Revision of the genus Typhlocybella Baker, 1903 (Hemiptera: Cicadellidae: Typhlocybinae: Dikraneurini) and description of a new species from Argentina Author Catalano, María Inés Author Paradell, Susana Liria Author Lenicov, Ana María Marino Remes text Zootaxa 2012 3164 57 63 journal article 45631 10.5281/zenodo.213239 2ea2341d-b251-448d-ae18-20d7a2410e61 1175-5326 213239 Typhlocybella affinis n. sp. ( Figs. 13–22 ) FIGURES 13–22. Typhlocybella affinis n. sp. Male: 13) sternal apodemes; 14) tergal apodemes; 15) pygofer, lateral view; 16) subgenital plate; 17) style; 18) connective; 19) aedeagus. Female: 20) sternite VII; 21) large valve; 22) small valve. Scale bar = 0,1 mm. Diagnosis. Length: 2.7–2.9 mm. Coloration: White to yellow, with a pair of longitudinal yellowish bands extending across crown, pronotum and scutellum. Basal half of forewing yellowish, and apical half smoky. Fore and hind wing venation characteristic of genus. First sternal complex (1S) ( Fig. 13 ) with sternal bar sclerotized and straight; dorsal apodeme well developed with broad medial notch, reaching sternal bar. Second sternal apodeme (2S) ( Fig. 13 ) short with two lobules fused in middle, not extending beyond abdominal segment 3. Second tergal apodeme ( Fig. 14 ) with two long tongueshaped plates suspended below transverse shallow wall, length:width ratio about 3:1. Male genitalia: Pygofer ( Fig. 15 ), in lateral view, quadrangular; with a ventro-caudal process curved dorsally, with two or three setae at base; two or three macrosetae and several microsetae arranged near dorsal margin, and four or five macrosetae on ventral margin. Subgenital plate ( Fig. 16 ) broad at base, narrowing to apex, with oblique longitudinal row of four or five strong and long macrosetae in basal half, and numerous, fine and long microsetae on both margins. Style ( Fig. 17 ) with preapical lobe quadrate with one or two microsetae; apical extension slightly curved and tapered apically. Connective ( Fig. 18 ) triangular, aedeagal articulation terminal. Aedeagus ( Fig. 19 ) with depressed and short preatrium; elongate dorsal aedeagal apodeme; shaft compressed, slightly curved upward; pair of sub-parallel tapering ventral processes directed caudad, arising from shaft base, sparsely covered with small spines; gonopore oval, subterminal. Female genitalia: Sternite VII ( Fig. 20 ) convex with a triangular lobe in middle, and several microsetae. Pygofer, in lateral view, wider at base than apex, usually with 7 or 8 macrosetae in row on caudo-ventral margin, and 2 or 3 slender setae on dorsal-caudal margin. Second valvulae slender, 12 times longer than broad, curved in apical half, rounded at apex; large valve ( Fig. 21 ) with 20 to 22 strong teeth irregularly denticulate, ventral margin with 3 to 5 small teeth, with 3 sclerotized longitudinal bars, ramified apically, on lateral surface; small valve ( Fig. 22 ) with 18 or 19 small teeth, and 3 sclerotized longitudinal bars on lateral surface. Etymology. The specific name affinis refers to the similarity in habitat to T. maidica . Type material. Holotype : Argentina . Pergamino, December 30, 2010 , Catalano col. Deposited at MLP . Paratypes : 3 males and 2 females , on maize, Tucumán, September 2004 , Virla col.; 1 female , on maize, Buenos Aires: Chacabuco, December 4, 2006 ; 1 female , on maize, Mendoza: La Consulta February 12, 2007 , Lanati col. Host plants. Maize ( Zea mays L.), sorghum ( Sorghum vulgare L.), and crabgrass ( Digitaria sanguinalis (L.)). Distribution. Tucumán: San Miguel de Tucumán; Buenos Aires: Chacabuco, Pergamino; Mendoza: La Consulta. Note. This species resembles T . maidica in having a similarly pair of ventral processes in the aedeagus but differs in its paler coloration, in the long, ventral process in the pygofer, the shorter connective, and the smaller and fewer spines in the aedeagal processes.