Decapod crustaceans from hydrothermal vents and cold seeps: a review through 2005 Author Martin, Joel W. Author Haney, Todd A. text Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society 2005 2005-12-31 145 4 445 522 journal article 10.1111/j.1096-3642.2005.00178.x 0024-4082 5434828 LEBBEUS CARINATUSDE SAINT LAURENT, 1984 Type locality : Pacific Ocean, EPR , 12°49′N , 103°56.3′W ; 2620 m . Known range : Known only from the type locality ( de Saint Laurent, 1984: 355 , de Saint Laurent, 1997, in Desbruyères & Segonzac, 1997 ). Material : type locality; BIOCYATHERM; dive 35; 12 March 1982 ; MNHN-B 5617 ( holotype female) ( de Saint Laurent, 1984 ) . Remarks : De Saint Laurent (1997, in Desbruyères & Segonzac, 1997: 197 ) noted that the species named by her in 1984 will have to be renamed, as another species of Lebbeus was named L. carinatus eight years earlier by Zarenkov (1976) . The information given here thus refers to de Saint Laurent’s species, and not to the ‘true’ L. carinatus named earlier by Zarenkov (1976) . De Saint Laurent’s species differs markedly from Zarenkov’s (1976) species of the same name (as well as from Lebbeus washingtonianus ) in lacking an epipod on the third pereopod ( T . Komai, pers. comm.). However, there are also problems with Zarenkov’s (1976) original Lebbeus carinatus description. It is based on a single damaged specimen that is ‘apparently very close, if not identical to L. washingtonianus ’ ( Hashimoto, 1997 , in Desbruyères & Segonzac, 1997 ). Fransen (1997) redescribed in detail all three species described originally by Zarenkov ( L. bidentatus , L. carinatus and L. curvirostris ) based on the original type material.