A new species of Alpioniscus (Illyrionethes) from the Dinaric Karst (Isopoda, Oniscidea, Trichoniscidae) Author Bedek, Jana Author Gottstein, Sanja Author Taiti, Stefano text Subterranean Biology 2019 32 33 42 http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.32.37509 journal article http://dx.doi.org/10.3897/subtbiol.32.37509 1314-2615-32-33 F8968068846844EA83320FB20E3EA84C 1CA95D95DFD853CEA5B6292AFF400B96 Alpioniscus (Illyrionethes) busljetai sp. nov. Figs 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 , 6 Alpioniscus sp. - Bregovic et al. 2008 : 109 [partim: Markova spilja ]. Alpioniscus (Illyrionethes) sp. 3. - Bedek et al. in press : figs 3, 5. Material examined. Holotype : ♂ Croatia, Starigrad Paklenica, Seline, Markova spilja (cave), 44°16.79'N , 15°28.63'E , 30.IX.2008, D. Hmura leg., CBSSC IT4252. Paratypes : 1 ♂, 1 ♀, 1 juv., same data as holotype, CBSSC IT2407; 1 ♀, 1 juv., ibid., 5.VI.2006, H. Bilandzija leg., CBSSC IT560; 2 ♂♂, 1 ♀, ibid., 5.VI.2006, M. Pavlek leg., CBSSC IT561; 2 ♂♂, 2 ♀♀, ibid., 1.V.2010, A. Kirin leg., CBSSC IT2235; 1 ♂ juv., ibid., 1.V.2010, M. Lukic leg., CBSSC IT3975; 1 ♂ juv., ibid., 18.XII.2012, A. Komericki leg., CBSSC IT2881; 1 ♀, ibid., 18.III.2013, K. Miculinic leg., CBSSC IT3974; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, 1 juv., ibid., 20.V.2018, P. Bregovic leg., MZUF 9894; 3 ♂♂, 4 ♀♀, ibid., 20.V.2018, N. Kuharic leg., CBSSC IT4250; 2 ♀♀, ibid., 20.V.2018, N. Kuharic leg., CBSSC IT4398; 2 ♀♀, ibid., 20.V.2018, I. Jaklinovic leg., CBSSC IT4251; 2 ♀♀, 1 juv., ibid., 20.V.2018, M. Cucek leg., CBSSC IT4399; 2 ♂♂, 1 ♂ juv., 2 ♀♀, Croatia, Starigrad Paklenica, Specina spajza (cave), 44°17.10'N , 15°27.46'E , 29.VI.2013, A. Komericki leg., CBSSC IT3960; 2 ♀♀, ibid., 29.VI.2013, T. Drazina leg., CBSSC IT3961; 1 ♂, 1 ♀, ibid., 29.VI.2013, T. Drazina leg., CBSSC IT3962. Description. Maximum length: ♂, 4.4 mm; ♀, 6.0 mm. Colourless body, pereon with almost parallel sides, pleon narrower than pereon ( Figs 1 , 2A ). Back smooth, with ridges near posterior margins of cephalon and pereonites, and some triangular scale-setae ( Fig. 2B ). Some gland pores on lateral margins of pleonites 4 and 5 ( Fig. 2D ). Eyes absent. Cephalon ( Fig. 2C ) with suprantennal line bent downwards; antennal lobes rounded. Posterior margin of pereonite 1 convex, of pereonites 2, 3 straight, and of pereonites 4-7 progressively more concave ( Fig. 2A ). Pleonites 3-5 with small posterior points visible in dorsal view ( Fig. 2D ). Distal part of telson with concave sides and broadly rounded apex ( Fig. 2D ). Antennula ( Fig. 2E ) of three articles, distal article flattened and bearing five to six aesthetascs. Antenna ( Fig. 2F ) with distal articles of peduncle granulated; flagellum of five to seven articles with one row of aesthetascs on two to four different articles, always on second and third. Mandibles ( Fig. 3A, B ) with one penicil in right and three in left; molar process with one penicil in right and none in left. Outer branch of maxillula ( Fig. 3C ) with 4+6 teeth, apically entire, and one slender stalk; inner branch with three penicils, outer and middle subequal, inner distinctly longer. Maxilla ( Fig. 3D ) with setose and bilobate apex, lobes subequal in width. Maxilliped ( Fig. 3E ) endite narrow, with large segmented apical penicil; palp distally with three rounded lobes, basal article with two small compound setae; basis with rounded outer lobe protruding