Macrozoque hoplandrioides (Coleoptera: Staphylinidae: Aleocharinae), a new genus and species of false Lomechusini from México Author Santiago-Jiménez, Quiyari J. text Zootaxa 2016 2016-02-11 4079 2 journal volume 31516 10.11646/zootaxa.4079.2.8 fe597a14-c52d-475b-b151-d9fda89fd971 1175-5326 1050736 6AEDACFA-2506-4521-984B-A222E661B480 Macrozoque hoplandrioides Santiago-Jiménez sp. nov. Figs. 1–18 Type material. Holotype : male, MÉXICO : Oaxaca , San Miguel Chimalapa , San Antonio , El Gringo. Alt. 1,600m , Bosque Mesófilo. 10.VI–10.VII.2013 , 16°40'43"N , 94°15'46"W , ex. trampa de intercepción de vuelo. E. Mora y L. Delgado ( IEXA ) . Paratypes : same data as holotype ( 8 males ( IEXA ), 1 specimen in 96% ethanol (MUZ-UV), 1 specimen on slide (MUZ-UV)). Description. Body length 9.3–9.5 mm . Most of body black; pro- and mesofemora in apical half brown except black apex; pro- and mesotibiae and tarsi brown; basal two thirds of metafemora brown-yellowish, apical third black; metatibiae and metatarsi brown-yellowish; antennomeres 1–11 brown, 4–11 darker, but apex of 11 brownyellowish. Head, pronotum, elytra and abdominal sternites with sparse pubescence; abdominal tergites almost glabrous. Head ( Fig. 2 ). Dorsal surface without impression, protuberance or carinae. Antennomeres ( Fig. 9 ) 1–8 elongate, antenommere 3 very long; 9 subquadrate; 10 transverse; 11 elongate. Thorax . As described for the genus. Abdomen . As described for the genus. Other conspicuous characters are: sternite IV without reservoir or glands; each lateral margin of sternite VII with eight small denticles ( Fig. 14 ); each apico-lateral margin of sternite VIII with six small denticles ( Fig. 14 ); apical margin of tergite VIII with one lateral point on each side and six minute denticles medially making margin crenulate ( Fig. 12 ). Secondary sexual structures. Possible secondary sexual structures of male include the following: each elytron with bifurcate carina parallel to external margin, elytral disc with impression parallel to external margin; abdominal terga III–IV with deep impression posterior to basal impression, the same impression moderately deep on tergites V–VI; parasternite III with a protuberance on apico-lateral corner; tergite IV with pit-like impression on each side of midline; base of sternite VII with external gland ( Fig. 13 ); tergite VIII with protuberance on midline. The lack of these characters in female needs to be confirmed. FIGURE 1. Habitus of Macrozoque hoplandrioides gen. nov. and sp. nov. , male. Scale bar = 2 mm. FIGURES 2–17. Structures of Macrozoque hoplandrioides gen. nov. and sp. nov. 2, head, dorsal view; 3, left mandible dorsal view; 4, right mandible, dorsal view; 5, left maxilla, dorsal view; 6, pronotum, dorsal view; 7, prementum and labial palpi, dorsal view; 8, labrum, dorsal view; 9, antenna; 10, right elytra, dorsal view; 11, meso- and metaventrite, ventral view; 12, tergites VII–VIII, dorsal view; 13, sternite VII, showing the external gland (arrows), ventral view; 14, sternites VII–VIII, ventral view; 15, paramere, lateral view; 16, medial lobe of aedeagus, lateral view; 17, medial lobe of aedeagus, dorsal view. Scale bars = 0.2 mm. FIGURE 18. Collection site of Macrozoque hoplandrioides gen. nov. and sp. nov. (black circle). Aedeagus. Internal sac of medial lobe ( Figs. 16–17 ) without evident spinules, but with triangular sclerotized plate at apex ( Fig. 16 ); medial lobe with long compressor plate (extended almost over entire length of median lobe); apical lobe curved ventrad (visible in lateral view) and pointed; basal ridge convex. Paramere as in Fig. 15 ; anterodorsal margin of paramerite with prominent sensory pores present beneath the velar sac; hinge zone of paramerite faint, extended from dorsal surface to near articulation between condylite and paramerite; apical process of paramerite clearly articulated anterior to edge of velum; condylite with row of sensory pores; velum short (less than half length of paramere). Female. Unkown. Remarks. Macrozoque hoplandrioides is the only described species in the genus. The characters that could be useful at species level are the shape of the aedeagus, and impressions and protuberances on the abdomen as described above. Etymology. The general shape of the abdomen of this species resembles species of Hoplandria . The name is a combination of Hoplandria (stem: Hoplandri -), and - oides that means “like”.