Revision of the subfamily Onychalginae Fain, 1988 (Acariformes: Pyroglyphidae) — ectoparasites of passerine birds Author Grootaert, Patrick text Zootaxa 2014 3785 2 175 200 journal article 46063 10.11646/zootaxa.3785.2.3 1eb1eb16-7c16-487e-9dab-7a1e2f3172ab 1175-5326 252819 DE04BEE7-5AAD-4390-8F2E-146656415E77 Paramealia ovata ( Gaud and Mouchet, 1959 ) ( Figs. 17–20 ) Onychalges ovatus Gaud and Mouchet, 1959 : 176 , fig. 12 ( Analgidae ). Onychalges ovatus Gaud, 1958 : 30 , fig. 2D ( Analgidae ), nomen nudum. Paramealia ovata , Gaud 1968 : 310 , figs. 6c, 9 ( Psoroptidae ); Fain 1988 : 21 ( Pyroglyphidae ). Redescription . MALE ( holotype , Figs. 17 , 19 A–D, 20). Body, including gnathosoma and opisthosomal lobes, 300 long and 200 wide. Idiosoma . Propodonotal shield 90 long and 60 wide. Hysteronotal shield 120 long, 90 wide at level of setae d1 and 100 wide at level of setae f2 bases. Minimal distance between shields 40. Dorsal striae moderately developed. Aedeagus 10 long. Diameter of adanal suckers 14. Adanal shields 50 long, widely rounded. Lengths of setae: si 20, se 120, c2 50, cp 150, c3 130, d2 and e2 about 50, f2 60, h2 and h3 about 250, ps1 60, ps2 70, ps 3 17, 1a 50, 3 a 80, 4 a 30, 4 b 40, and g 5. Distances between setal bases: c1-c1 and d1-d1 about 70, c2-c2 150, d2-d2 and e2-e2 130 about 100, e1- e1 35, and 4b-4b 50. Distances between levels of seta bases c1-d1 35. Legs III 160 long; legs IV 120 long. Tarsi III and IV about 40 long. Lengths of solenidia and setae: ω 1 I 30, ω 1 II 15, ω3 32, φ I 65 , φ II 55 , φ III and φ IV about 50, σ 1 I 60, σ2 I 5 , σ II 6 , σ III 40 , sR III 120, kT III and kT IV about 40. FIGURE 18 . Paramealia ovata (Gaud and Mouchet, 1959) , female. A—dorsal view; B—ventral view. FIGURE 19 . Paramealia ovata (Gaud and Mouchet, 1959) , tarsi. Male (A–D): tarsi I–IV in ventral view, respectively; female (E, F): tarsi III and IV in ventral view, respectively. FEMALE (2 paratypes , Figs. 18 , 19 E, F, 20). Body, including gnathosoma, 360–380 long and 190–200 wide. Idiosoma . Propodonotal shield about 90 long and 50 wide. Dorsal striae moderately developed. Epigynum about 70 long. Lengths of setae: si 20–22, se 93–100, c2 50–53, cp 145–160, c3 50–55, d2 and e2 about 40, f 2 25–27, h2 160–170, h3 135–140, ps 1 18–20, ps 2 28–32, ps 3 16–19, 1 a 35–38, 3 a 55–60, 4 a, 4b and g about 20. Distances between setal bases (approximate): c1-c1 100, c2-c2 200, d1-d1 70, d2-d2 130, e1- e1 20, e2-e2 130, and 4b-4b 40. Distances between levels of seta bases (approximate): c1-d1 50 and e1- e2 50. Legs III and IV about 100 long. Tarsi III and IV about 30 long. Lengths of solenidia and setae: ω1 I 25–27 , ω1 II 14–15 , ω 3 27–29, φ I and φ II about 50, φ III 40 –43, φ IV about 30, σ 1 I 35–37, σ 2 I about 4, σ II 4–5 , σ III 15–16 , sR III 50 –55, kT III and kT IV 30–33 . Type material examined . Holotype male ( MRAC 188.274) and 2 female paratypes ( MRAC 188.274) from Ploceus nigricollis (Vieillot) ( Passeriformes : Ploceidae ), CAMEROON : Centre Region, no other data, coll. J. Mouchet. Hosts and distribution . This species was recorded only from Ploceus nigricollis from Cameroon ( Gaud & Mouchet 1959 ).