New data on the Oriental Xantholinini. 43. New species and new records from Thailand in the Naturhistorisches Museum of Basel (Coleoptera Staphylinidae) 281 ° contribution to the knowledge of the Staphylinidae Author Bordoni, Arnaldo text Linzer biologische Beiträge 2017 2017-12-11 49 2 1219 1229 journal article 10.19263/redia-101.18.17 779bcee1-26b8-4a59-831f-a6bbb27246a2 0253-116X 6802696 Neoxantholinus thailandicus nov.sp. ( Figs 1-3 ) Examined material: Holotype : Thailand , Ranong prov. , Ranong : Hot Springs , 9.56N , 98.40E , K. Majer 23-27.II.1996 ( NHMB ). Description: Length of body 4.5 mm ; from anterior margin of head to posterior margin of elytra: 2.5 mm . Reddish brown light; antennae and legs brown yellowish. Head sub-rectangular, with sub-parallel and sub-rectilinear sides and rounded posterior angles. Eyes medium-sized and not protruding. Surface of head shiny, with traces of more or less longitudinal micro-striations and fine, very sparse punctation; one setiferous puncture at the end of the groove along the inner edge of the eyes and one big puncture posteriad, near the lateral margin of head. Pronotum a little shorter than head, as wide as it, with oblique anterior margins and largely rounded anterior angles. Surface with evident, more or less longitudinal micro-striations and with 4 evident puntures along a horizontal line, on the anterior half. Elytra longer and wider than pronotum, a little dilated posteriad, with almost obsolete humeral angles. Surface slightly wrinkled, with three series of very fine punctures, one juxtasutural, one median and one lateral. Abdomen shiny, with traces of fine, transverse micro-striation and fine, very spaced punctation. Male genital segment as in Fig. 1 ; sternite of the same sub-triangular ( Fig. 2 ). Aedeagus ( Fig. 3 ) 0.55 mm long, elongated, with short and narrow parameres; inner sac broad, covered partially with fine spinules and scales. Etymology: The specific epithet refers to Thailand . Distribution: The species is known only from the type locality. Remarks: The species is similar to N. merkli BORDONI, 2002 from Malaysia but differs by the following characters: body smaller, visibly lighter; head shorter, with very shorter ocular grooves and with lateral, big punctures located further forward; pronotum smaller and shorter, elytra shorter; different aedeagus. N. thailandicus is the northernmost species of this genus in the Oriental Region and the first record from Thailand .