Rhinolophus Author Horsfield, Thomas text 1851 East India Company, Museum 75, Great Queen Street, London Catalogue of the Mammalia in the Museum of the East India Company 33 36 book chapter 22907 10.5281/zenodo.3759070 d829311f-276d-48ce-a0c3-6456a9146316 3759070 48. RHINOLOPHUS (HIPPOSIDEROS) MURINUS, Elliot Sp. RhinolophUs mUrinUs, Elliot , Catal. of Mammalia, Sçc. Madr. Jour , of Lit. and Science, vol. X. p . 99. Hipposideros mUrinUs , Gray , Mag. ofZool. and Bot. II. 10. Cat. Mamm. Br. Mus. p . 23. Cantor, Cat. of Mamm. & c. p. 13. Hab. SoUthern Mahratta coUntry , Elliot. Penang and Nicobar Islands, Cantor.. A . Presented by the Asiatic Society of Bengal. ††† SinU frontali sUpra prosthematis membranam transversam. A glandular sinus above thefrontal crest,