Redefinition of Liroetis, with descriptions of two new species and an annotated list of species (Coleoptera: Chrysomelidae: Galerucinae) Author Bezděk, Jan text Acta Entomologica Musei Nationalis Pragae 2021 2021-12-31 61 2 529 614 journal article 10.37520/aemnp.2021.030 1804-6487 5821367 06FDFB43-0B61-4DA8-B260-D78ABD62756C Liroetis paragrandis Jiang, 1988 ( Figs 296 , 302, 308 , 317–323 ) Liroetis paragrandis Jiang, 1988: 192 , 198 (original description). Liroetis paragrandis : Bൾൾඇൾඇ (2010):478 (catalogue);YൺඇǤ et al.(2015): 248 (key), 249 (noted). Type locality. ‘[ China :] Xizang : Medog Co.’. Type material examined. Pൺඋൺඍඒඉൾ: 1 ♀ ( Figs 317–320 ), ‘[ Xizang , Motuo, Tiqin / 3400 m / Chinese Academy of Sciences] [in Chinese, w, combined p and h] // [ 1982.IX.7 / Collector Yin-Heng Han] [in Chinese, w, combined p and h] // PARATYPE [y, p] // IOZ(E)1966993 [w, p] // Liroetis paragrandis / Jiang [p] [w, h]’ ( IZAS ). Additional material examined. CHINA : SංർΗඎൺඇ: Wenchuan, Wolong, 1600 m , 26.vii.1983 , 1 J, S.-Y. Wang leg. ( IZAS ). XංඓൺඇǤ: Zayul, Atakang, 9000 ft , , 1 ♀ , F. Kingdon Ward & R. J. H. Kaulback leg. ( BMNH ). Diagnosis. Colouration . Dorsal side yellow, each elytron with small black spot on humeral callus and three small black preapical spots in transverse row. Antennae black. Legs orange, tarsi, tibiae and apical parts of femora black. Body length . J: 12.0 mm, ♀♀ : 12.7–14.0 mm. Male ( Figs 321–322 ). Pronotum 1.34 times as wide as long, lustrous, impunctate, anterior margin slightly concave, with complete thin border, lateral margins sinuate, pronotum widest in anterior third. Posterior margin of abdominal ventrite IV obliquely impressed forming two small triangular processes separated by small V-shaped incision. Last abdominal ventrite with longitudinal impression moderately constricted in middle. Scutellum without small grooves at basal angles. Metatibial spur absent. Aedeagus ( Fig. 296 ). Median lobe of aedeagus 4.20 times as long as wide; basal half wide, almost parallel, apical quarter ca. twice narrower than basal half, subparallel, second quarter gradually narrower anteriorly, apex folded down. Lateral view: median lobe bisinuate, second quarter distinctly wider than basal half; lateral elevation widely rounded, indistinct. Dorsal process 3.74 times as long as wide, 0.79 times as long as median lobe; basal half narrow, apical half elongate oval, ca. twice wider than basal half, with large elongate setose plate, in lateral view widely regularly rounded. Female ( Fig. 323 ). Pronotum with indistinct border on anterior margin. Metatibial spur absent. Sternite VIII subpentagonal, posterior margin shallowly emarginated, long setae accumulated along posterior and partly also lateral margins; tignum 0.50 times as long as sternite VIII, apex slightly wider and shallowly emarginated ( Fig. 308 ). Spermatheca with well developed sphaerical nodulus, cornu short, only slightly bent, spermathecal duct moderately bent ( Fig. 302 ). Differential diagnosis. Liroetis paragrandis can be distinguished from very similar L. suwai by larger body (12.0–14.0 mm) and yellow scutellum, while L. suwai has body smaller ( 9.9–11.5 mm ) and scutellum mostly or partly black. Dorsal process of aedeagus in L. paragrandis is widely extended in apical part ( Fig. 296 ), while dorsal process in L. suwai is almost parallel in whole length ( Fig. 297 ). Similarly coloured L. grandis differs in scutellum with two small grooves at basal angles ( Fig. 280 ). Distribution. China : Xizang (JංൺඇǤ 1988), Sichuan (present paper).