A Review Of The Genus Cheilosia (Diptera, Syrphidae) From Iran Author Khaganinia, S. Author Kazerani, F. text Vestnik Zoologii 2014 2014-10-01 48 5 401 410 http://dx.doi.org/10.2478/vzoo-2014-0048 journal article 10.2478/vzoo-2014-0048 a9e2bd3c-4c26-483f-9f17-f44b53075c03 2073-2333 6449149 Cheilosia ( Taeniocheilosia ) nigripes (Meigen, 1822) ( fig. 2 , d–f ) M a t e r i a l e x a m i n e d. Iran : East Azarbaijan Province , Osculu , 38°51.515´N , 46°52.400´E , 1721 m , 20.07.2011 , 6 Ơ, 3 ♀ ( S. Khaghaninia ) . Fig. 2. Cheilosia mutabilis ( a–c ): a — dorsal view of male, b — frontal view of head of female, c — male genitalia; C. nigrips , male ( d–f ): d — dorsal view, e — lateral view of head; f — genitalia. Рис. 2. Cheilosia mutabilis ( a–c ): a — самец, вид сверху, b — голова самки, фронтальный вид, c — гениталии самца; C. nigripes , самец ( d–f ): d — вид сверху, e — голова, латеральный вид, f — гениталии. D i s t r i b u t i o n. From Fennoscandia southwards to the Pyrenees and northern Spain ; from southern England eastwards through Central and Southern Europe (Northern Italy , former Yugoslavia ) into Turkey and European territory of Russia ; through Siberia to the Pacific coast; Iran (first record). D i a g n o s t i c c h a r a c t e r s. Frons lustrous, without pruinosity, or with narrow pruinose along margins of eyes; third antennal segment weakly enlarged, black; parafacial with dense gray pruinosity, occasionally with bare lustrous stripe along eyes ( fig. 2 , e ); mesoscutum without pruinosity or with narrow strip of pruinosity in anterior part immediately behind head; scutellum with long black bristles along posterior margin ( fig. 2 , d ); male genitalia as in ( fig. 2 , f ).