Deep intraspecific DNA barcode splits and hybridisation in the Udeaalpinalis group (Insecta, Lepidoptera, Crambidae) - an integrative revision Author Mally, Richard Author Huemer, Peter Author Nuss, Matthias text ZooKeys 2018 746 51 90 journal article 1313-2970-746-51 DF12B2D041554B10B3A3A0B1E755DFF6 DF12B2D041554B10B3A3A0B1E755DFF6 Udea juldusalis (Zerny, 1914) stat. n. Figs 1, 6, 19-20, 38-41 Pyrausta austriacalis v. juldusalis Zerny, 1914: 335. Type locality. China, Xinjiang, Tian Shan, Yulduz mountains. Material examined. Type specimens. Lectotype ♂ "Asia centr. | Thian-Schan | Juldus Geb. | Coll.Wagner", [handwritten] "P. austriacalis | v. juldusalis | Zerny ♂ [in red] Type", Mally prep. no. 1082 (NMW); Paralectotype ♂ [handwritten] "Thian-Schan | Juldus Geb | Coll. Wagner", Mally prep. no. 1081 (NMW). Additional material. CHINA. 1♂ [handwritten] "Pyrausta | Plumbealis | v. Juldusalis | Juldus BH.", Mally prep. no. 1089 (ZMHB); KYRGYZSTAN. 1♂ "Kyrgyzstan, Ysyk-Kol, Chong Oruktu, 42.796 77.86, 1900 m, 22-Jun-1998, L. Kuehne", [light green label] "DNA Barcode | BC MTD 00522", Mally prep. no. 1126 (MTD); KAZAKHSTAN. 1♂ "Kazakhstan, Almaty Oblysy, Zailijskij Alatau, Turgen valley, 43.217 77.867, 2660 m, 19-Jun-2000, M. Nuss" [light green label] "DNA Barcode | BC MTD 00523", Nuss prep. no. 1127 (MTD). Diagnosis. Udea juldusalis has a wing maculation similar to that of U. altaica , U. plumbalis , U. uliginosalis and untypically maculated specimens of U. alpinalis (see Fig. 4 in Panigaj and Kulfan 2012 ). It can be distinguished from U. uliginosalis by the minute proximal outer spur of the hindleg, which is well developed in U. uliginosalis and about half to two thirds the length of its proximal inner spur; furthermore, U. uliginosalis has a large hooked spine on the posterior phallus apodeme, whereas the posterior phallus apodeme carries a small dentate ridge-like process in U. juldusalis . Udea altaica specimens have lighter forewings dorsally and ventrally, and the proximal section of the postmedial line is a diffuse, though well visible brown arch in both sexes. Udea plumbalis has darker, broader and more rounded fore- and hindwings (at least in the male). Udea alpinalis is distinguished by the dark subterminal band on the hindwings' dorsal and ventral side that contrasts with the white inner hindwing area. The COI sequences (DNA Barcode) of U. juldusalis are unique and not shared with any other DNA-barcoded organism, and the nearest neighbour is U. uliginosalis with a minimum of 2.86 % p-distance. Redescription. Head. Frons and vertex covered with cream-white scales; frons evenly convex, covered with beige to light brown scales; labial palps projecting forward, third segment pointed, palps covered with beige scales, outer sides of labial palps' sec ond and third segment brown; maxillary palps brown on outside, cream-white on the inside apart from subapical area with brown scaling; compound eyes hemispherical; proboscis well developed, its base covered in brown and greyish scales; antennae filiform, dorsal side covered in beige scales, anterior side in males densely covered with cilia shorter than the basal antennal radius, shorter still in females, antennal length approx. 50% of forewing length in males, females unknown; ocellus posterior to antenna base. Thorax. As for U. austriacalis , apart from: greyish brown ground colour; hindlegs and outer side of fore- and midlegs cream-white, inner side of fore- and midleg brown; proximal pair of metatarsal spurs with outer spur minute and inner spur long, distal pair about half the length of the proximal inner spur, distal inner spur a bit longer than distal outer spur. Wings. Forewing length 13-14 mm in males, females unknown. Males with single frenulum bristle. Forewing dorsal side pale brownish to brownish yellow white, somewhat darker between cell and costa; veins delimiting cell pale brown; outer medial area behind cell cream white and clear, intersected by the brownish coloured veins R5, M1-3 and Cu1, outer margin of cream white area sharply defined by postmedial line; postmedial line slightly darker than brown ground colour, indistinct at anterior and posterior wing margins, smoothly curving around whitish area of medial wing; outer wing margin with two thin brownish lines separated by a thin yellowish cream-white line; distal part of fringe pale whitish. Hindwing dorsal side with dirty white to brownish ground colour, intersected by the brown-tinted veins; a broad brown subterminal band along the outer margin, blurrily demarcated from the somewhat lighter inner area; hindwing outer margin with a thin yellowish line between subterminal band and brownish basal half of fringe; distal half of fringe whitish. Forewing ventral side homogenous brown, subcostal area and veins delimiting the cell somewhat darker; more or less prominent white line along costal side of cell; outer wing margin and fringe as on dorsal side. Hindwing ventral side with dirty white basal and central area, intersected by the brown-tinted veins; brown subterminal band more prominent and clearly marked-off from the inner area; outer wing margin and fringe as on dorsal side. Abdomen. As for U. austriacalis , apart from: abdomen pale grey dorsally, dark grey ventrally; distal segment margins on dorsal side cream white, scales on terminal segment pale yellow. Male genitalia. (Figs 38-41) As for U. austriacalis , apart from: vinculum ventrally forming a roundly V-shaped saccus with a prominent ventromedial keel; juxta nearly rhombical to broad drop-shaped, apex sharply two-pointed with a narrow V-shaped medial incision ca. 1/4 of the juxta length; valva long, relatively broad, slightly tapering towards apex; costa concave, evenly tapering towards apex, surface sparsely studded with thin long simple chaetae; sacculus broad, roughly rectangular, dorsodistal edge close to fibula base, ventrodistal part concavely curving towards ventral valva edge; ventral valva edge straight from mid-sacculus to valva subapex, with a very slight bulge in the area where the fibula is pointing to; valva apex evenly rounded; elongate, apically tapering, strongly sclerotised fibula directed towards the distal sacculus, fibula base somewhat constricted, apical half narrowed to a pointed, ventrad curved claw; right posterior phallus apodeme forming a sclerotised spatulate lobe with a central raised ridge bearing two small, laterally protruding teeth at its posterior end, sometimes with one or two additional, much smaller teeth posterior to the larger ones. Female genitalia. Unknown. Immature stages. Unknown. Distribution . The species is known from the Kuengoey Ala-Too (Kungey Alatau) Range in Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan, and from the Yulduz mountains in NW China; both mountain ranges are part of the Tian Shan mountain system (Fig. 6). Food plants. Unknown. DNA data. See Table 2. On BOLD, U. juldusalis is represented by the BIN AAO4297. The two available DNA Barcodes are identical with each other. The nearest COI Barcode neighbour is U. uliginosalis with 2.86-4.29 % p-distance (see Tab. 3); the next-closest neighbour is U. alpinalis with 3.33-4.29 % p-distance.