Turritellidae (Gastropoda) of the Miocene Paratethys Sea with considerations about turritellid genera Author Harzhauser, Mathias Author Landau, Bernard text Zootaxa 2019 2019-10-04 4681 1 1 136 journal article 25308 10.11646/zootaxa.4681.1.1 02603b90-9879-40a3-99e4-5079e4d50ff8 1175-5326 3472368 F071DF02-2956-4B20-9DAF-E2CEB0CB0F9A Ptychidia partschi (Rolle, 1856) new comb. Figs 6W , 19A 1 –A 2 , 19B 1 –B 2 , 19C 1 –C 2 , 19D 1 –D 2 , 19E , 19F * Turritella Partschi Rolle Rolle, 1856a: 192 . Turritella Partschi Rolle Anonymous, 1856: 623 . Turritella Partschi Rolle n. sp. Rolle, 1856b: 572 . Turritella Partschi Rolle Hilber, 1879: 445 , pl. 5, figs 1a–b. Turritella ( Haustator ) partschi partschi Rolle Sieber, 1960: 237 , pl. 1, fig. 2, pl. 3, fig. 8/3. Turritella ( Haustator ) partschi perangulata (Bach in coll.) ssp. n. Sieber, 1960: 238 , pl. 1, fig. 1, pl. 3, fig. 8/4. Turritella ( Haustator ) partschi quadricarinata (Bach in coll.) ssp. n. Sieber, 1960: 238 , pl. 1, figs 3–4, pl. 3, fig. 8/5 [non Turritella quadricarinata ( Brocchi, 1814 ) ]. Turritella ( Archimediella ) miotaurina Sacco Sieber, 1960: 256 , pl. 1, fig. 43, pl. 3, fig. 8/26 [non Archimediella miotaurina Sacco, 1895 ]. Turritella ( Haustator ) partschi Rolle, 1856 Steininger et al ., 1978: 311 , pl. 1, fig. 8. Turritella ( Haustator ) partschi partschi Rolle, 1856 Mikuž, 1982: 72 , pl. 2, fig. 5, pl. 3, figs 1–6. Turritella Erynella [sic] partschi partschi Rolle Stürmer, 1989: 112 , pl. 3, fig. 9, pl. 10, fig. 12. Turritella ( Erynella ) partschi perangulata (Bach) Sieber Stürmer, 1989: 113 , pl. 3, fig. 10. Turritella ( Erynella ) partschi quadricarinata (Bach) Sieber Stürmer, 1989: 115 , pl. 3, fig. 11 [non Turritella quadricarinata ( Brocchi, 1814 ) ]. ? Turritella cf. partschi Rolle Popa & Chira, 1999: 400 , pl. 1, figs 4–6. Turritella ( Haustator ) partschi partschi Rolle, 1856 Mikuž, 2009: 10 , pl. 1, figs 9–10. non Turritella ( Haustator ) partschi Rolle Strausz, 1954: 13 , pl. 1, fig. 16. non Turritella ( Archimediella ) partschi an sp. dist. Csepreghy, 1956: 384, pl. 2, figs 22–25 [= Ptychidia vindobonensis ( Handmann, 1882 ) ]. non Turritella ( Archimediella ) partschi Rolle Kókay, 1966: 39 , pl. 3, fig. 14. non Turritella eryna partschi Rolle, 1856 Strausz, 1966: 97 , pl. 3, fig 8–11. non Turritella ( Archimediella ) partschi Rolle Csepreghy Meznerics, 1969: 19, pl. 2, fig. 7. non Turritella ( Haustator ) partschi Rolle, 1856 Bałuk, 1975: 107 , pl. 12, figs 19–21. non Turritella ( Haustator ) partschi quadricarinata Sieber, 1958 Švagrovský, 1981: 127 , pl. 40, fig. 3 [non Turritella quadricarinata ( Brocchi, 1814 ) ]. non Turritella ( Haustator ) partschi quadricarinata Sieber, 1958 Švagrovský, 1982: 14 , pl. 4, fig. 3 [non Turritella quadricarinata ( Brocchi, 1814 ) ]. non Turritella partschi Rolle Ionesi & Nicorici, 1994: 61 , pl. 4, fig. 8. non Turritella ( Haustator ) partschi quadricincta [sic] Bach (in Sieber, 1958) Katona et al ., 2011: 7 , pl. 1, fig. 5 [non Turritella quadricincta Goldfuss, 1844 ]. Type material. The whereabouts of the syntypes of Rolle (1856a) is unknown. As they are not stored in the Geological Survey in Vienna , the specimens are most probably lost. Therefore, we designate specimen NHMW 2018/0275/0001 from the Badenian (middle Miocene) of Pöls in Austria , described and illustrated by Hilber (1879 , pl. 5, figs 1a–b), as neotype . Studied material. 1 spec. NHMW 2018/0275/0001, Pöls ( Austria ) , illustrated in Hilber (1879 , pl. 5, figs 1a–b), 15 spec. NHMW 1860/0005/0054, 4 spec. NHMW 1861/0001/0270, Pöls ( Austria ) ; 32 spec. NHMW 1858/0020/0023, Guglitz at St. Florian ( Austria ) ; 1 spec. UMJG&P 60.658, 1 spec. UMJG&P 9143, Wetzelsdorf- Kreuzschaller ( Austria ) ; 1 spec. UMJG&P 60.632, Wetzelsdorf-Grössl ( Austria ) ; 1 spec. UMJG&P 60.847, Wetzelsdorf-Wenzelsteffi ( Austria ) ; 2 spec. UMJG&P 60.657, Wetzelsdorf ( Austria ) ; 53 spec. NHMW 2018/0276/0001, Weitendorf ( Austria ) . Illustrated material. Figs 19A 1 –A 2 : NHMW 1861/0001/0270, SL: 46.9 mm , MD: 10.4 mm Pöls ( Austria ); Figs 19B 1 –B 2 : NHMW 2018/0275/0001, SL: 50.7 mm , MD: 12.2 mm , Pöls ( Austria ), illustrated in Hilber (1879 , pl. 5, figs 1a–b); Figs 19C 1 –C 2 : UMJG&P 60.658, SL: 60.0 mm, MD: 13.3 mm , holotype of Turritella ( Haustator ) partschi quadricarinata Sieber, 1960 , Wetzelsdorf-Kreuzschaller ( Austria ); Figs 19D 1 –D 2 : UMJG&P 60.632, SL: 33.0 mm, MD: 9.1 mm , Turritella ( Haustator ) partschi perangulata Sieber, 1960 , Wetzelsdorf-Grössl ( Austria ); Fig. 19E : UMJG&P 60.847, SL: 41.2 mm , MD: 11.6 mm , Wetzelsdorf-Wenzelsteffi ( Austria ); Fig. 19F : SL: 18.8 mm , MD: 5.3 mm , NHMW 1861/0001/0270, Pöls ( Austria ). Revised description. Shell small to medium-sized, slender, of ca. 18 teleoconch whorls. Protoconch unknown. First teleoconch whorls with marked keel slightly below mid-whorl. C spiral cord initially weak, running close to abapical suture. Sutural ramp flat with faint A spiral cord, becoming more prominent on 3 rd to 5 th teleoconch whorls. Primaries soon grading into broad spiral cords with convex tops. B spiral cord usually most prominent coinciding with angulation below mid-whorl. Interspaces between primaries moderately to deeply concave, interspace between A and B cords usually broader, than between B and C cords. Interspace between C spiral cord and suture very narrow, rarely showing faint peribasal spiral cord. Secondary spiral cords may be intercalated between primaries; sutural ramp usually with distinct r spiral cord, rarely with two secondary cords. Whorls low with incised suture; profile ranging from convex to frustate. Lateral sinus angle steep, ranging around 25°, becoming less steep close to aperture; deep, wide, adapical part with faint inflection point, becoming obsolete towards aperture; abapical part simple, nearly straight; central LS p . Basal sinus nearly straight to feebly sigmoidal. Transition into base angulated, coinciding with weak d spiral cord. Base weakly convex, covered by few secondary spiral cords and delicate spiral threads. Aperture U-shaped, inner lip slightly thickened passing into thin, narrow, indistinct parietal sheet. Up to seven palatal lirae developed. Shell measurements and ratios. Largest nearly complete specimen: SL: 60.0 mm, MD: 13.3 mm ; typical size (based on 5 nearly complete specimens): SL: 50–53 mm , MD: 11.2–11.9 mm . AA (n=10): 16.7° (σ = 0.8°), PA: 12.5° (σ = 0.8°). Lateral sinus (n = 8): LS angle = 25.5° (σ = 5.2°), LS p = 1.0 (σ = 0.1), LS d = 4.6 (σ = 0.9). Discussion. Ptychidia partschi (Rolle, 1856) is characterized by its slender shape, incised suture, relatively low whorls and the angulated profile, but is quite variable concerning its spiral sculpture. The secondary spiral cord(s) on the sutural ramp may be nearly absent or quite prominent, nearly equaling the primaries in strength. In addition, the C spiral cord may range from very prominent to delicate. This variability induced Sieber (1960) to describe Turritella partschi perangulata and T. p. quadricarinata as subspecies. All these taxa appear at the same localities in large numbers with numerous transitions, indicating that all forms represent a single variable species. Turritella partschi’ has been reported from Poland ( Bałuk 1975 ), Slovakia ( Švagrovský 1981 , 1982 ), Hungary ( Strausz 1954 , 1966 ; Csepreghy Meznerics 1956, 1969; Kókay 1966 ; Katona et al . 2011 ), and Romania ( Ionesi & Nicorici 1994 ), but none of the illustrated specimens is conspecific with Ptychidia partschi from the type area in the Styrian Basin ( Austria ); e.g. the Polish specimens differ in their high whorls and the lack of distinct A and r spiral cords. Most of the misidentified specimens seem to represent Archimediella species or Ptychidia vindobonensis . Paleoenvironment. The species is found in the Styrian Basin in large numbers in marly clay and sand of inner neritic and lagoonal settings (herein). Distribution. Central Paratethys. Badenian (middle Miocene): Styrian Basin : Pöls, Grössl, Kreuzschaller, St. Florian, Pirka bei Voitsberg, St. Florian, Weitendorf, Wetzelsdorf ( Austria ) ( Sieber 1960 ; herein ); Krško Basin : Dolenja Brezovica , Vajndol, Vajndol-Stara ( Slovenia ) ( Mikuž 2009 ); Borod Basin ?: Cetea ( Romania ) ( Popa & Chira 1999 ).