# PAAA-PoC This repository is a proof-of-concept for a versioned storage as per the Plazi Actionable Accessible Archive (PAAA) arhitecture.  The repository contains all treatments in the Plazi Root Format GG-XML that pass the TreatmentBank Gatekeeper rules for LOD data, all other formats offered by Plazi can be derived from this format. [A GitHub Workflow](.github/workflows/main.yml) exemplifies the transformation to another format. It uses xalan and rapper to transform the documents to RDF whenever they are changed or added. # Workflow: How Changes are translated to Synospecies Changed XML is uploaded to this repository (currently this is always from TreatmentBank). All XML Documents and their history is available in the [data folder](data/) in this Git Repository.\ ↓\ A webhook is sent to our server where https://github.com/plazi/gg2rdf transform all changed XML to RDF turtle. <!-- A github action in this repository is immediatley triggered, this action transforms this XML to RDF Turtle,--> to do so it uses this [XSLT](https://github.com/plazi/gg2rdf/blob/main/gg2rdf.xslt) and the [Raptor RDF Library](https://librdf.org/raptor/). [](https://gg2rdf.ld.plazi.org/status)\ ↓\ The same Github Action uploads the genrated RDF to the [treatments-rdf repository](https://github.com/plazi/treatments-rdf)\ ↓\ That repository triggers a Webhook on our server, where PSPS takes in the data and stores it in an internal triplestore. (Exposed SPARQL-Endpoint at https://treatment.ld.plazi.org/sparql )\ ↓\ PSPS then uploads all this data to lindas, which reloads itself every 24h, from where Synospecies gets its data by default # GateKeeper rules | source | destination | check | type | message | | -------------- | ----------------------------- | ---------------------- | ---------- | ----------| | SRS | LOD | (./category[./@name = 'taxonomicNames']/type[./@name = 'missingRank' and $detailId and (./@errors-blocker > 0 or ./@errors-critical > 0)]) | taxonomicNames/missingRank | Unresolved treatment taxon issues | | SRS | LOD | (./category[./@name = 'taxonomicNames']/type[./@name = 'missingAuthority' and $detailId and (./@errors-blocker > 0 or ./@errors-critical > 0)]) | taxonomicNames/missingAuthority | Unresolved treatment taxon issues | | SRS | LOD | (./category[./@name = 'taxonomicNames']/type[./@name = 'missingFamily' and $detailId and (./@errors-blocker > 0 or ./@errors-critical > 0)]) | taxonomicNames/missingFamily | Unresolved treatment taxon issues | | SRS | LOD | (./category[./@name = 'taxonomicNames']/type[./@name = 'missingOrder' and $detailId and (./@errors-blocker > 0 or ./@errors-critical > 0)]) | taxonomicNames/missingOrder | Unresolved treatment taxon issues | | SRS | LOD | (./category[./@name = 'taxonomicNames']/type[./@name = 'missingKingdom' and $detailId and (./@errors-blocker > 0 or ./@errors-critical > 0)]) | taxonomicNames/missingKingdom | Unresolved treatment taxon issues | | SRS | LOD | (./category[./@name = 'taxonomicNames']/type[./@name = 'brokenFamily' and $detailId and (./@errors-blocker > 0 or ./@errors-critical > 0)]) | taxonomicNames/brokenFamily | Unresolved treatment taxon issues | | SRS | LOD | (./category[./@name = 'taxonomicNames']/type[./@name = 'brokenOrder' and $detailId and (./@errors-blocker > 0 or ./@errors-critical > 0)]) | taxonomicNames/brokenOrder | Unresolved treatment taxon issues | | SRS | LOD | (./category[./@name = 'treatments']/type[./@name = 'missingTaxon' and $detailId and ./@errors-blocker > 0]) | treatments/missingTaxon | Unresolved treatment boundary issues | | SRS | LOD | (./category[./@name = 'treatments']/type[./@name = 'brokenBoundaries' and $detailId and (./@errors-blocker > 0 or ./@errors-critical > 0)]) | treatments/brokenBoundaries | Unresolved treatment boundary issues | | SRS | LOD | (./category[./@name = 'treatments']/type[./@name = 'brokenStructure' and $detailId and (./@errors-blocker > 0 or ./@errors-critical > 0)]) | treatments/brokenStructure | Unresolved treatment structure issues | | SRS | LOD | (./category[./@name = 'treatments']/type[./@name = 'missingStructure' and $detailId and (./@errors-blocker > 0 or ./@errors-critical > 0)]) | treatments/missingStructure | Unresolved treatment structure issues | | SRS | LOD | (./category[./@name = 'treatments']/type[./@name = 'missingNomenclature' and $detailId and (./@errors-blocker > 0 or ./@errors-critical > 0)]) | treatments/missingNomenclature | Unresolved treatment structure issues | | SRS | LOD | (./category[./@name = 'treatments']/type[./@name = 'spuriousTreatment' and $detailId and ./@errors-blocker > 0]) | treatments/spuriousTreatment | Treatment too small to be valid | | SRS | LOD | (./category[./@name = 'treatments']/type[./@name = 'mingledTreatments' and $detailId and ./@errors-blocker > 0]) | treatments/mingledTreatments | Treatment might be aggregate of multiple treatments | | SRS | LOD | (./category[./@name = 'treatments']/type[./@name = 'brokenReferenceGroup' and $detailId and (./@errors-blocker > 0 or ./@errors-critical > 0)]) | treatments/brokenReferenceGroup | Reference group cites suspicious taxon names | | // | fallback for missing error protocol: uploaded 2020-06-01 or later | | SRS | LOD | (./@checkinTime > 1590926399000) | document/missingQc | QC is required for LOD export of treatments extracted from IMF documents uploaded after 2020-05-31 | | |