaste, Puntarenas), Panama (Chiriquí, Cerro Azul), Colombia (Cundinamarca), Brazil (Amazonas), Bolivia (Santa Cruz). Comments. Brachystethus improvisus is the sister group of B. vicinus ( BARCELLOS & GRAZIA, 2003 ), sharing with this species the metasternal carina anteriorly elevated and the anterior margin of gonocoxites 9 sinuate, little excavated, besides the general color and the color pattern of legs. The two species are very similar in general appearance, but can be distinguished by male and female genitalia. B. improvisus has the dorsal rim of pygophore with conspicuous lobes, genital cup processes moderately visible in dorsal view and parameres broad at apex; on the females, the posterior border of gonocoxites 8 is sinuate over laterotergites 9.