Systematics of the Euro-Mediterranean Empis (Kritempis) (Diptera: Empididae: Empidinae) * Author Daugeron, Christophe text Zootaxa 2009 2009-12-22 2318 531 544 journal article 1175-5326 Empis ( Kritempis ) nigrimana Becker, 1907 ( Fig. 4 ) Empis nigrimana Becker, 1907: 225 (original description). Diagnosis . Blackish species, palpus rather long, projected with strong, long setae; proepisternum with black setae; anterior, posterior spiracles black. Type material . Holotype Algier 52337; nigrimana Beck. ; Holotypus ; Empis nigrimana Beck., 1807 , , det. M. Chvála , 1986” ( ZMHU ). Re-description . Male. Head. Occiput blackish, covered with black distinct setae. Ocellar triangle with pair of distinct black setae. Scape, pedicel dark brown, scape with rather long setae, postpedicel missing. Palpus blackish, projected, with numerous rather strong, long setae. Labrum brownish, 1.8x head height, labium blackish. Thorax. Blackish. Antepronotum with row of black setae. Antepronotal lobes with 1 strong, long basal seta, many other finer black anteriors. Proepisternum with a few blackish setae. Prosternum with fan of pale yellow and blackish setae. Scutum subshiny, indistinctly striped. Acrostichals biserial, fine. Dorsocentrals irregularly biserial, rather strong, long, ending in 3-4 stronger, longer prescutellars. Other strong, long setae as follows: 1 presutural, 2 postsutural supraalars; 3 notopleurals. Laterotergite with fan of numerous strong, long golden to pale yellow setae. Anterior and posterior spiracles blackish. Wing. Length = 6 mm . Feebly brownish with indistinct brown stigma. Median veins complete. Halter yellowish. Legs. Dark brown-blackish except greyish coxae. Fore, hind coxae with pale yellow setae, 2-3 strong black setae; mid coxa with pale yellow britsles, row of 5-6 strong, long setae. Fore femur covered with many setae, fine posteriorly, strong anteriorly; fore tibia with antero- and posterodorsal rows of strong setae somewhat longer than tibia depth; fore tarsomeres 1–4 with strong setae apically. Mid tibia with antero- and posterodorsal rows of strong, long setae, antero- and posteroventral rows of strong, shorter setae; mid tarsus with 2 ventral rows of short spines. Hind femur with posterodorsal row of strong setae at apical half; hind tibia with antero- and posterodorsal rows of rather strong setae as long as tibia depth; hind tarsus missing. Abdomen. Blackish. Tergites with long pale yellow setae. Hypopygium ( Fig. 4 ). Cercus somewhat triangular with rather fine dorsal setae. Epandrial lamella not very bristled, less than 10 strong, long setae. Phallus characteristically undulated, especially basally. Female unknown. Chorotype . W-Mediterranean. Empis nigrimana is known from Algeria .