Review of the Blastobasinae of Costa Rica (Lepidoptera: Gelechioidea: Blastobasidae) Author Adamski, David text Zootaxa 2013 3618 1 1 223 journal article 39040 10.11646/zootaxa.3618.1.1 d2a7d193-4512-4565-a56e-49034dcf6101 1175-5326 247396 B548B139-E8D9-4F10-956E-E0001E6C7586 Pigritia ululae Adamski , new species ( Figs. 247–248 , 415 , Map 55) Diagnosis.— Pigritia stips shares with the North American P. arizonella (Dietz) an absence of the uncus; a hinged apical process of the ventral part of the valva; a setose dorsal part of the proximal flange, juxtaposed by a setose ridge beneath; and a divided juxta. It differs from the latter by having the labial palpus extending above the vertex; a wider gnathos; a smaller apical process of the ventral part of the valva; a broader basal part of the ventral part of the valva; a shorter digitate process of the dorsal part of the valva; a longer phallus; and a shallowly curved sclerite of the phallus. Description.—Head: Scales on vertex and frontoclypeus brownish-gray scales tipped with pale brownish gray or pale brown in rubbed specimens. Labial palpus extending slightly above vertex in male [female unknown]; outer surface of segments 1–2 brown intermixed with pale brown scales along apical margins, terminal segment pale brown, inner surface pale brown. Antenna pale brown. Proboscis pale brown. Thorax: Tegula and mesonotum with brownish-gray scales tipped with pale brownish gray or pale brown in rubbed specimens. Legs grayish brown intermixed with pale grayish-brown scales near midsegments and along apical margins of all segments and tarsomeres. Forewing ( Fig. 415 ): Length 4.5–5.0 mm (n = 3), grayish brown intermixed with pale grayish-brown scales and grayish-brown scales tipped with pale grayish brown; cell with two grayish-brown spots near apical end along crossvein. Undersurface brown. Hindwing: Translucent pale grayish brown. Abdomen: Male genitalia ( Figs. 247–248 ): Uncus absent. Gnathos, anteriorly directed thin band; ventroposterior margin entire. Sockets of tergal setae not extending beyond midlength of tegumen. Valva divided; ventral part basally protracted inwardly, broadly rounded to middle, abruptly narrowed, extending to dilated base of apical process; process hinged basally, straight throughout most of length, acutely curved apically, setose on outer margin, planate on inner surface, with protuberant setose ridge at base; dorsal part with apical portion of costa extending dorsally, forming short, setose, and straight, digitate process; process shorter than apical process of ventral part; basal ridge of digitate process extending ventrally, separate from proximal flange; flange, subellipsoid, slightly narrowed apically, sparsely microtrichiate on flattened dorsal part, separated by narrow fissure adjacent to densely setose sigmoid-shaped ridge; margin entire. Juxta divided, forming two angular plates. Vinculum semicircular. Phallus and sclerite of phallus longer than valva; phallus bulbous basally, sclerite of phallus shallowly undulate, narrowly bifurcate apically; anellus slightly narrowed from widened base, rounded apically, setose on basal 4/5. Female Genitalia: Unknown. Holotype , 3, “Est[ación] Magsasay, P[arque] N[acional] Braulio Carrillo, 200 m , Prov[incia] Here[dia], COSTA RICA , A. Fernandez, Nov. 1990 , L-N-264600, 531100, “INBio: COSTA RICA : CRI000, 453229 [barcode label], “INBio, 3 Genitalia Slide by D. Adamski, No. 2536 [yellow label]. Paratypes (2 3): 1 3, “Est. Magsasay, P.N. Braulio Carrillo, 200 m , Prov. Heredia, COSTA RICA , A. Fernandez, Nov. 1990 , L-N-264600, 531100, “CRI000, 453150, “Slide No. 2537; 1 3, “Sector Cerro Cocori, Fca. de E. Rojas, 150 m , Prov. Limón, COSTA RICA , E. Rojas, Nov. 1991 , L-N-286000, 567500, “CRI000, 501431, “Slide No. 2681, “USNM 84106 [ 1 in INBio, 1 in USNM]. MAP 55. Distribution of Pigritia ululae (●) and P. marjoriella (˔). Distribution (Map 55). Pigritia ululae is known from two collecting sites north of the Cordillera Central in north-central Costa Rica . Etymology. The specific epithet ululae is derived from the Latin ulula meaning, an owl.