Taxonomic notes on the Macrocheilus Hope (Coleoptera, Carabidae, Helluonini) from Oriental Region, with description of one new species from the Philippines Author Zhao, Danyang Author Tian, Mingyi text ZooKeys 2012 228 77 100 journal article 1313-2970-228-77 76973A68-EEE6-4C43-ACE8-1573BB6964C3 Macrocheilus impictus (Wiedemann, 1823) Figs 2, 10, 18, 25, 26, 38, 44 Helluo impictus Wiedemann 1823: 49. Dejean 1825 : 287; Reiche 1842 : 335; Heller 1900 : 3; Andrewes 1920 : 503; 1921 : 168; Csiki 1932 : 1574; Lorenz 2005 : 512. Type locality: India, deposited in ZMUC. Diagnosis. Length 14.5-15.0 mm, width 5.0-5.5 mm. Black. Labrum (Fig. 2) with front margin rounded and bisinuate, three pairs of setae close to margin, and front two pairs on sinuated area; mandibles slightly obtuse at apex; mentum (Fig. 10) irregularly setose in basal half, both tooth and lobes elongate and sharp at apex, tooth slightly shorter than lobes; maxillary palpomere 4 (Fig. 18) cylindrical and gradually dilated toward apex, rounded and obliquely truncate at apex. Elytra without spots. Male genitalia. Median lobe dilated on dorsal side in middle partion, sinuate on ventral side; apical lamella elongate, not sinuate near apex, rounded at apex (Figs 25-26). Female genitalia. Gonocoxite slender, five setae on dorsal surface, sharp at apex (Fig. 38). Remarks. Similar to Macrocheilus bicolor without elytral spots, distinctly differs by larger size, body black, sinuate front margin of labrum and plurisetose mental tooth. Materials examined. 1 male, labeled "Indes Orientales, Mts Kodeicanel, J. Castets 1886"; 1 male, "India, Bangalore. P.S. Nathan, 1936"; 1 male, "Punjab Baddia (Indes Angl.); G. Babault Avril 1914"; 1 male, "S. India, Medungadu, P.S. Nathan. 1936"; 3 males, "Java" , "Ex-Musaeo Chaudoir from Coll. Dejean"; 1 female, "Java" , "Ex-Musaeo Mniszech from Coll. Dejean". All deposited in MNHN. Distribution. India (East India) and Indonesia (Java).