posteriorly and covered with long setae on margin. Pereopods with large, bifid and setose dactylar seta ( Fig. 4A ). Uropod ( Fig. 2D ) with protopod slightly grooved on outer margin; endopod distinctly shorter than exopod, proximally inserted. Figure 1. Alpioniscus (Illyrionethes) busljetai sp. nov. in situ in Markova spilja (by courtesy of Petra Kutlesa ). Scale bar: 1 mm. Figure 2. Alpioniscus (Illyrionethes) busljetai sp. nov. Paratype ♀ CBSSC IT2235 from Markova spilja A habitus in dorsal view. Paratype ♂ CBSSC IT2235 from Markova spilja B dorsal scale-seta C cephalon, dorsal D pleonites 4, 5, telson and uropods. Paratype ♂ CBSSC IT4250 from Markova spilja E antennula F antenna with enlargement of flagellum. Scale bars: 1 mm ( A, F ), 0.1 mm ( C-E ), 0.01 mm ( B ). Figure 3. Alpioniscus (Illyrionethes) busljetai sp. nov. Paratype ♂ CBSSC IT2235 from Markova spilja A right mandible B left mandible C maxillula D maxilla E maxilliped. Scale bar: 0.1 mm. Figure 4. Alpioniscus (Illyrionethes) busljetai sp. nov. Paratype ♂ IT4250 from Markova spilja A pereopod 1 with enlargement of dactylus B pereopod 7 rostral view with enlargement of carpus and merus, and merus hook. Scale bars: 1 mm. Male. Pereopod 1 ( Fig. 4A ) carpus bearing four to six setae. Pereopod 1 and 2 with propodus and carpus bearing numerous short scales on rostral surface. Pereopods 1-4 merus with sternal margin straight, pereopods 5, 6 merus with progressively more concave sternal margin and small lobe proximally. Pereopod 7 ( Fig. 4B ) ischium with straight sternal margin; merus with slightly concave sternal margin and small hook-shaped lobe in proximal part directed ventro-laterally and bearing one seta; carpus with straight sternal margin and shallow and long rounded tergal hump in proximal part. Genital papilla ( Fig. 5A ) with rounded apical part. Pleopod 1 ( Fig. 5A ) exopod with posterior apex broadly rounded, slightly concave outer margin, straight inner margin; endopod narrow with almost parallel sides, armed with long apical seta. Pleopod 2 ( Fig. 5B ) exopod triangular with concave outer margin; endopod of two articles, distinctly longer than exopod, posterior part narrower than anterior with strong bifid terminal seta. Pleopod 3-5 exopods as in Fig. 5 C-E . Figure 5. Alpioniscus (Illyrionethes) busljetai sp. nov. Paratype ♂ IT4250 from Markova spilja A genital papilla and pleopod 1 B pleopod 2 with enlargement of endopod tip. Paratype ♂ CBSSC IT2235 from Markova spilja C pleopod 3 exopod D pleopod 4 exopod E pleopod 5 exopod. Scale bar: 0.1 mm. Etymology. The species is named after Dujo Busljeta , the National park Paklenica ranger and Croatian Biospeleological Society field research guide within the Paklenica area. Remarks. Alpioniscus busljetai sp. nov. differs from Dinaric Illyrionethes species by the shallow and long rounded tergal hump of the male pereopod 7 carpus, similar to the one present only in A. trogirensis . It differs from A. trogirensis in the shape of the male pleopod 1 exopod, with broadly rounded posterior apex and slightly concave outer margin (narrowly rounded posterior apex and sinuous outer margin in A. trogirensis ). The shape of the male pleopod 1 exopod is similar to the one of A. tuberculatus (Frankenberger, 1939), from which it differs by the presence of the dorsal hump of the male pereopod 7 carpus and smooth habitus. Figure 6. Distribution map of Alpioniscus (Illyrionethes) busljetai sp. nov.